Testing a Kemper Profiling Amp.

The kpa looks like good fun especially if you have access to shit loads of amps .
The one thing that no one seems to have confirmed is how is the profile dynamically ? Forget sonics does it feel like an amp ? Does it clean up realistically rolling off volume on the guitar ? How are the cleans & less over driven sounds ? What happens if you play with the profile on a very different guitar to the one used to create the patch etc etc Any insight you have into this stuff would be good to hear .

From my brief play yesterday the cleans and crunch sounds are very good. I found most of them very dry, which is good as you can add effects later to taste. So i find it easier to get a sound i want in a mix, rather than tweaking lots of settings in a wet preset.
Used a Jim Root Tele, Les Paul and 7 string Universe and they all sounded great on most settings. You can add different profiles for each guitar, so you dont have to tweak when you swap axe :)
I can imagine this being a bit of a help auditioning amps if you have a nice collection. Profile your amps thn when it comes time to reamp, flip through quickly to see what fits best then chase the finessed tone down with the real deal and a mic.

It'd pretty much be awesome for guide tracks and temporary tone monitoring while tracking DIs. If the player can get the final bit of 'feel' from the real rig, and I can get the perspective on what amp might work on the project from the outset, then awesome. Gladly ditch 8505 in favor of that.
If the player can get the final bit of 'feel' from the real rig, and I can get the perspective on what amp might work on the project from the outset, then awesome. Gladly ditch 8505 in favor of that.
