what do you think that really happen after we die?

We have no good reasons for presuming that life continues on after death.

We have some very good reasons for concluding that there is nothing after death. Some of these reasons are:

1. Why should there be? It's not a necessity and since it's so far-fetched it's probably not true.

2. Consciousness is a product of the physical brain and nothing has indicated to us so far that it can exist outside of the physical brain.

3. The simpliest explanation is usually the correct one (this is another way of saying that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line). Since the afterlife idea is soooo incredibly complex, it's most likely a human idea and nothing more.

4. All life on this planet appears to have had a common origin, and it would be silly to assume that things like insects, bacteria, algae, and virsuses have an afterlife, therefore, since we are essentially highly evolved bacteria, it's equally as silly too presume that we have an afterlife, I mean, at what point in human evolution did this supposed "soul" come into being? When we were dragging our knuckles? Swinging from the trees? Swiming in the oceans? Slithering in the sand?

The afterlife theory is horribly complex and extremely unlikely, and for these reasons I think that until we can find some good reasons to support this theory then it should be regarded as just simple-minded and wishful folklore from ancient human civilizations who thought that spunk was sacred and that everything in the universe circled the earth.

Well I'm like everyone else here, pretty much. There may be an afterlife or there may not be who knows? Although it could be possible, but it is very slight. Maybe we reincarnate into something else after we cease to exist. Anything is possible. but tell me this, how do you explain ghosts that people have encountered? Or spirits. There has been many sitings. Many people have seen them, and sometimes the spirits that they see are family members that have passed away, some of the experiences are even recurring.

I'm sure that some of these spirit/ghost experiences that people have had could be false, but a large percentage of them are very likely to be an actual experience. So with that in mind it kind of puts this subject more into perspective. If spirits siting are real then some sort of action takes place when we no longer exist, or maybe our spirits evolve into something else. Considering all the many galaxies in our universe which are an indication of life outside ours, it is very unlikely that this is the only life we live.
I did something really strange, I grabbed a thin pretzel and traced a perfect pattern over it with mustard, then stood admiring my work for two minuted before finally consuming it whole.

Then I thought... where is that pretzel going now that it is consumed. What will become of it when it's digested and it's biological byproduct excreted from my body? Will it's immortal soul go to a pretzel heaven where it will meet it's lost family which will soon join it?

Will there be famous pretzels in heaven, like Baron Von Saltene, or Major Softdough, or Albert Breadstein? Will there be great pretzel phylosophers enjoying talk of pretzel affairs?

Who would rule this pretzel paradise? Would it be God, as we know him, or would their be a god of Pretzels? Was Jesus actually a pretzel?

I was using Sanity upon death to imply that what we are immersed in now is comparatively a state of Insanity.

I just thought of a little phrase from a industrial track I know of...
Deutsch Nepal - Gouge Free Market
"I am Gomer, it is a blessed condition believe me...
To be whispered about in street corners, to live in other people's dreams, but not to have to be....
Do you understand?"
Hopefully someplace nicer, better than here. Not to be pessimistic but sometimes I'm just amazed at how poorly people on the grand scale treat each other...all the fighting. I know that's a part of life, but it would be nice to think that there might be someplace better.
My answer to this is the same as to all things I do not understand: I don't know, and will not write-off any theory, whether it be our life stops/starts with birth/death, or there as something before, and something after life.

Now, my thoughts on this: I think there is something before/after this thing we call life. Just because my current brain seems to only store information from this current life (and it doesn't do a great job at that), why should I not believe that there is something else? I feel the same way about the God vs. science arguement as to how life began - I have no solid proof either way, although there is more "evidence" that science is the answer. So back to what happens after death: I have heard enough stories about ghosts, after death experiences, etc. that even if every single story ever told on these subjects was by some quack, it still MAY have some validity, so I refuse to just say it's garbage.

Maybe I don't believe in the purest form of reincarnation, but who says that the current definition of life, as passed down over the centuries is any more accurate than, lets say, the bible, which so many seem to think is crap. Maybe every thing we read, every bit of knowledge we recieve, is crap. Since we all learn from other humans, whom I along with others don't have a ton of faith in, means how can I truly trust anything as a definate yes/no answer?
Logically, it would be safe to say that when one dies, they no longer exist...nothingness. Emotionally, one would believe that they transcend into another lifeform upon death.

Emotional creatures, we humans are...that is why the belief in an afterlife is just about taken for granted.

To me, if there is another form of life after death, cool...if not, so be it. RIP.
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
Logically, it would be safe to say that when one dies, they no longer exist...nothingness. Emotionally, one would believe that they transcend into another lifeform upon death.

Emotional creatures, we humans are...that is why the belief in an afterlife is just about taken for granted.

To me, if there is another form of life after death, cool...if not, so be it. RIP.

