Until the Light Takes Us -- black-metal documentary screenings


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I've been emailing back and forth with Audrey Ewell, one of the directors of this documentary, since they have scheduled an exclusive screening in Atlanta in August, and she kindly provided me with a list of all US screenings so far. I'll copy it below.

The movie itself looks to be pretty interesting, as the co-directors spent two years in Oslo, Norway researching the film and garnering the trust of Varg Vikernes, Fenriz and others.

Upcoming screenings:

San Francisco: July 9 - 11
Thursday 7:30
Friday and Saturday 7:30 and 9:30
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Tickets: http://www.ybca.org/tickets/production/view.aspx?id=9841

Providence, RI: July 11, 6:30 pm
as220 Arts Center
115 Empire Street Providence RI 02903
Limited seating, tickets available at door.
Directors in Attendance

Chicago, July 25th, 8pm
Directors in Attendance
Gene Siskel Film Center
www.siskelfilmcenter.org - tix at ticketmaster
Sponsored by Reckless Records

Boston, Aug 1st, 7:30 pm
Directors in Attendance
The Brattle Theater
40 Brattle St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Houston, Aug 7th, 8:30 pm
Domy Books

Atlanta - Aug 13, 7:30 pm
Plaza Theater
Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/69162

Albuquerque, August 14 & 15, 10:30 pm
Guild Cinema – 3405 Central Ave., NE
*advance tickets available at Charley's 33s & CDs, call (505)296-3685, cash only

Chapel Hill, August 20th 9:30 pm
Nighlight Arts Space

Tucson, Aug 26, 8pm
The Loft Cinema

Philadelphia, Sept 2, 7:30 pm
Ibrahim Theater at International House

Carmike Cinema
Being Re-scheduled

Minnesota, tentatively early Oct. details TBA

London, Early October, Raindance Film Festival with special event (and special guest) DATE TBA

Kortrijk, Belgium, Buda Arts Centre/Arthouse October 9th www.budakortrijk.be

Lausanne, Switzerland - Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival - October, DATE TBA

Poland, late October - tentative, check mailing list updates/web site for info

Australia TBA
More Countries/Cities To Be Announced

According to Audrey, the best way to get updates about all this is to be on the mailing list: untilfilm@gmail.com
No way?! I sure hope that Minnesota date gets nailed down. I wonder if my husband has anything to do with that and hasn't let the cat out of the bag yet. :err: Either way, I'd like to check this out!
No way?! I sure hope that Minnesota date gets nailed down. I wonder if my husband has anything to do with that and hasn't let the cat out of the bag yet. :err: Either way, I'd like to check this out!

When I saw that a Minnesota date was being worked on, I immediately thought of Nathan.

Tammy, if he isn't involved yet, send me an email or a PM; I'll see if Audrey might want to try booking through him if she's getting static from someone else up there.

With luck, I can get off work a little early and get to this in time.
I'd love to see it in a theater, man. That'd be great. Don't think I can make the trip from Mississippi for it, though. Gotta be real picky about my trips nowadays (not as much money right now).
I am planning on going to the Chicago one. Heard about this a few months back. Should be fun.

It is funny....at the Siskel Center where it is at....lots of the upper clas types hang out there because they are supporting the "arts". I went to a screening of "Perfect Crime" by Alex De La Iglesia...a great spanish director. He was there for the night for the US showing of the film. I thought it would be filled with horror fans...nope...all older people with evening gowns, high priced jewelry, and all kissing up to each other. It was funny, this older lady next to me asked if I ever heard of his films....I told her about his past films....she was kind of freaked out.......when Alex De La Iglesia came on stage he was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. I was very funny....I think they all thought he would be an artsy type. It was weird to be a in theater of people there to be seen more than watch the film. Odds are the same types will be there for this....this theater draws that crowd out of the word work.
Hey...thanks for the heads up. Just bought my tix for the Chicago show...can't wait to mingle with high society.

