Where are the Whitesnake clones?

Hopefully you didn't miss out on "Manic Eden" when it was out and about. Vandenberg, Sarzo, and Aldridge team up with Ron Young (former vocalist of Little Ceasar) for a killer one and gone effort. Sure it's not a current band within the last few years, but it's still worth checking out if you get a chance.
That's fine Glenn ;) I agree with some others who have said that Metal Majesty if a Whitesnake meets Queen. As for Firehouse I listened to a little bit of them and thought some of it sounded like Whitesnake <shrugs>.

My question is. Have you found a band that sounds like Whitesnake but writes better lyrics? Other than perhaps who they semi-cloned Deep Purple.
That's fine Glenn ;) I agree with some others who have said that Metal Majesty if a Whitesnake meets Queen. As for Firehouse I listened to a little bit of them and thought some of it sounded like Whitesnake <shrugs>.

My question is. Have you found a band that sounds like Whitesnake but writes better lyrics? Other than perhaps who they semi-cloned Deep Purple.

With all due respect, Firehouse in no way sounds like Whitesnake, but closer to Europe maybe.
How about EVIDENCE ONE or maybe this grest band from Texas called PHANTOM-X. Both are high up on my list. Or maybe LION"S SHARE.
You are veering off into great melodic AOR/Rock. However, those bands do not fit within this category.

Your right sorry bout that, I just listened to WATCHMEN and i gotta say............HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! I love it, they are awesome, and at first i did think it was WHITESNAKE. Great Call.
Glenn, even though this isnt really in the realm of Whitesnake, I think if you checked us out, you'd like what you heard. More statured in Southern Rock, though meshes some other vibes - a little funk, a little soul, a little swing, a little swamp, its definitely a nice diverse catalog of music.

Im the new drummer for THE WHISKEY RIVER BAND, and judging from your prior likings in music, I think you'll enjoy it, though this is the closest to an appropriate thread to share the wealth.


Whiskey Time is usually my reccomendation of starting place. Theres 4 full songs on our myspace, and clips from every song from our new album (again, I joined the band around the time of the cd release, I'm not playing on here).

Thanks for listening, and I hope you all enjoy!
I think the Ten song "Spellbound" is about as close as you can get to "Still of the Night" without paying royalties. But I would agree that most of their stuff is more AOR-ish. Ten is one of my favorite bands ... very underrated ... happy to see them get some love on page 1.

Btw, I'm far from an expert on this band, but my mind always associated them with Whitesnake for some reason:
Kingdom Come
If you don't have Wicked Sensation- Reflected, don't even stop to think. Just get it. "Love is Strange" is worth it alone.
This is one of those bands whose name would pop up every so often, but who never intruiged enough to check them out. Well, after reading the above comment, I figured I'd finally give them a spin.

Verdict: they should undergo surgery and have an original bone inserted into their collective bodies. How is David Coverdale not suing these guys?

I guess it's just a different way of looking at it. I tend to dislike bands who I feel are ripping off the bands I like.

If I band that I like is continuing to produce the music in the style I love, then I agree with you. However, if that same band no longer exists, no longer makes music of that style, or simply takes too damn long to put out a disc, then bring on the clones.