The truth about Dragonforce

Promotion. The masses don't want to work to find new music. They take what is thrust upon them and embrace it - good or bad.

VERY sad, but VERY true.

If any one of us metalheads wins the big lottery, we need to open a major (metal) radio station in a major market so that people could at least have an option to all the BS out there. I can imagine a lot of people getting turned on to what we listen to (creative, melodic, well-executed musicianship and songwriting that stands apart from anything else on radio). I can't imagine the uninformed not taking at least a mild liking to bands like Vanden Plas, Nigthwish, Epica, Circle II Circle, Jorn, Evergrey, Kamelot, Angra, Symphony X, Silent Force, After Forever, etc., etc.,

Good ratings would lead to an attractive option for commercial advertising. Once other radio stations see a metal radio station get significant advertisting dollars, they will want a piece of the pie and perhaps think about altering their format to something a bit more creative, heavy, and melodic.

Alas, I'm preaching to the choir again.
I agree, there are so many amazing "easy listening" metal bands out there that really deserve the exposure. Bands like Dragonforce that bring nothing original to the table should be exactly where they are, being special guests on a crappy metalcore tour. I do, however, have respect for the a band that plays that well. I'm just not a fan.

Yes, I don't think the average music fan has the drive to search for other bands. They hear what's on the radio or what their friends say and soak it up.

But many people who ARE intense music fans are just as 1337 as most metalheads. They strive to find the more underground/obscure bands because sometimes that can be the most brilliant.
I agree, there are so many amazing "easy listening" metal bands out there that really deserve the exposure. Bands like Dragonforce that bring nothing original to the table should be exactly where they are, being special guests on a crappy metalcore tour. I do, however, have respect for the a band that plays that well. I'm just not a fan.

Yes, I don't think the average music fan has the drive to search for other bands. They hear what's on the radio or what their friends say and soak it up.

But many people who ARE intense music fans are just as 1337 as most metalheads. They strive to find the more underground/obscure bands because sometimes that can be the most brilliant.

Just so I have this straight. You respect them because they play so well, but their "shitty ass tone doesn't make them worthy." Nor do you find it spectacular, and you think they're right where they belong opening for a crappy metalcore tour.
You also acknowledge that they play at blazing fast speed, but all you can hear is drums and vocals.
Not that I care, but I'm trying to see through your clear as mud point.

I though Glenn didn't allow posts opened specifically to trash bands.
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All I have to say is that I've seen their live show 3 times and everytime it was dissapointing. If you play this kind of music so highly valued for virtuosity on your instrument you should be able to recreate this in a live setting and they certainly did not. They also use the same formula for all of their songs with the same vocal melodies beaten to death as well as the words "away" and "day" being rhymed in over 75% of their lyrics.

So they can be nice to listen to sometimes but there are many power metal bands that surpass them greatly in every way.
All i'm going to say about Dragonforce is yes they are very good musicians and I'm not going take that away from them and are talented.

I use to like Dragonforce's 1st 2 albums but the latest album is a turn off for me. Now that I listen to the 1st 2 albums more and now I cannot even enjoy those albums anymore.

To me the music doesn't have many emotions as much as I originally though. To me it sounds more and more like a video game. Video Game music isn't bad at all but in Dragonforce's case it's not really doing much for me. Warmen's solo project (which is much like a video game music) is much more entertaining and emotional. oh well different people, different taste's. =p
Just so I have this straight. You respect them because they play so well, but their "shitty ass tone doesn't make them worthy." Nor do you find it spectacular, and you think they're right where they belong opening for a crappy metalcore tour.
You also acknowledge that they play at blazing fast speed, but all you can hear is drums and vocals.
Not that I care, but I'm trying to see through your clear as mud point.

I though Glenn didn't allow posts opened specifically to trash bands.

I respect them and acknowledge they are good musicians. I don't enjoy the music because it's not to my liking. Just because all I hear on the recordings are drum and vocals doesn't mean I can't LISTEN to the guitar.

Who said this was bashing? All I see is both sides of the line and that's what I wanted, both opinions. Maybe the couple songs that I've seen videos for don't do them justice. Maybe I haven't heard enough, I wanted opinions and I got them. That is all. :ill:
Dragonforce guitar solos actually have a lot of thought behind them. Sure, they are fast... but they also play very melodic. Every note is well thought out. They are not showing off how fast they can play a scale -- they are just damn good players and can also play ridiculously fast. You can tell if a guitarist actually knows music or not. Dragonforce do and they show off all their talent in their songs and songwriting; it is not limitted to how fast they can play. If Dragonforce were a one trick pony that just played scales ridiculously fast, trust me, they would not be as succesful as they are. They are succesful because they are talented and were noticed for it.

Not to pick on any bands, but I'd like to use Outworld and Pyramaze as examples. They are talented players that can shred and write some great songs but a deeper understanding of music is missing. If you play guitar or an instrument, you can tell that they're not as versed in the instrument as a band like Dragonforce is -- despite them being technical players. I chose those bands as examples, not to knock them, because they are real good. I'm just explaining why they are not at the level a Sonata Arctica, Symphony X or Dragonforce is. And calling the people that prefer those bands idiot masses is silly.

When you're trained in music theory and know what the hell you are doing, you can really make your instrument sing and have a unique personality. Dragonforce have that in spades. Maybe they just play so fast, you don't notice -- and the speed is all you pay attention to. Perhaps if they slowed it down a touch you would see what I mean.

