The official "have you ever heard of" thread!


Sep 19, 2004
There's a band from Hungary called Demonlord, and I was wondering if anyone else had heard of them.
I discovered them years ago on the old (when they had cool undiscovered stuff). The singing leaves a bit to be desired (not terrible), but better production would take care of some of their problems.
Great, heavy, and outlandishly catchy riffs that will stay with you. They don't sound like Edguy, but their ability to write music that 'hooks' you and makes you want to listen again.

And who have ya'll discovered?
Speaking of Hungary... There is a band called Cross Borns. They have an epic two-CD retelling of Lord of the Rings that is simply amazing. Big orchestral arrangements, multiple vocalists - the works. I highly recommend the Hungarian version of it. They do have it in English, as well, but everything is better on the Hungarian one.

Red Stream used to have it. It is out of stock, unfortunately.
I recently discovered To-Mera, whose vocalist, Julie Kiss previously fronted Without Face - another Hungarian band. :Spin: "The songs are worked almost literally around Julie's lyrics, adding flesh to the emotive, dark and esoteric bones. The mesmeric descriptive themes allow the listener a very personal look into a deeply multifarious mindset. The music as a result is a complex, heavy and at times heartfelt hybrid of powerful progressive metal, beguiling acoustic passages, enchanting keyboard soundscapes and unmistakable female vocals." Give them a listen at

Also just heard Frantic Bleep and I'm loving them. I'm at a loss as to how to describe their music. :headbang:

Any other fans of these two bands?

This one is old, but I just happen to pull it back out this week. I saw them live back in college...guess around 92-93...They opened up for overkill. The show was wicked maraya, non fiction, and overkill..What a show..but anyway....if you can ever get your hands on Wicked Maraya's Cycles disc...its worth it. Now granted it does sound 13 years old but the guy there can flat out sing and the music is really basic but a good basic....

Also, non fiction is good too....features members of Hades......In the Know is their best in my opinon.

Two goodies for people to search for.
FataMorgana said:
I recently discovered To-Mera, whose vocalist, Julie Kiss previously fronted Without Face - another Hungarian band. :Spin: "The songs are worked almost literally around Julie's lyrics, adding flesh to the emotive, dark and esoteric bones. The mesmeric descriptive themes allow the listener a very personal look into a deeply multifarious mindset. The music as a result is a complex, heavy and at times heartfelt hybrid of powerful progressive metal, beguiling acoustic passages, enchanting keyboard soundscapes and unmistakable female vocals." Give them a listen at

Also just heard Frantic Bleep and I'm loving them. I'm at a loss as to how to describe their music. :headbang:

Any other fans of these two bands?


Yep. To-Mera's bassist is Lee Barrett, who used to run Candlelight Records and now is head of Elitist Records (check their forum for Lee B)

Frantic Bleep is really cool stuff too, origianlly a side project from the bassist of Madder Mortem
BenMech said:
Yep. To-Mera's bassist is Lee Barrett, who used to run Candlelight Records and now is head of Elitist Records (check their forum for Lee B)

Frantic Bleep is really cool stuff too, origianlly a side project from the bassist of Madder Mortem

I lurk on the Earache and Elitist forums and wondered if that was the same Lee B.

Wounded Land said:
Great band. I love "Angelo Salutante." I heard rumors that they would be releasing a second disc...any truth to that?

NP: Redemption "The Fullness of Time"
They are working on a second disc. no release yet
A band that I have always really been into was Obsession...anyone ever heard of them? They were supposed to do a reunion thing but I guess it all fell through or something. The drummer, Jay Mezias, did the first interview on my fiancee and my website. The bands album, Scarred for LIfe, is one of my all time fav. albums by anyone! Here is a link to the bands website, but it hasn't been updated since 2004...haha!
zimbee said:
Speaking of Hungary... There is a band called Cross Borns. They have an epic two-CD retelling of Lord of the Rings

I'm glad to have you here!!! Back at the time I was mining for new ideas, I actually found the Cross Borns first!! I only have 1 of their songs now from that album (at one time I had 3... 2 were named after elements?? like "wind" and "earth"??)
Their singing left something to be desired, I"m not into the more guttural 'singing', but they were **good** and are the band that led me to search through other Hungarian bands!

Ever heard of Falanx?? Probably better than Cross Borns, but I know even less about them.
MetalFury said:
A band that I have always really been into was Obsession...anyone ever heard of them? They were supposed to do a reunion thing but I guess it all fell through or something. The drummer, Jay Mezias, did the first interview on my fiancee and my website. The bands album, Scarred for LIfe, is one of my all time fav. albums by anyone! Here is a link to the bands website, but it hasn't been updated since 2004...haha!

Another Obsession fan, yesssssssssssssss!!! I love 'em, METHODS OF MADNESS just kills, I hope they get that reunion thing going. Joe Stump
was supposed to be in the lineup, right? I'd be happy with those original
guitarists, great tandem players...
Okay, here is another one. The near and dear to me Waylander from Ireland. They've been around for a number of years. Some trials and tribulations over the last few years but things are finally back on track. A wonderful Irish folk metal band.

A few days ago the guys posted a new song on their brand new MySpace page.

And only yesterday I posted Waylander's version of the classic King of the Fairies on their official unofficial page I happen to maintain.

jonrpatrick said:
I'm glad to have you here!!! Back at the time I was mining for new ideas, I actually found the Cross Borns first!! I only have 1 of their songs now from that album (at one time I had 3... 2 were named after elements?? like "wind" and "earth"??)
Their singing left something to be desired, I"m not into the more guttural 'singing', but they were **good** and are the band that led me to search through other Hungarian bands!
Hmmm... These don't ring a bell. After I posted about them I got their 2003 release Dreamland from Red Stream. Once again they are doing the Hungarian/English version of things. Received it last night. Haven't listened to it yet, but I have it with me at work. As you said, the singing does leave something to be desired. However, this is more applicable to the English versions of their songs. The whole language barrier may have something to do with it. They are much, much better sounding on the Hungarian versions.

jonrpatrick said:
Ever heard of Falanx?? Probably better than Cross Borns, but I know even less about them.
Nope. But I'll try to look 'em up or at least mention them to someone who is very good at tracking bands and CD's down. Thanks for the tip! :D