Today is the Day

Dreamlord said:
Today is the Day is far angrier than any hardcore band, black metal or death metal.

Most of the people that say TitD sucks, simply can't handle the sheer furosity of the music.

This is so true. They're about ten steps past every other band out there for sheer emotional prowess.
YES! You rule Bloodstained Walls. I've been championing Arcane Sun for literally years. Every person I've told to listen to Arcane Sun has loved the album.

Bloodstained Walls, you've made my day! :)
LordFireworm said:
Hey, I know one of the guitarists from Arcane Sun.
He plays drums now though.
Give me a fucking biscuit.

Sweet. So I will naturally assume you live in good ol' Ireland. I've looked for stuff from Paul Kearns' (vocalist from Arcane Sun) new band, Eden Obscured, but can't find diddly.

@Dill - Arcane Sun mp3's are hard to find, but I believe three of them were found on Soulseek.