Who saw Iced Earth and Amorphis in Charlotte??


Mar 16, 2007
Just wondering if anybody caught Iced Earth @ Amos SouthEnd &/or Amorphis @ Tremont Friday and Saturday night? Give the usual info, setlist, crowd size, sound quality, crowd energy, etc.
We went to Amos to see Iced Earth, big boo to the club for not letting us take our cameras(at first)...still we got the VIP tickets and got to meet the band afterwards.. Here is my mini-review:

Into Eternity - My first time seeing them, unfortunately, Tim wasnt there because of some personal issues so Stu took the brunt of the vocal parts unto himself. I have to say, Stu is a pro in every sense of the word. He was sick(as in ill) and still he sang like a motherfucker. Unfortunately, the guitarist they had replacing Tim wasnt really that great, and he didnt sing, so we missed all the vocal harmonies. I'll give them a second chance to completely win me over whenever they come back and Tim is with them.

Saviour - Ok, so musically, this band was pretty good, the drummer was very energetic and I liked that, but those vocals, OMG, so crappy, he sounded like Jay from Jay and Silent Bob(and I love Jay btw, just dont wanna hear him sing).

Iced Earth - Their sound was sick, precise and tight as hell. It was awesome seeing them for the first time. I have to say, their setlist left off some of my favorite songs like Pure Evil and Dante's Inferno, but overall, great show! Meeting them and shaking hands with God (aka Barlow) was the icing on the cake!
Believe me the ProgPower crowd shares your beef with the setlist. Or at least I do...they totally could have done MUCH MUCH better with picking songs for this tour/festival run.
This is the first tour IE has done in support of TWO whole albums. I have no problem with them playing what they played. And I was hella-stoked to hear Barlow sing Declaration Day and 10,000 Strong. And that was the first time I got to hear Stormrider live in person! I don't mind one bit missing some of the classics in trade for Stormrider!

Their next tour around America will have far more older material once their new lead guitarist gets more of the songs learned. Remember, he's gotta play catch-up now.
No one else has seen Amorphis since PP? I want to see them Thurs but I was looking to see if they were changing up the setlist.

I saw Amorphis at Jaxx in Springfield, VA, on Sunday. They played the same set at PPUSA but dropped On Rich and Poor, Under A Soil and Black Stone, Alone and House of Sleep. Unfortunately, Tomi Joutsen lost his voice before the show. He could barely talk let alone sing any clean vocals with authority. He tried so hard to give a good performance but just didn't have it. I appreciated his effort and enjoyed the show nonetheless...just a bummer for Tomi in the end.
I saw Amorphis at Jaxx in Springfield, VA, on Sunday. They played the same set at PPUSA but dropped On Rich and Poor, Under A Soil and Black Stone, Alone and House of Sleep. Unfortunately, Tomi Joutsen lost his voice before the show. He could barely talk let alone sing any clean vocals with authority. He tried so hard to give a good performance but just didn't have it. I appreciated his effort and enjoyed the show nonetheless...just a bummer for Tomi in the end.

Uh-oh....it sounds like he picked up the same ProgPower Plague as many others (including myself) did. Ever since Friday night I haven't been able to talk well, let alone sing. :(