we have some flunkies of heavy metal on this board



you guys are clueless , no really you only came in on the scene when your pop cd's got boring...

Ok first question, who has a heavier kick drum at the start of the first song if we maiden and priest songs??? TELL ME


p.s I await your answers little devils, and please be meticulous in attention to detail.
Did You Mean On The First Priest And Maiden Cds? Because I Dont Have Rocka Rolla , But For The Time I Guess Maidens Was Pretty Heavy. Phantom Of The Opera Is My Favorite Song From The First Album. Whats It Matter Anyways? If Someone Finds Metal And Finds Maiden And Priest Isnt That A Good Thing. At Least They Start At The Roots. Well I Guess Roots Would Be More The Who, Zepplin And Black Sabbath. Maybe I Dont Understand Your Question Right. Are You Questioning How Metal They Are Or Are You Trying To Play Some Kinda Im A Trivia King Type Of Game. Just Asking??? Im Not Tryng To Be A Smart Ass. I Didnt even know what metal was til I was about 11 or 12. I was raised on country and old rock. Im from Oklahoma what do you expect. Then I found 80's thrash and havent looked back from metal since. I never listened to pop music when i was younger. Priest has always been a heavier band though so I would have to say Priest even though I dont have the album.
A AND O ARENT EVEN CLOSE TO EACH OTHER. Nicko is a excellent drummer though. WHo cares if he doesnt do drum solos or whatever. HEs a tight drummer. Ive watched every damn video and live show theyve had and Nicko has a HUGE ASS drum kit and he uses every damn tom and cymbal so Im not worried about solos. SCott Tarvis is a kick ass drummer as well and is probably even more talented.
AT least you can figure out what I meant . His letters are on the other side of the board. Even though IRON AND IRAN is easy to figure out.
geeze you figure it out I dont even remember what i meant. I really dont pay attenion to all the proper english shit. I figure if people cant figure it out then oh well. ARe we done with the priest maiden debate or have you not proved your metalness on this subject yet? just fuckin with ya. :wave: FOr some reason the little wave guy cracks me up--------> :wave:
I am work I will get back to you all
its all about correct placements is it, just liek in a tune!!

just thinkning
this sentence makes no sense...