
Feb 11, 2002
New York
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I'm sitting here listening to the new Voyager, and all i can say is these guys... and gals put forth a great effort to follow-up their debut Element V. Anyone unfamiliar with this band really should check them out. And yes, I know they are from Australia, but come on Glenn, PP needs to represent the land down under with such strong talent like Voyager, Vanishing Point, Black Majesty, and Eyefear!
I agree. There are a lot of truly amazing Aussie bands.

However, it may come down to the cost to bring them over. Glenn may like those bands (and I thought I remembered somewhere that he said he liked Voyager), but he doesn't like spending a small fortune to get a band to PPUSA.

That said, Black Majesty, Voyager, and Vanishing Point are three of my favorite bands. I'd love to see one of them at a PPUSA show in the future.


P.S. I've heard great things about the new Voyager. I'll have to pick it up.
Here's how this can happen. Contact Glenn to find out what costs he would need for a given band, and get enough people to go in on it. Band schedules count too, of course. But if Glenn needs, say airfare and hotel, then work out ahead of time what that would be and see if the interest is there to raise that money.

I'd personally contribute something for seeing Voyager...

On top of what Chrisf said...I can't speak for all of the bands but I know that alot of these guys would be up for it and would probably try to cover some of the costs themselves in exchange for the big exposure. My picks would be Black Majesty as they are great live and I also hear that Voyager put on a great and very professional show. If enough people wanna see them I'm sure between Glenn, the bands and some sponsors it could happen.
I absolutely LOVE the debut. For some reason though, I haven't picked up the new one or the one before it (I think they had one between these?).

Element V was their first and this new one is only their second, so you haven't missed one Deron, and the new one is 150% better than the first, and I absolutely loved the first one. Voyager played PP Europe i think in 2006 and were the hit of the festival, and yes it would be great to get them here for either the main show or showcase, but again the logistics and money involved are outrageous.
Element V is original and fresh sounding. The vocalist has a British '90s-band vibe to him. In fact, I was listening to Track 10 ("The V Element") this afternoon and my wife said, "That's techno." I stopped for a second and realized she's right. The keyboards reminded me of "What is Love," the 1993 song by Haddaway.

Voyager's first album is full of unexpected twists and turns, infusions of classical music, shades of techno and '90s pop, Eastern themes, and swelling instrumental passages that stir my soul. "What genre is this?" my wife asked after hearing another 3-4 tracks. Precisely. It can't be classified. It's original. However, that said, the vocalist reminds me of the vocalist from a '90s neo-prog band called Aragon that released a few albums on the now-defunct SI label. Aragon's vocalist also sang in that kind of emotive, talk-sing style. Must be an Aussie thing. Vocalists from Down Under have a distinctive style (Peter Garrett from Midnight Oil, Les Dougan from Aragon, Matt Swayne from brillig) that I find refreshing, if a little hard to get used to at first.

If Univers is anything like Element V, Voyager will be a band to watch. They have everything going for them that could sustain a long-term career.

Order placed. I can't wait to hear Univers!
This is pretty kick ass. I was previewing it off of eMusic (when my download quota refreshes, I'll have to grab this). Definitely something original and quite good. I'd like to hear their debut album as well. I certainly like this.

EDIT: I just went and downloaded Element V from Voyager's website (for only $9 - what the hey? - I wish more bands would do this) If this is as good as everybody is saying, I may go and get an actual hard-copy of the album as there is just something about actually playing the CD on my stereo instead of listening to an MP3.
While you are at it, only two days ago Jan 27. Voyager were opening for Nightwish in Perth, Australia and behold - someone just posted these clips from the gig on Youtube:

Voyager - Sober: h**p://
Voyager - White Shadow: h**p://
Voyager - Cosmic Armageddon Part II: h**p://

Awesome band :cool:

(Didn't want to embed the clips in this thread, just copy-paste URLs in a new tab in your browser and replace the asterisks with t:s)
