Worst Concert Injuries?


Mar 9, 2002
As i've mentioned on a few posts, i went to the download festival to see Metallica$h, it was my first opportunity seeing them and even though i loathe their recent albums i had to go for old times sake. 15 minutes into their set a pretty timid pit forms, Jockthrax enters the fray and SNAP!:OMG: BOLLOCKS, it would appear 2 have broken my wrist, not to worry it's just Metallica...................
DOUBLE BOLLOCKS! I'm going to see the Thrax in 10 days time with a broken wrist!
Worst concert injury....has to be permanent hearing damage from a Sepultura, Pantera concert. Pantera was so loud my ears were actually hurting. I had to go into the lobby/concession are to get some relief. My ears were ringing for about a week, and I know I lost some hearing due to that show.

I also broke my finger at a Bad Brains show. It was at a small club, I was right up against the stage, and the singer jumped on my hand (by accident) twice really quickly, and god dam, my finger broke. It hurt pretty bad.
My friend Larry did a stage dive at a Prong/Clutch double bill in November of 1994. Only, he dove into an area of the pit where no one was! Duh. I looked over and thought he was dead. He was lying in a pile of his own puke, he landed head first and his head was swelling. He went to the hospital the next day, and then had to be life flighted to another facility. He's ok though.
- Got a concussion after crowdsurfing on my back; didn´t see it when there was no more people to carry me around, and I landed head first.
- Got a few bent ribs after trying to crowdsurf on some people I had just given the finger. So when I jumped, they moved out of the way. Needless to say I was extremely drunk, so :headbang: afterwards.
- Broke my nose after getting an elbow in the face in the pit.
- Fell on broken glass and cut my hand.
I broke my ankle in the mosh pit once. Other than that, I have lost my voice for about 4 days and I definitely have lost a lot of hearing. Maybe i 'll regret it in a few years, but right now I still can't help listening to music--LOUD!!! Also, have gotten many bruises, etc.

I was at a show in the 80's--I think it was Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus, and I wanna say Testament (not sure) and people kept getting injured. THey had to cart one kid off on a stretcher. I think he broke his femur bone!! He could not walk away and he was f'ed up!

I was at an Armored Saint show in 1991 in Cleveland and some girl did a dive off the stage and missed the main portion of the crowd. She landed on her head. I thought she was dead! She was able to walk. Didn't see her again that night. Oh, and Armored Saint was fantastic that night. I have never heard anything better live than BUsh singing The truth always hurt!
Mine's not an injury so much, but I went to see Hole 8-9 years ago, and some pissed fuckwit decided to take a piss at the back of the mosh pit floor - the arsehole ended up pissing all down the back of my leg. I turned around and pushed him over and he fell down and continued pissing all over himself!!!!!
Cro mags / Exploited. Busted nose and crushed knuckle.
The Vandals / Strung out. Broken Rib, busted jaw and I crushed the same knuckle again.
Anthrax, SOWN tour slashed in the ribs by a razor blade Irvine Meadows CA (now verizone wireless ampitheatre).
And on A personnal note. Every asshole that gave me these injurys got 10 times worse then I recieved. Yes I'm that good. HA HA eat my shorts.
My friend got a concussion when someone dove off the balcony at an Anthrax show at the House of Blues in LA. The guy kicked my friend in the back of the head when he landed. He had headaches for two weeks after the show but he said drinking made them better. Actually heavy drinking is his cure for everything...it helps him cope with the wife and two little girls (his words, not mine.)

At the Iced Earth/In Flames/Jag Panzer show in Cleveland a few years back (Horror Show tour), Chris Broderich of Jag Panzer came flying out onstage and dove into the crowd after In Flames set was done. Wasn't watching the stage at the time, so I didn't see him coming. Needless to say, he landed on my head. Neck hurt like a motherfucker for the rest of the night, but was pretty much fine when I saw them in Detroit the next night.


NP: Iron Maiden - Beast Over Hammersmith