Thoughts on new Scorpions album?


Jan 11, 2006
What do people think?

I'm mixed. Some songs are great. Some songs are okay. But nothing on there hits me in the way that the band has in the past. Relistens may change that. The band has certainly 'modernized' a lot of their sound, and for some I'm sure that's a positive thing. I'm unsure how I feel about it. But at least the grand daddies of powermetal are still putting out thoughtful music.

Scorpions for PP X.
I really like the new album. Granted I don't own it (yet), but a friend has been playing it for me quite a bit. It's on my list of items I need to purchase because what I've heard thus far I've liked a lot. When I first heard it, I thought, "Wow, I'm glad to hear that one of the first metal bands I got into is still making and recording quality music."
Cheiron - Since my listening to the album has been limited, I'd be interested to know which songs you think are the "great" ones on the new album and which ones you think are just "okay."
321, You're Loving Me To Death, Your Last Song, Cross, and Humanity are my favorite songs on the album. I'll have to listen to it more to tell you which ones I like least.

The opening track is a toughy to munch on. I guess its a song of what I'd expect the Scorpions to sound like if this was their entry into pop metal all over again, as it basically defines 2007 pop-metal.
Well, this time the Scorpions didn't do much songwriting. Most of the songwriting was handled by Desmond Child with collaboration from the Scorpions.

Personally, I like the album, although a couple of ballads should have been replaced with some rockers. That being said, the ballads are the best the Scorpions have ever done. But the rockers are mediocre to poor.
I can't stop playing it! I would be honest if I didn't like it, just because I'm an uber-fan doesn't mean I like everything they've done. But with this release, WOW from start to finish it just hooked me in. At first listen 321 was totally poppy and I was on the fence but the more I does rock. I think this is their best release since Crazy World. Yeah, I too wanted that classic heavy riffage, sex, party, crazy album but I think this release will bring in a whole new generation of fans and maybe recapture some of the lost older fans. Now if it will just get some airplay!!!!

9 days till my :worship: Scorpions weekend!!!:headbang:
I can't stop playing it! I would be honest if I didn't like it, just because I'm an uber-fan doesn't mean I like everything they've done. But with this release, WOW from start to finish it just hooked me in. At first listen 321 was totally poppy and I was on the fence but the more I does rock. I think this is their best release since Crazy World. Yeah, I too wanted that classic heavy riffage, sex, party, crazy album but I think this release will bring in a whole new generation of fans and maybe recapture some of the lost older fans. Now if it will just get some airplay!!!!

9 days till my :worship: Scorpions weekend!!!:headbang:

I agree, I love it but I've been a huge fan since '79 so I
can hardly be unbiased :)

There are too many ballads on it, they should just
release a Scorpions ballad album and put the pure
rock on another CD; great ballads though! It takes
about four good listens to really get into. Bonus track
"Cold" is a nice addition. Looking forward to seeing them
live on this tour...
Personally, I like the album, although a couple of ballads should have been replaced with some rockers. That being said, the ballads are the best the Scorpions have ever done.

Blasphemy!!! And wrong. "Still Loving You"? "Always Somewhere"? "Holiday"?

I actually think the ballads are the weak point of the album. I was concerned with the heavy Desmond Child involvement, but I think they've made a pretty nifty album....their best since Savage Amusement, IMO.
Just purchased at Best Buy for $8... reminds me of the new Rush album: nice sounds, decent mix, but fairly unremarkable. Easy to listen to as background music, but doesn't really grab me. Klaus still sounds great, so worth another few spins...
Its not a bad album. Its not a good album. Its just an OK album.

Granted, its the best thing they've put out in a number of years. I think the last decent album they put out was in 1991 - just about the time grunge took over the rock scene. :puke:

However, this album doesn't beat anything they put out back in the 80s. Not a bad listen, but not worth rushing out and buying the album either. :Smug:
Blasphemy!!! And wrong. "Still Loving You"? "Always Somewhere"? "Holiday"?

Yeah, I know it's blasphemy, but 80s ballads were very simple and formulaic and the Scorpions were continuing that template all the way up Unbreakable. It's good to hear them do the more complex ballads with better hooks of today.
Rather predictable, pop and at times cheesy. "3 ... 2 ... 1, are you ready to rock?" Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesy

I like the guitar riffs (probably composed by the Scorpions) though the chorus are bland (probably Desmond Child). Many of the songs start strong (like Hour 1 and 321) but then quickly digress and in the end are forgetable. I much prefer the prior album, Unbreakable.

Yet I finally bought Humanity Hour 1 when Best Buy had it on sale for $7.99 with the domestic bonus track of Cold. Which is the same bonus on the European version with the DVD. But Cold is only on the DVD. If more CDs sold at this price, I'd buy even more so-so albums. (hint to record labels).
I think it's their best effort since Savage Amusement. I was going to give it an obligatory listen since a friend gave me the mp3's so I was completely unprepared when it blew me away! I hadn't even made it through 1 complete listen before I ordered the real thing.