Your opinions on these bands...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Hey - for those Power metallers out there, can you give me an idea as to what you think of any (or some) of these bands:

Concerto Moon
Human Fortress
Thy Majestie
Mob Rules

Thanks! :)
I like the Human Fortress CD a lot. I've also got Thy Majestie and wasn't as impressed. Mob Rules is pretty good also.

Another band I really like is StormWIND. Don't know much about Stormlord, but the other band plays good power metal.

Concerto Moon are from Japan!

@junniefromtheeast...ever heard them by any chance? Their on the same label as Rhapsody and toured with Stratovarius.

Limb-Music don't offer MP3 samples either. :mad:
There is an official site for Concerto Moon but it's in japanese. Does anyone know where I can download the Kanji font to read Japanese?

Not that I can read Japanese, but I may be able to figure out where the hyperlinks are. They don't show up without the japanese font.

I hear Conerto Moon are awesome.
The only two bands I actually have heard is Concerto Moon & Mob RUles (both on LMP, how bizarre!):eek:

I have "From Father To Son" & "Rain Forest" from Concerto Moon.
Aside from Concerto Moon's vocalist singing 50% in japanese...and in VERY bad english when he is trying to sing in english, it's a pretty good listen! There are a few catchy hooks and some pretty good guitar work! Fans of Yngwie & Adagio will probably love the band!

I have both Mob Rules albums, and I love them!!!! (and Bear HATES them! :lol::lol::lol:) Yes, the singer can be an aquired taste, BUT I think they have some EXCELLENT songs!!!! especially off the last album "Temple Of two Suns"!!! Personally, I think they should be getting a little more attention....that's just my two cents!:rolleyes:

I'll have to investigate the other bands further.....

I've checked out a couple of the band mentioned, but I believe Elvenking is far and away the best of the lot! If anyone has not heard these guys yet, I seriously suggest picking up Heathenreel. It is a very unique blend of folk-power-speed-symphonic-and some black and death thrown in for good measure! Check out Seasonspeech... it's a song about the 4 seasons, and each season has it's own vocalist... very cool!