This is why power metal bands like Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, Sonata Arctica and Dragonforce are popular. They are talented and know what the hell they are doing. Some bands out there have passion and get lucky coming up with a good lick here and there while jamming, but you need to be a real musician to compose something truly great. This is why a band like the White Stripes or Marcy Playground was a panflash and a band like Sonata Arctica or Dragonforce are going to continue at a level of mild popularity.

So if you feel Dragonforce is lame and don't like the music, thats your opinion. I'm just trying to explain why I feel they are good and hope you see my point of view, without dissecting every note and explaining the significance behind it.

The Michael
I fail to see how everybody says DragonForce is Music for the Masses. Since when did playing as fast as you can, having singalong melodies, high wailing vocals become fashionable? Last I remembered, the popular thing in "metal" was still to play 3 chords and sing 3 notes in a very "eddie vedder in a cave" tone. I personally enjoy the band and their live shows are fun as hell. I don't know how they blew up as much as they did either, but I don't think somebody said "hey we're going to force this music down the throats of all these kids in the USA and make DF the next big thing". If they release 20 more albums that sound exactly the same, I won't like them less. If I wanted to hear something different, I can listen to a different band. DragonForce, to me, is not one of those bands that needs to redefine themself on every album in the name of musical maturity. And if tomorrow they decided to go pop and I no longer enjoyed their stuff, I could simply say "damn" and stop listening to it. I don't see why everybody has to get so worked up over the band not progressing or getting more popular than the bands we would want to see popular. Take them for what they are, enjoy it or don't enjoy it.
I will take Stratovarius and Helloween over them anyday because without those two bands there would be no Dragonforce. Its just everyone jumping on the bandwagon especially here in the U.S. and the fad will pass. Granted, they have decent songs but its just a hyper Helloween meets Strato.

how great is this answer Timo gave Metal Asylum about them.

14. I am curious…..what do think of this Dragonforce phenomenon because honestly Stratovarius should be getting the kind of attention they are? They obviously have become successful by ripping off many elements that Stratovarius have been doing for many years.
TIMO: Who ?

you can read the rest here
When I first heard dragonforce I thought they were awesome, then I saw them live...and I steadily began losing interest. I dunno, I guess I just got bored. Talented enough to be drunk and play at high speeds, but I've seen better shows from plenty of other bands.
I will take Stratovarius and Helloween over them anyday because without those two bands there would be no Dragonforce. Its just everyone jumping on the bandwagon especially here in the U.S. and the fad will pass. Granted, they have decent songs but its just a hyper Helloween meets Strato.

how great is this answer Timo gave Metal Asylum about them.

14. I am curious…..what do think of this Dragonforce phenomenon because honestly Stratovarius should be getting the kind of attention they are? They obviously have become successful by ripping off many elements that Stratovarius have been doing for many years.
TIMO: Who ?

you can read the rest here

Goes to show that most american kids want fast and heavy kind of music. Strat although good may not fit their bill right away.

Also, I forget who mentioned it, but I do have all the DF albums and most of the Strat albums, and if I shuffled them all at the same time I could tell thedifference between the 2, but not the difference between each band's albums. Strat doesn't bring any more to the table than DF.

Also, just becuase strat has been around for years doesnt mean they SHOULD be popular just because. There's tons of bands that are good that aren't mainstream. I'm sure if Strat or Rage or any other fan favs here became mainstream and shirts were flying off the Hot Topic shelves lots of people would be just as quick to label them sellouts as well like they did DF.

Everyone should just be happy that DF is doing well and should open the doors for other people to check out bands from the PP genres. After all, look what Slipknot did for metal a few years back. They made it so the heavy was cool w/ the younger crowd instead of flocking to the Creed sound. Like em or not, they opened doors, and that's why harder edged magazines (Metal Maniacs included) covered them and praised them for it. Kids who listened to Slipknot found their way to Slayer and others. Now Slayer shirts are no longer uncommon in my town for young folks.
I respect them and acknowledge they are good musicians. I don't enjoy the music because it's not to my liking. Just because all I hear on the recordings are drum and vocals doesn't mean I can't LISTEN to the guitar.

Who said this was bashing? All I see is both sides of the line and that's what I wanted, both opinions. Maybe the couple songs that I've seen videos for don't do them justice. Maybe I haven't heard enough, I wanted opinions and I got them. That is all. :ill:

Would Like to see what you say about bands you don't respect.

And why take Helloween or Stratovarious over Dragonforce, smithers? Why you can't take all three? Maybe if not for Helloween there would be no Sonata Arctica or Edguy or Gamma Ray either. Do you say these bands no good either because they too 'ripping off' Stratovarious?

The metalprof right. If Stratovarious gets big people will shun them because they will be mainstream, and tr00 l33t metal people can't be liking mainstream. What a joke. Same reason they bad mouth Ozzy Osbourne when the man did so much for metal in the past. When preachers burn his album he coolest. When he do a TV show he is a mainstream whore.
It is like people think heavy metal musicians should work 2 jobs make albums they make no money from and starve to please 200 fans and no one esle. Fuck that! If you have never starved, let me tell you... is no fun.
Hey NAILZ why not just pay attention to what people write instead of worrying about how many !!!!!!!!! I put in my posts

Maybe because it makes you sound like an idiot, thus devaluating any opinion you express in your grammarless eyesores you call posts. Learn how to articulate clearly and people will take your opinion much more seriously.