"What it means your Nick"

Jan 4, 2006
Hej... I noticed that there're people here with really rare names... or not very common names... so I had the idea to ask "What it means your Nick"

My Nick "BastardSonOfGod" is a song of a band called :worship: "BLOODBATH"... I like the song and the lyrics are quite offensive :headbang: beside I don't believe in God(s)... Usually when the people know that they said to me always the same thing "We're all sons of God... remember that"... or something like that... So I think "Hey if we're all sons of God, and I don't believe in gods... then I'm a bastard son... a Bastard Son Of God..." :lol: anyway I do that only to choose a Nick... just for fun... so now you: "What it means your Nick" or "Why you choose that name":loco:
@BSOG: Its funny that youve appeared right now, check the Now feeling... thread. It was more about whats in your sig, but still pretty funny coincidence. :)
And to give courage to the others (cause its not such a bad idea to know what lies beyond all those nicks): my nick comes from the fact, that I like mythology a lot, religious symbolism and all that shit. My real name is Marek and Marduk is one of my favourite gods of the babylonian mythology (to be honest, I dont like the band Marduk, its not that), so thats why Ive chosen his name. 1507 is my birthgay, which had to be added, because some son of a silly person has already taken "marduk". :)
Well,Rincewind is a pretty unsuccessful and clumsy wizard in Terry Pratchett's serie of books called Discworld and I picked it 'cause I really like those books and the name...there
I chose Siren as a nick because, at the time, i liked a lot Theatre of Tragedy's song 'Siren', and because i like singing.
Ever since i have become one with my nick.
i'm sure there has been a thread like this one one hundred years ago, but anyway my nick comes from the dismal statement 'the world is full of hyenas' which i one day made in the presence of my father and some of his fellow academics. it caught on and i started mentioning hyenas quite often.

oh, and of course i have this pretense of evil-cool which i try to keep up. hyenas are among the vilest beings ever, they prey on the weak and look really ugly, they have no dignity or pride and yet they do survive. in a way, i've always wished i was that horrid, because in the real world i'm actually too sensitive to make it through unscathed and sober.
@hyena: But they laugh so nicely! :lol:

EDIT: but thanks for that, Ive always wanted to know that. Same goes for Siren, so that you dont think Im flirting with you. :p
yeah, that's another fascinating trait. it's been said that the real watershed between humans and animals is that humans can laugh. well, hyenas can too. which confirms my theory about the world being full of hyenas, by the way: most people are hyenas in human clothing.
hyena said:
yeah, that's another fascinating trait. it's been said that the real watershed between humans and animals is that humans can laugh. well, hyenas can too.

Ted Hughes has a great poem where hyenas play an important part in his Crow collection, might want to check it out.

most people are hyenas in human clothing

True. :erk:
i was looking for a nick other than Jud (which is a shortcut to my name -Judith- often used by family/friends), and this one just crossed my mind, and i thought it sounded pretty cool.
Mine is a song of COB of the Hate Crew Deathroll album. I thought the name was really funny, also that obviously no one would have chosen it before (I guess it sounded to "queer" to some) and also 'cause it's a good song IMO.

Ah the good old days when COB was good... .
Illnath is a name of a Danish melodic Death/black metal band. The name doesn't mean anything and it is not a name of a mythological figure. The band is by not by any means my favorite band, I just needed a name that was easy to remember and no one else used.

However I do recommend Illnaths debut album "Cast into fields of evil pleasure" For fans of that genre
Well, my name is John obviously.. I am like 75% Irish, and everyone calls me crazy because of the way i ride my motorcycle....

Hmmm I use this nick on a few other forums I'm on... and it's evolved from my nick on the first forum I ever joined, which was the offical Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic forum! *hangs head in shame*

My original name was Manic_Teddy_Bear 'cause I used a pic of the wookie as my av... and I'll regret typing all this stuff blatently =/
I wanted a rare nick with no meanings. My name's Utkan. To be used in forums, I modified it as "ut-khan". Then for some reason I needed a different nick, so I modified it again as "khanyon". khanyon is also inspired by the word "canyon".
Some years ago I was playing Diablo II like a lunatic, and one of the characters you could play was an assassin. It was my favourite character (and a killer for dueling other people) and another name for the assassins there is Viz-jaq'taar... it means a lot to me. :)
Being interested in chemistry I took one of the elements, Krypton. Krypton is a noble gas (Greek word "kryptos" = hidden) and it just sounded/looked nice and after a while the 'n' changed to 'N' (IIRC it was accidental at first). No, it has nothing to do with superman. I had no idea there was a planet called "Krypton" in superman when I started to use this nick.

KryptoN is my second nick ever (not counting some random occasional nicks) and I've used it for about 6-8 years. I used my first nick "BoneCrusher" (yeah I know, ridiculous) mainly in Worms 2 a long time ago for less than a year I think.