Will any PP people be attending the Rites of Darkness fest?


Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
12/8 - 12/11 in San Antonio, TX. For my money, this is the best 'extreme' lineup this country has ever seen. I mean, this time, people are even flying over to the US for a fest rather than the other way around :Spin::Spin:

Good mix of genres although it definitely focuses on black metal. Then death, then doom, and one or two thrash/grind bands. I just booked my flight yesterday. Bands from all over, too. A decent bit from Japan and a whole load from Australia.

Not pictured on the flier (late confirmation): Inquisition and Pagan Altar!!!!

As much as I love extreme metal, I would not make the trip just because I can't identify half the bands on the poster. Fuck everything about these idiots having these grim, ridiculous logos. Every now and then it's kind of cool to try to figure it out, but most of the time it's just obnoxious. :lol:
As much as I listen to this stuff, I don't know most of these bands... I must be out of touch.
As much as I love extreme metal, I would not make the trip just because I can't identify half the bands on the poster. Fuck everything about these idiots having these grim, ridiculous logos. Every now and then it's kind of cool to try to figure it out, but most of the time it's just obnoxious. :lol:

Mortuary Drape
Pagan Altar
Butcher ABC
Mournful Congregation
Dead Congregation
Impetuous Ritual
Birth AD
Divine Eve
Grave Ritual
Grave Upheaval
Hour of 13

Hell Militia
Ares Kingdom
Drawn and Quartered
Wow, looks like an old Milwaukee Metalfest poster. Of all these bands listed, Evoken is the only one I own anything by.
Never heard of any of them, and to be honest the White Rabbit? It has gotten pretty run-down over the past couple of years
As much as I love extreme metal, I would not make the trip just because I can't identify half the bands on the poster. Fuck everything about these idiots having these grim, ridiculous logos. Every now and then it's kind of cool to try to figure it out, but most of the time it's just obnoxious. :lol:

You beat me to it, Milton. :lol:
Never heard of any of them, and to be honest the White Rabbit? It has gotten pretty run-down over the past couple of years

It's a pretty big tourstop for alot of tours that hit San Antonio so whether or not it's run down people obviously go. A quick look and bands like Winds Of Plague, Chimaira, and Alesana, all huge bands, are doing shows there on their tours.

I haven't heard of most of the bands on this bill either, but I find it fascinating how much hype it's been getting on the web. Alot of people on Last.fm especially jizzing all over the place over these bands. Tribulation, Demigod, Funebrarum, Stargazer, Urfaust, and Nunslaughter and a few others I know, but overall there isn't anything that drives me crazy about the lineup. I feel like (and no offense to you DC) that this fest is just a conglomeration of small cult bands.
It's a pretty big tourstop for alot of tours that hit San Antonio so whether or not it's run down people obviously go. A quick look and bands like Winds Of Plague, Chimaira, and Alesana, all huge bands, are doing shows there on their tours.

I haven't heard of most of the bands on this bill either, but I find it fascinating how much hype it's been getting on the web. Alot of people on Last.fm especially jizzing all over the place over these bands. Tribulation, Demigod, Funebrarum, Stargazer, Urfaust, and Nunslaughter and a few others I know, but overall there isn't anything that drives me crazy about the lineup. I feel like (and no offense to you DC) that this fest is just a conglomeration of small cult bands.

