The next two are....

In my opinion, this years lineup is definitely better than last year's (whose lineup I consider the worst thus far - Savatage and PoS were the only bands that I liked). I heard several Pink Cream 69 songs years ago and they were both very good. Also, Manitcora, Circus Maximus, and Pink Cream 69 interest me more than Stratovarius and a lot more than Therion. However, I will wait until the other headliners and the American band are announced before I decide whether to go. If the other headliners are bands like Demons & Wizards, Running Wild, and/or Rhapsody, there is a very good chance that I will go. If the American band is Watchtower, then I will definitely go no matter what.
PhantomLord said:
Wow, THAT was necessary.

I guess since I haven't different tastes in music than some people here, that qualifies me as a moron.

Sorry, I'm just not excited about a single band on this lineup. Three of my friends who were planning on going are no longer planning on it, regardless of who else is announced (which I think is stupid... I'm waiting for all 10 before I decide). Oh well, there's always PPVII.

Your music taste is far from what qualifies you as a moron, it's the decisions you make in life that does.
I'm in the middle. Stratovarius is huge on my favorite band list, and I'm really digging Therion's latest release. The other bands don't excite me as much right now (though that could change between now and then)

I think it was just Glenn saying that this had the potential to beat PP3 in it's lineup, and right now it's going to take some KILLER bands to make that happen. And with there being a #1 and #2, I just don't see it having the same wow as a band like Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Edguy, or Angra.

I'm not disappointed in the lineup thus far, as I like discovering new bands. It's just when I heard the lineup to PP3, you just knew they were huge huge bands playing. The lineup so far has some killer ones, but nothing to the magnitude of 3. Hopefully the last four deliver!

I just think if someone posts something that they aren't excited about the bands so far, we shouldn't jump on their back. Music has many different views, and I'm not going to blindly be like "I LOVE YOU GLENN" when there's a band I've never heard of.

I think it's turning into a nice diverse and good lineup this year, but it's nowhere near as compelling as the PP3 lineup (as of 2/14).
I think I'll wait until either all the bands are announced before I start buying CDs, but I'll most likely be there. It will be my first Prog Power....and probably last for a while. I love Stratovarius, and Circus Maximus, Manticora, Therion, and Orphaned Land sound promising. I was just kind of let down a bit by the fact that I was hoping for the killer band for me in the #3 slot I'm kind of back to reality now after having my hopes brought up about Arcturus.
Don't worry Barking Pumpkin, you can still keep your hopes up about an Arjen band, right? That's what I'm pulling for now.
...that was the other thing I wasn't even hoping for because I thought it was impossible......but lots of people are mentioning it. And there's still no one from Inside Out Music. Yeah.....that's beyond words how great some kind of Ayreon/Arjen incarnation would be.
Arjen's got that poll on his site asking how people would like to see a live performance...or at least he did when I checked a week or two ago.

You're probably right though, it would be terrible to get hopes up for that because it does seem pretty improbable.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I think I'll wait until either all the bands are announced before I start buying CDs, but I'll most likely be there. It will be my first Prog Power....and probably last for a while. I love Stratovarius, and Circus Maximus, Manticora, Therion, and Orphaned Land sound promising. I was just kind of let down a bit by the fact that I was hoping for the killer band for me in the #3 slot I'm kind of back to reality now after having my hopes brought up about Arcturus.

just curious, what made you get your hopes up so high for Arcturus? I checked out metal archives and it says they're black metal...
Their first album was very symphonic black metal, a lot of clean vocals. After that, La Masquerade Infernale is one of my favorite overall albums. It basically sounds like the music for some evil masquerade ball. Very theatrical, and with the versatile vocals of Kristoffer "Garm" Rygg. Then The Sham Mirrors is more modern sounding, but still with the "Arcturus" feel. I would call them avant-garde probably. Actually, Oyvind Haegland (Spiral Architect) did live vocals after Garm left. Now he's left and they have Vortex, who did some guest vocals on La Masquerade Infernale.

It just seemed like it would work, since they've actually started touring since Garm left, and they have a new album scheduled for August. I would recommend checking them out.

I was basically just hoping for more bands I knew, since Stratovarius was the only one so far. Actually, that's Garm in my Avatar.
Yngvai X said:
just curious, what made you get your hopes up so high for Arcturus? I checked out metal archives and it says they're black metal...

the band was originally comprised (and still is, for the most part) of entirely black metal musicians, and the first Arcturus album certainly was black metal, but the other two albums they've done are not. they are often extreme, but they sound like absolutely nothing I've ever heard, and have a lot of cleaner vocals. They are a progressive metal band in the "pushes the boundaries and truly sounds DIFFERENT" sense of the term "progressive metal", as opposed to the "directly descended from Dream Theater, Fates Warning, and Queensryche" sense of the term, which seems to be the more common definition. I think they would be an amazing choice for an oddball band some year.

Ah. That says it much better.....I guess I listen to a wider variety of those kinds of prog bands than the "standard" prog, although I love several of those kinds of prog bands, I just don't know a huge variety of bands in any one genre.
Barking Pumpkin said:
they have Vortex, who did some guest vocals on La Masquerade Infernale.

Is Vortex a stage name for the guest vocalist that sang "The Chaos Path" (I think the name credited was Simen Hestaes)? because if so, that's probably the best news i've heard in a long time...

I hate therion, and i don't much like the orphaned land clip, manticora has some promise, circus maxius could be good, im not a huge fan of stratovarius but it would be cool seeing them...but pink cream 69 pretty much makes up for everything else being kind of blah for me. Now we need some Masterplan, demons and wizards, and sonata arctica....

I'm going to have to really be impressed with the rest of the line up for this to be considered one of the best prog-powers yet though
My comment on #1 and #2 meant the first two bands playing on Saturday. So the comment was more saying "With a first and second slot for the day spot still open, I don't think"...etc. :)
Se7enChurches said:
Is Vortex a stage name for the guest vocalist that sang "The Chaos Path" (I think the name credited was Simen Hestaes)? because if so, that's probably the best news i've heard in a long time...


Yeah, that's him. I just refer to him as Vortex, since that's what I think most people know him as, aka the under used secondary Dimmu vocalist. Much better used in Arcturus.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Yeah, that's him. I just refer to him as Vortex, since that's what I think most people know him as, aka the under used secondary Dimmu vocalist. Much better used in Arcturus.

Awesome. Spiral Architect's vocalist is cool and all, but that's just plain awesome.

Ya know.... I see alot of bitchin about this not measuring up to PP3.... Personally, I think the lineup kicks ass so far.... And there are still 4 bands to be announced!!!! I'm not a big fan of any of the bands mentioned so far with the exception of Manticora & Orphaned Land but even I can see the the quality Glenn has acquired.... If ya dont like the lineup.... Fine.... But where else are you gonna see a metal festival of this caliber in the states!?!?!?

Glenn.... My sincere thanx dude.... Not only do you bring over bands we might not get to see otherwise but the whole fest is run with class and is a blast!!!! Rock the fuck on!!!! :headbang: :worship: :headbang:

In a much earlier post you had mentioned a list of teasers for the line up. One of the slots you said you had lined up and you were F'n stoked. Have you announced that band yet? And if so, which one is it?