I was just in Oslo and Bergen, Norway a couple weeks ago...stopped in for a beer at the Elm Street Rock Cafe, said to be the birth place of Black Metal...clearly things have changed since back in the day as it is your regular pub that plays more punk and mainstream metal than anything else. But at least they had the cheapest beers in all of Norway that I could find...roughly $8 for a pint. Most other pubs the beer was $10 and up...yikes!!! Skol!!!
It is funny....at the Siskel Center where it is at....lots of the upper clas types hang out there because they are supporting the "arts". I went to a screening of "Perfect Crime" by Alex De La Iglesia...a great spanish director. He was there for the night for the US showing of the film. I thought it would be filled with horror fans...nope...all older people with evening gowns, high priced jewelry, and all kissing up to each other. It was funny, this older lady next to me asked if I ever heard of his films....I told her about his past films....she was kind of freaked out.......when Alex De La Iglesia came on stage he was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. I[t] was very funny....I think they all thought he would be an artsy type.

That would've been priceless to see!

It was weird to be a in theater of people there to be seen more than watch the film. Odds are the same types will be there for this....this theater draws that crowd out of the woodwork.

The Atlanta venue for this, the Plaza Theater, has a dedicated fan-base of its own, but they are not typically the artsy-fartsy types. (THEY go to the LeFont Tara. :)) It should be an interesting night, to say the least.
Hi, the Minnesota screening is with the Sound Unseen Festival, but Nathan and I have talked and we'd love to work with him. Just a quick update on screenings, if anyone is looking at this old thread! Thanks.

*NEW* San Francisco, July 31 - Aug 6
Daily at 9:10 pm, Sat/Sun matinees at 4:40
Roxie Theater - 3117 16th St.

Boston, Aug 1st, 7:30 pm
The Brattle Theater
40 Brattle St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Houston, Aug 7th, 8:30 pm
Domy Books

Atlanta - Aug 13
Plaza Theater, 7:30 pm
Tickets: http:​​​/​​​/​​​www.​​​brownpaper...#8203;​event/​​​69162

Albuquerque, August 14 & 15, 10:30 pm
Guild Cinema – 3405 Central Ave., NE
*advance tickets available at Charley's 33s & CDs, call (505)296-3685, cash only

Chapel Hill, August 20th 9:30 pm
Nighlight Arts Space

Tucson, Aug 26, 8pm
The Loft Cinema

Philadelphia, Sept 2, 7:30 pm
Ibrahim Theater at International House

Minneapolis, MN - Sound Unseen Festival - Oct 2 or 3rd, date TBA

All special engagement screenings have sold out, big thanks to all who have come. If you're planning on going to an upcoming screening, you might want to get advance tickets where available.

Athens, late Sept, details TBA

London, Early October, Raindance Film Festival with special event, DATE TBA

Kortrijk, Belgium, Buda Arts Centre/​​Arthouse October 9th www. budakortrijk.​​be

Lausanne, Switzerland - mid October, DATE TBA

Krakow, Poland: Unsound Festival, late October, DATE TBA

more in the works (including Canada and others!)

Australia TBA

Please let us know if you can be part of the street team in your city. Help with flyering, posting on forums, making your friends go! Street teams are put on the guest list for their city. We need help in Tucson, Albuquerque, Philadelphia, and Chapel Hill - please write us at untilfilm@gmail.com with your city in the subject line if you want to be involved!

Thank you,

mailing list: untilfilm@​​gmail.​​com
heh.... Since I'm used to seeing band itineraries posted, I looked at the list and thought "Wow, Atlanta on the 13th and then driving to Albuquerque for the 14th?!
--Oh, wait." :lol:

Awesome to hear the advance screenings have sold out, too! :headbang:
Ha, we're not that crazy ; )

Chicago crowd was super great, if any of you see this (thanks!). We had a great time there.

DESPITE getting Jetblued. Oh yeah, it's for real. 6 hours on the tarmac, then back to the terminal. Suckfest!