The ProgPower Flu XIII - who has it?


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
I think I do, for the first time in a few years.

I developed a pretty bad sniffle on Sunday evening after getting home (not related to the Lions' loss), and now I have a ton of congestion and some sneezing fits. No surprise, considering how many people were crammed into the Artmore courtyard Saturday night. Vitamins and hydration can only help so much. Sleep deprivation and cigarette smoke are a bitch. :yuk:
I've developed a new routine to prepare in advance since getting a bad case of it one year. I start about two weeks before with vitamins and Echinacea. Then, three day before the fest, I start taking zinc lozenges, like Cold-Eze, three times a day and continue throughout the fest.

Seems to work. Now the fatigue factor I have no cure for. I'm still exhausted and my sleep pattern is shot to shit. Takes a good four days to recover.
My lady friend had it on Sunday. I started to cough a bit last night, but nothing major. Maybe a stuffy nose all weekend? My butt had quality time with the toilet too... nothing major yeah.
Escaped it this year! I'm a little lightheaded from exhaustion this morning, but that's it. (although I'm convinced my illness last year was not PP Crud, it was due to earplugs that weren't wholly sanitary.)
It started bubbling up for me during my drive home yesterday, but I don't really mind it - just an excuse to lay around as much as possible this week.
I'm not sick, but...

- My body aches to no end from all the physical labor and moving of stuff. (not complaining though; I loved every minute of it :))
- My throat/lungs are feeling the effects of all the de-stress smoking and the stale air inside the backstage area and the lack of outside fresh air.
- My brain is so fried from thinking so much about keyboards and MIDI, that I haven't touched my own keyboards since I got home :p
- I lost my voice. This is partially attributed to the smoking, but also to the having to yell to be heard during bands' sets.
- I haven't been able to eat the same since I returned home, from the barely having time to eat at the festival.

That's about it for the exhaustion factor. Like I said, I'm not actually sick, but just incredibly tired. But it's the most gratifying and satisfying feeling I've had in a long time. :)
Next year, I'm spending the 6 months before the festival working out and getting more physically fit. :D

Glenn and I are both sick as dogs.

I definitely hope you guys feel better soon!! I know you two worked damn hard, I'm sure way harder than I could have fathomed, physical labor or not.
Get your well-deserved rest.
I'm lucky, I felt a little shitty yesterday, and a little shitty on sunday, but I feel a lot better today, just still dry from lack of hydration. Like AMBR I've got a regimine going. 2 weeks before the festival, I start taking 500mg of vitamin C suppliments, and one or 2 airbone pills a day. During the fest, I make sure to drink as much water as I think of, don't spend all night in the venue, shower twice a day, wash my hands at least every 2-3 hours while in the venue, and continue taking 4-5 airborne a day. This year I added a few workouts too.

Did all of this help? I don't know, but I do know I haven't been sick, thankfully, in years, despite getting pretty ripped three out of the 5 nights while being there and sleeping for about 14 hours the entire weekend.
Julien and I are coughing up a storm. He started running a fever on Saturday, so he's been downing meds since then. I started on them yesterday since my throat swelled up yesterday morning. Been downing tea, meds, and sleeping since we got home. Doesn't help me that the monsoons have moved in, which is giving me a headache from hell, that no migraine medication will subdue. Voice is gone, but not from yelling backstage, mostly from the smoke and going from warm air to frozen air repeatedly.
Quit smoking and do P90X with me and Matty. We're going to be #models next year.

Cheap plug: also make sure to drink your Shakeology, and jump over to Insanity / Asylum upon completion......

(I work for Beachbody! Getting some publicity in here!!!)