Top 10 Reasons to see Pain of Salvation live

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
I have been inspired by Zod to put this list together. Since threats from Shaye & Tess may have ruled out his posting of the threatened PoS top 10 list, I've come up with my own. I fear no-one! :D

Donning a flak jacket & an asbestos body suit,
I remain,

10 - To see them play with no rehersal, and pretend it was just a fun, loose show.

9 - to hear a band play 200 different songs, in 60 second increments, randomly spliced together

8 - to see the between sets video of DG refusing to be fingerprinted at the airport, and the subsequent complimentary body cavity search.

7 - Hearing DG scream like Ned Beatty in Deliverance (see # 8)

6 - to yell out for old the songs, since the newer stuff has about as much testosterone as Richard Speck & Richard Simmons combined

5 - who else writes this kind of music where it's progressive just for the sake of being progressive.

4 - if you don't go see them, or don't like them, you obviously just don't get it!

3 - because the Dream Theater show is already sold out

2 - hearing the anti-american pied piper lead his fans like Lemmings off of a cliff

1 - Listening to/seeing PoS is only slightly better than having a Brazilian Wax job, and taking a swim in lemon juice
J-Dubya 777 said:
8 - to see the between sets video of DG refusing to be fingerprinted at the airport, and the subsequent complimentary body cavity search.

7 - Hearing DG scream like Ned Beatty in Deliverance (see # 8)

6 - to yell out for old the songs, since the newer stuff has about as much testosterone as Richard Speck & Richard Simmons combined

3 - because the Dream Theater show is already sold out

1 - Listening to/seeing PoS is only slightly better than having a Brazilian Wax job, and taking a swim in lemon juice
Well done Sir. I especially liked those above.

i guess if we need to hear something "original" as dictated by J-Dubya then we'd all be listening to Odin's Court. At least post something original...
J-Dubya 777 said:
I have been inspired by Zod to put this list together. Since threats from Shaye & Tess may have ruled out his posting of the threatened PoS top 10 list, I've come up with my own. I fear no-one! :D

Donning a flak jacket & an asbestos body suit,
I remain,

3 - because the Dream Theater show is already sold out

PoS fan here, but this list was still funny, and i agree with DG about foreign policy :)
Nightmare1z said:
4 could apply to so many other bands too on so many levels. I hate people saying if you don't like a band, 'You don't get it'.


Well, obviously, you just don't get it. :D

Nice list... I especially like #3 and #4. And for the record, I didn't threaten Zod... he only feels threatened by me when I hit on his wife.

lady_space said:
And for the record, I didn't threaten Zod... he only feels threatened by me when I hit on his wife.
LOL. "Threatened" isn't the word I'd use. Actually, I'm not sure what the right word is. Is there a word for "hell yeah, where'd I leave my video camera?"

Matt - Please console Rick & Ron, I'll bet they're crying right now...:Spin:

Glenn - If I can get a chuckle out of the Ringmaster, I think I'm safe.....

Zod - Thanks for the inspiration! heheheheheheeh

Nightmare1z - If you ONLY knew how many times I heard

dusro2 - Do I detect sarcasm????!!!!! ;)

BP - Original? Like your reply?? :loco: PoS is surely original... Nobody will copy them, because no one would WANT to! :ill: Plenty of original bands out there, you just have to find them.....

Ken - I can always depend on the Brits to have a sense of humour.
It's all in good fun! :cool:

Shaye - No, I don't get ALL! :D Be nice to Mrs. Zod!

General Zod said:
LOL. "Threatened" isn't the word I'd use. Actually, I'm not sure what the right word is. Is there a word for "hell yeah, where'd I leave my video camera?"


Will this be on the next PP DVD? :D

My natural instinct is to be very pissed off (I can't help it -I was raised by the biggest PoS fan in the world!!) but something stronger tells me not to act like those whiny teenage boys all over the internet ;)

Your list started out pretty amateur but it did get pretty funny about half way through. #3 is f-ing HILARIOUS and #4 is soooo true. HA!

J-Dubya 777 said:
Will this be on the next PP DVD? :D J-Dubya

I sure as hell hope not!
Bad Girl Tess said:
My natural instinct is to be very pissed off (I can't help it -I was raised by the biggest PoS fan in the world!!) but something stronger tells me not to act like those whiny teenage boys all over the internet ;)

Your list started out pretty amateur but it did get pretty funny about half way through. #3 is f-ing HILARIOUS and #4 is soooo true. HA!

:OMG: YOU were raised by Daniel Gildenlow???!!!!! :D
I take it ALL back! :)

The list was supposed to build, like most top10 lists. See if I show any restraint in the future!:Spin:

Glad it got a laugh!
