Thanx on behalf of Circus M, Manticora, Outworld

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
On behalf of CIRCUS MAXIMUS and MANTICORA I’d like to thank Glenn for inviting the bands over – all the way from Europe (Denmark & Norway respectively). I’ve talked to both bands afterwards, and they both told me that they’ve had the time of their lives.

They loved being in Atlanta, and both told me that when they hit the stage, that moment was the biggest thing in their entire career. It doesn’t get any better than that.

As the manager of those two, as well as OUTWORLD (thanks to Shane for inviting them to the Pre-Party!!!), I can honestly say that I’ve never been more proud in my life. It was a thrill to see 3 of my bands (my children, if you will :D ) kick some serious ass, and enjoying themselves so much.

I was even happier to see the way the audience received their music, how a lot of fans came up to them afterwards and congratulated them on their shows, and how incredible Glenn, Shane and their crew took care of the bands.

This festival is amazing – and we all had a fantastic time over there – something I’ll personally never forget, and that I’m 100% sure CIRCUS MAXIMUS, MANTICORA and OUTWORLD will always treasure.

Thanks – ‘till next year!!!

Claus Jensen
Managing director
Intromental Management
THE INTROMENTAL US TOUR! Just send all of them around America. It'd be perfect!

Thanks once again, Claus, for everything you did for my brother. It seems small, but the simple fact that you guys were here is a dream come true. Such a satisfying feeling when it was all said and done.

Come on by Detroit Rock City. I'll treat you boys well.
It was our pleasure to have you guys come over this year, even though I missed Manticora's performance (which I am very pissed off about). I totally second the Intrometal US Tour, please. I need my fix on Manticora I would pay $50 to see this concert yeah thats right the same price as one night of PP, that is how much I love these bands.
Thanks Claus for this post! Outworld is absolutley thankful to Glenn and Shane for allowing us to play. We also thank Kelly Joe who was a roadie for Shane, he was a HUGE help to Outworld setting up and breaking down the equipment. Can't wait til next year whether we play or not!!

I can't re-state enough what my brother has already said.

Claus, (and Glenn), thank you for giving me the opportunity to thank the guys in Manticora in person for the support they showed me during a very bleak time in my life. The ONLY good thing that came of my getting cancer, was getting to meet Manticora at PP. And I would have thanked you too, but I didn't realize who you were at the show (I just watched the DVD with my brother and he pointed you out to me). Wish I would have known so I could have thanked you in person too!

You will have a die-hard fan for life in me. And if there's anything, ANYTHING at all I can ever do for you or Manticora, please don't hesitate to ask!! You guys were amazing, and I'm so thankful I was able to attend the show in good health. I'd trade away the experience of getting cancer in a heartbeat... but not if I'd lose the experience of meeting Manticora!

Thanks for managing kick ass bands Claus!!!I am totally glad to be able to see them perform and do you some serious justice!! I am still reeling over the perfection that was Circus Maximus, man I want to see them again!!!!

Dear Claus,
I happened to know Intromental in 2000 or 2001 and since then have been a fan of Manticora. so i was really excited when Glenn announced them as one of the first comfirmed bands early this year, thinking "ok, i MUST start saving and arrange my holidays so that i won't fail this year"! i also exchanged several emails with your former webmaster Erik back then, he used to tell me how much you were contributing yourself day (in this case weekends) and night to promote the bands you love, having the full time job. listening to most of the bands you are managing, reading your reviews on the site, i came to the conclusion.. "your choice can't be wrong.. at least with me!"
This was the second time for me to fly accross the pacific ocean to attend this festival, but the first time to cue up for the autograph session! see my happy (dorky) face, their performances were beyond my expectation!

you and Glenn are the two persons i admire in this metal world. thank you for the wonderful time and i look forward to seeing/hearing what you have to offer in the future too!
Thanks to all for their comments – it’s really appreciated :wave:

General Zod: I hope we’ll be able to bring back Circus Maximus to USA after the next album. Hopefully the interest will be there once the second disc gets out.

Freakchylde: thanks for driving us around and listening to our stupid jokes in the car. Lars is still embarrassed for calling you “man” on the phone :D

MetalRose: sorry to hear that you are exposing your son to Circus Maximus. The youth of our day deserves better than to listen to Norwegian heavy metal, hahaha – j/k

Dolomite/RiderOfTheli/DemonXeno: I’d like more Intromental bands to tour the US – it’s all about getting the booking agents interested. It’s tough to get such stuff to happen … but yeah, sooner or later it will!!!

Krusty: hey bro, it was so nice to see you again! As I said, even though Antithesis aren’t on Intromental anylonger, you’ll always remain a close friend of ours!!!

Bryan316/Regor: thanks for your big support in Manticora, and thanks also for all the superb pictures you gave to Lars on the CD’s. We’ll add them to the mtc-site in a few days. And, Roger, it was our pleasure to be able to make you feel “back to normal” for at least the 45 minutes concert … rock on! :headbang:

Bear: I’m the one happy to be managing those kick ass bands – it’s always nice to see you guys like ‘em so much.

Mosquito: yup, LV would be great – especially since that would bring back Andreas on stage for 3rd time in a row haha. And yeah, the emergency help came at the right time. My mom says “hi” by the way :Spin:

Junnie: wow, thanks so much for the compliments. I’m thrilled to see such a devotion to our bands. I remember that you and Erik used to be in touch some years ago, but I wasn’t sure you’d remember, which is why I didn’t ask you, haha. Yes, Intromental takes all my time (even on weekends, haha), but it’s worth each and every second of it, as the bands give me so much pleasure and fullfillment. I hope you’ll continue your support.

Thanks again all, and send Glenn your list of Intromental bands you’d like to perform next year, hehe.

Claus / Intromental said:
Junnie: wow, thanks so much for the compliments. I’m thrilled to see such a devotion to our bands. I remember that you and Erik used to be in touch some years ago, but I wasn’t sure you’d remember, which is why I didn’t ask you, haha. Yes, Intromental takes all my time (even on weekends, haha), but it’s worth each and every second of it, as the bands give me so much pleasure and fullfillment. I hope you’ll continue your support.

Really? i never expected you would remember me,(i asked Erik to hand you and your bands little something from Japan when i had a stopover in Copenhagen some years ago's new year holiday) i should have looked for you! i hope i can introduce myself in person in near future! and of course i'll continue my support :headbang:

i really like to see Lanfear live for next PP. Also i had a chance to see Eyefear (both has fear :p ) and blown away by Danny's vocal. maybe good for pre-party, if they can travel to the US? i like Fairlyland too since when they had a different name. these are my requests :)
Claus / Intromental said:
MetalRose: sorry to hear that you are exposing your son to Circus Maximus. The youth of our day deserves better than to listen to Norwegian heavy metal, hahaha – j/k

Oh good point. I will promptly destroy said CD and pick up the latest Top 40 for him... Including American Idol, god, what the fuck is her name again?