Fair enough. There are many small bands on here but many 'not small' bands as well...I am hesitant to use the word 'big' as there definitely are not any bands on the level of say, Morbid Angel, but still decent enough. For example, Sargeist has more plays on last.fm than many of the bands playing PP next year. But the cult thing is probably true. It is a big deal because most of these bands have never played the states before, let alone all at one time....some of these announcements have been nuts, like Antaeus and Strid, who I never thought would play shows again, let alone in the US.
Lol... I have to agree with those who have said the illegible logo thing is getting way overdone at this point! :)
I cant beleive people are judging a band by its logo. Sure it gets silly how you canr read half of them but do write them off.....Nunslaughter are great live. Saw them over the summer with Bones and Acid Witch....one of the best shows this year. Mortuary Drape had to cancel thier US tour due to management mess ups. Inquisition is also slowly making a name for themselves. Sure the fest is full of cult bands but these are the bands people travel and will come out to see live. When people sit and complain about small turnouts....these are the bands who's shows are actually filled. Sure not in the 1,000's range but way better than the US shows of Primal Fear and many other bands. Christ....the Nunslaughter show was almost sold out, Desaster have over 200 people with little advertising....I didnt even know of them before the show was announced and I figured it would be empty. Cianide are another band that will pack them in. People forget there is an underground scene still that isnt about big tour packages and stuff. The underground scene is alive and well. I know a few people who are flying down just for Pagan Alter.
What does the underground scene have to do with mismanagement from the promoters? It seems like this fest is going to tank at this point...

As of late, we have had numerous rumors flying around regarding the upcoming Rites of Darkness festival. We would like to fully disclose what has been happening so people can know the truth from our side. A few months ago, we started sales through Paypal. We've had good history with Paypal and felt this was the best way to go especially with the numerous international people planning to come to the show. People with experience with Paypal knows that sometimes, accounts get locked and frozen because Paypal feels it seems fit and thinks a certain account is illegitimate. Well our account was one of the unfortunate ones to get locked. Though we could receive sales, we were unable to do anything with our account. Including taking the money out to go back into the show.

We worked hard on legitimizing our account including drafting them flight schedules (Antaeus, Anatomia, Impetuous Ritual, etc), venue contracts, receipts, past history with the first ROD festivals and more. But they kept a closed ear on our pleas and kept assuring us that the account just needs time to be unlocked. We trusted their word which was never honored. If the amount was low, we wouldn't have stressed it out as much as we have but the account was roughly around $53,000 - a high number that was gonna heavily go back into the festival. We had two choices to go through with Paypal; either refund every customer (nearly about 450 transactions) or wait 180 days from the date of the festival for them to release our funds. We kept working on legal arbitration, different avenues, and even the possibility of refunding all customers but before we could get to that point, we had someone in another Paypal office look at our account, review it and has since cleared our account to use.

And with through that mess, we've had to encounter some cancellations as of late including Urfaust and Butcher ABC. Both had important work obligations they couldn't pass up and we tried to work around them as much as possible but we couldn't come to a deal. And the latest cancellations that we have encountered that we regret to announce are Sargeist and Behexen. Again, we tried to come to a working schedule around their new jobs but nothing came to fruition. We understand the bands on our festival have personal lives they must attend to and when an opportunity comes up they can't pass up, we can only do so much. We completely understand if this sways peoples decision to come to the show but we hope to let everyone know before false rumors come out. We already have 3 replacements in the works and are just waiting for them to confirm by tonight and this week. If you've bought a single day ticket to see these specific bands on the schedules, feel free to email us and we can work on refunding you. We will NOT refund any 3 day passes or prefest tickets since we feel we've built a strong enough line up to have people enough variety to choose from.

What a mess. Their last.fm page is full of people trying to sell passes/tickets.
That press release is like 4 months old and has nothing to do with the current situation of the fest. While I agree that this fest has been mismanaged you should probably use something more current to back up your point.

The lineup is still very good despite all the cancellations. About 15 out of 60+ have dropped. It is still worth it to see Pagan Altar play Volume One in its entirety, Vasaeleth, the last Antaeus show in North America ever, Zemial's only show in North America ever, Cruciamentum, all the Australian bands, Black Witchery....I could go on. Still 30-40 very good bands worth seeing. The only reason I am not going anymore is because of a work change.
Actually it has everything to do with the current situation of the fest. They never got their paypal account unfrozen and that's why bands are canceling, since so many flights, etc cannot be paid for now.
No, bands are canceling because of a complete and total lack of communication. They have not heard from the fest promoter for months now. This is much worse IMO but has nothing to do with the Paypal freeze. All this info is easy to find on the NWN board thread about the fest.

They got their money back from Paypal just fine, but in the time it took, flights went up by an unreasonable amount like they always do...