Tribute T-Shirt day at ProgPower?


Apr 5, 2008
Apologies if this has been posted before, for the record I looked ten pages into the forum and did not see anything similar. I have been thinking about this for some time, and the latest events of passing musicians have added to the thought. Is anyone in support of having a day during the ProgPower Festival dedicated to Fallen Heroes in Music? We would wear a t-shirt in their tribute on that day. I recall there was a Dio day a few years back, and I thought that went my very well, so along those terms, perhaps another time. I am thinking; anyone from whatever genre of music. It could be Dio, Johnny Cash, Lemmy, Bowie, Hendrix, Rhoads, Kurt Cobain, ... anybody I think you get the idea. Just having one day to pay tribute to our musical heroes.
Initially I thought of Fallen Friday, but that day is already covered by corset day and no way are we taking that away, (nor would I personally want to)! So perhaps a Tribute Thursday? But I am open for any ideas. I am just tossing this idea out there to see if there is a possible support, and something we could do on a yearly basis.