World Cup

Oi, you better watch out coz there's some "monkeys" on this forum, and I find that very disrespectful.

Aye well it's nae been wrong so far, the little shit. I'm thinking Spain will win, but I want Holland to succeed! Gonnae stick a bet on anyway.

to be honest, i also think that spain has the biggest chance...
but never say never, we were able to defeat brazil so why not spain?
Im sorry, people from countries from latin backgrounds have been called "monkeys" before. I just took it totally the wrong way, thinking you hated the team just for being from where they are. Anyway, I obviously want them to win coz its my country. And I think that they cheat less then other countries, I mean, frikkin Uruguay you know? And even if I dont agree with all that my country represents, I think that if they have a chance, this world cup is obviously it.
My predicitions

Spain 2 Holland 1 after extra time

Germany 2 Uruaguay 0

Kinda sad that the World Cup is over, it was fun watching those horrendous reffering decisions and blatant cheating and Greece living up to the brand of Anti-football lol
You know....yeah we won. But this match just reminded me why I never watch football outside of the world cup. It soooo fuckin dirty, both teams were dirty as fuck. Oh well, now I'll have to suffer for months on end, we are the champions, lalala, whatever.
The worst part is that all my basque nationalist friends will be raging and the spanish ones will be all happy, so I will be stuck in the middle. hahahaha
You know....yeah we won. But this match just reminded me why I never watch football outside of the world cup. It soooo fuckin dirty, both teams were dirty as fuck. Oh well, now I'll have to suffer for months on end, we are the champions, lalala, whatever.

true, i believe that we got 9 yellow cards.... and to be honest, nigel de jong should have gotten a red card for kicking his foot against the chest of a spanish player.
but i hate it that we didn't get the corner after the free kick just before Iniesta's goal... if we did get that corner, then maybe it would still be 0-0 , then penalties and maybe we would have won then,
but yeah, congratulations i guess
Are you from Euskal-Herria? I have a couple of friends in Bilbao...

Well yes, I do live in Euskal Herria. :D I live in San Sebastian, its like an hour and a half away from Bilbao. I have some friends over there too, they're mainly from my town but are there going to uni.
Ah, cool! My friend from Bilbao was in Aberdeen doing her masters degree and I helped her with her dissertation which was all about the Basque country and the idea of nation... lots of stuff about ETA and about how the Spanish government are trying to crush the Basque sense of national identity, shutting down Basque language newspapers and radio stations and schools... seems a very sad state of affairs.
Yeah, it is very sad. But I really don't know who is worse, the Basque nationalist or the Spanish nationalist. I'm all for preserving the culture and the language, becoming a nation is another thing. But the worst part is that each side tries to force people into believing certain things. And forcing people is never a good a idea. Its one of those, Cant we all just get along? scenarios. For me anyway.
You know....yeah we won. But this match just reminded me why I never watch football outside of the world cup. It soooo fuckin dirty, both teams were dirty as fuck. Oh well, now I'll have to suffer for months on end, we are the champions, lalala, whatever.

Both teams were dirty & neither of them deserved to win. The quality of play in the Germany / Uruguay match was MUCH higher. Such a boring world cup final, pathetic display man.

But I still love my boys from Holland, even big Van Bommel who just got tore inty every cunt on the pitch. I wish he had decked Iniesta, little scumbag he is.