But is logic "safe"? And humans can barely keep their emotions in check. That's why I like to live in doubt (as unhealthy as that may seem to others), for at least a shadow of doubt is better then being blinded by a mistaken belief.
Originally posted by pac1288
Well I'm like everyone else here, pretty much. There may be an afterlife or there may not be who knows? Although it could be possible, but it is very slight. Maybe we reincarnate into something else after we cease to exist. Anything is possible. but tell me this, how do you explain ghosts that people have encountered? Or spirits. There has been many sitings. Many people have seen them, and sometimes the spirits that they see are family members that have passed away, some of the experiences are even recurring.

A common pitfall is reasoning is presuming that something inexplicable has an explicable origin. It does not, that's what makes it inexplicable.

The universe is a very large and seemingly bizarre place. There is observed phenomenon going on around us all the time which we are at a complete loss to explain in any regard whatsoever. Even gravity has totally defined explanation, and this doesn't begin to to touch on the implications of all the whacky stuff that occurs in the realm of the subatomic where all normal conceptions of what reality IS are gibberish.

Coming to the conclusion that there is life after death based on some obscure ghostly apparitions (almost all of which are certainly hallucinations) is a lot like primitive humans presuming that lightening storms were actually the almighty creator of the universe having a hissy-fit because someone stuck his dick where he shouldn't have. It's a very complex and far-fetched explanation, and so is the afterlife theory.

Humans are just highly intellectually evolved animals, and as much as we'd like to convince ourselves otherwise, this cold FACT remains and cannot be changed. Therefore, any theory that indicates life after death must be self-consistent and also assert that ALL living things have souls and afterlives. At this point, this theory becomes horrendously complex and quite silly, except for perhaps a few of the most kooky folks out there, after all, why would a single-celled organism live forever in some sort of surreal consciousness? What's the point in that, where's the rationale.

It's just all too silly, too complex, too pointless. Sorry if I bursted any bubbles out there, hehe, but the sooner we all face up to our own death the sooner we can truly begin making the best of the short breath of consciousness that we DO have. To me, nothing is sadder than people living their whole lives in self-depravation in anticipation of a supposed afterlife which all logic and evidence clearly suggests never comes.


"But is logic "safe"? And humans can barely keep their emotions in check. That's why I like to live in doubt (as unhealthy as that may seem to others), for at least a shadow of doubt is better then being blinded by a mistaken belief."

interesting point...I look at this way. When a person dies, they do not breathe, they do not live. They are dead. I can see this. To believe, that a dead person's soul or spirit leaves their body and transcends into another life form is without any rationality, except for what emotional humans have given it.

And because the thought of nonexistence is difficult for many, throughout the ages, the idea of an afterlife was given birth, but only because of its popularity.
Originally posted by Satori

A common pitfall is reasoning is presuming that something inexplicable has an explicable origin. It does not, that's what makes it inexplicable.

The universe is a very large and seemingly bizarre place. There is observed phenomenon going on around us all the time which we are at a complete loss to explain in any regard whatsoever. Even gravity has totally defined explanation, and this doesn't begin to to touch on the implications of all the whacky stuff that occurs in the realm of the subatomic where all normal conceptions of what reality IS are gibberish.

Coming to the conclusion that there is life after death based on some obscure ghostly apparitions (almost all of which are certainly hallucinations) is a lot like primitive humans presuming that lightening storms were actually the almighty creator of the universe having a hissy-fit because someone stuck his dick where he shouldn't have. It's a very complex and far-fetched explanation, and so is the afterlife theory.

Humans are just highly intellectually evolved animals, and as much as we'd like to convince ourselves otherwise, this cold FACT remains and cannot be changed. Therefore, any theory that indicates life after death must be self-consistent and also assert that ALL living things have souls and afterlives. At this point, this theory becomes horrendously complex and quite silly, except for perhaps a few of the most kooky folks out there, after all, why would a single-celled organism live forever in some sort of surreal consciousness? What's the point in that, where's the rationale.

It's just all too silly, too complex, too pointless. Sorry if I bursted any bubbles out there, hehe, but the sooner we all face up to our own death the sooner we can truly begin making the best of the short breath of consciousness that we DO have. To me, nothing is sadder than people living their whole lives in self-depravation in anticipation of a supposed afterlife which all logic and evidence clearly suggests never comes.


I am in tune with the "reality" of my short life span, but why should I believe and 100% trust what "knowledge" I have gathered?

What's wrong with casting a big question mark in all that we know without it affecting what I do everyday? It may get way to complex to understand - but being able to comprehend that these complexities exist, and not having them ruin your life, is part of living. I don't let any thoughts of afterlife keep me alive - but I also won't sit back and say "It's all crap" to a theory I truly don't understand.