Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

Political Correctness and "the line" are not the same thing. saying "Fuck PC" does not give you the ability to do anything you want. There are still some limits you have to respect. I'm pretty sure simulated sex on stage is not what a lot of people want to see at this festival. Remember, it holds itself to the higher standard.
why is everyone so upset over a naked lady????? when did heavy metal become so PC. Sure it may have not fit for the moment but I think people are looking way too much into this. If it is too much for you to handle, go to watch Disney's High School Musical on broadway then.

:lol::lol: Well, I thought the All-Star Jam was the highlight of the night, and truly one of the most unique and special performances anywhere. I will be extremely disappointed if 1) we don't get one (albeit shorter) next year and 2) we don't get at least some of the performances on video to relive.

I think my excitement was summed up after "Symphony of Destruction," when I turned to Glenn and shouted, "Holy shit! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" :worship:notworthy

These were once in a lifetime experiences, and the best part was watching how much fun the band and the vocalists had with each song. Steinar (the bass player) changing out hats to fit each song was hilarious! For that same reason, I fully support "the drunk guys from Freak Kitchen" having a blast on stage with AC/DC, whatever the 'skill' of the cover. I don't think that the Jam was about showing off ;) Hell, watching Glenn was pretty damn entertaining too! This was brilliant, brilliant fun, and I loved it!:kickass:
why is everyone so upset over a naked lady????? when did heavy metal become so PC. Sure it may have not fit for the moment but I think people are looking way too much into this. If it is too much for you to handle, go to watch Disney's High School Musical on broadway then.

It was borderline inappropriate but I do think people are being a bit too sensitive about it. I just don't think she had that great of a body personally, so I was just kind of like "Hmm, ok." I'm fairly prudish myself so that whole sort of thing isn't my cup of tea, but it didn't make me upset or anything. Not that big a deal.
I am just stating that I love how the promoters can go above and beyond to make it a perfect weekend and people then come on here and nit pick over the smallest things. Where does it say that this fest is all about "a higher standard". Sure in quality with the music sure...what swearing on stage. I am not a guy who would be hooting and hollaring over seeing a naked girl on stage, I have seen enough in my lifetime, I even hate strip clubs, they are really lame, but the fact I think that most people who are posting the negative stuff is because they all want to act like they were offended so they will fit in. How many naked chicks are on album covers that everyone owns??? Remember all the old music videos....there were tons of barely dressed girls in them doing the same thing. People need to lighten up.
I bet 1,000 bucks if it was Glen up there dancing next to the naked lady, everyone would be saying Glen is "the man" for doing that. I think there is way to much negativity over something so small and stupid. upset me. Being a fellow Elvenking fanatic and all. I thought you were better than this.
I had a great time. I rocked the fuck out for many of the songs, especially Megadeth and King Diamond.

Metal has never been about following standards. The dancer was entertaining and something you will never see at any other metal show. Just stop whining and take it for what it is.
I had a great time. I rocked the fuck out for many of the songs, especially Megadeth and King Diamond.

Metal has never been about following standards. The dancer was entertaining and something you will never see at any other metal show. Just stop whining and take it for what it is.

I saw Bloody Crackdown do it last year for GWAR, and their music was still the worst i've seen live, rofl. upset me. Being a fellow Elvenking fanatic and all. I thought you were better than this.

Wait, what? I wasn't even at the show. I just would prefer not to see some chick dry humping some guy on stage during a musical performance. Especially in an all ages show. You wanna make it 18 and up and do it between songs, cool. If I wanted to see such acts in a concert, I'd go see Marilyn Manson. If it happens at a show I'm at like this one? I would've been like, "wow, over the top." but I guess I wouldn't be all up in arms about it either. If I managed to give that impression, well, oops. I was merely trying to be objective.

Is bringing this supposed naked sex craved chick on stage crossing the line? Yah, probably. Is it crossing the line so far people should *REALLY* give a shit? no. definitely not. Especially if she was convieniently covered. :loco:
Hey, I had to leave...did Jon Olivia come out last night? What songs and did he just sing? Any one have some pics of it?
This is my 3rd straight ProgPower and all in all I have no real complaints except that on the final night for whatever reason the show keeps starting later that the scheduled time. There was way too much "dead space" between After Forever's set & The All Star Jam. This can be a problem for people who are tapped out on cash by the end of the festival and are forced to choose to leave early (to catch the final shuttle @ 2am) or walk back 3 miles to their motel room. 12 hours is a long time to spend in one room.... then have to stay up all night if you have an early flight back out. I left right after "The Real Thing" and did catch the last shuttle...... it would have been nice if a few songs was dropped so I could have heard the band announcements for next year.

Regardless I will be back next year. :lol:
I am just stating that I love how the promoters can go above and beyond to make it a perfect weekend and people then come on here and nit pick over the smallest things. Where does it say that this fest is all about "a higher standard".

Spoken as someone who didn't have kids there. If you read the sticky section you'll see that the promoter had nothing to do with it. Had he known, it would never have happened. I just thought it was silly, but I can see how parents could be very upset.
I thought that the allstar jam set was disorganized and not what I was expecting. This was my first show but I did not like it at all. Way too long and I didnt know half the songs they were playing. I enjoyed the bands during weekend but I could have lived without seeing the allstar jam.
Spoken as someone who didn't have kids there. If you read the sticky section you'll see that the promoter had nothing to do with it. Had he known, it would never have happened. I just thought it was silly, but I can see how parents could be very upset.

why would you bring your kids anyways...I hate when people bring thier kids to movies and get mad when there is swearing or nudity in the film. it is called a babysitter. plus...why are we so scared to see the human body???
Since I'm the token fetish scene connection, and know people involved with the Harvest Erotic Art show, I will let them know the issue so that it doesn't happen next year. I'm quite sure the dancer wouldn't have come down, knowing that (as I saw several of my friends exiting the loft later that evening).
why would you bring your kids anyways...I hate when people bring thier kids to movies and get mad when there is swearing or nudity in the film. it is called a babysitter. plus...why are we so scared to see the human body???

what if their kids like the same music? :p I heard Lance ran his kids off as fast as he could lol
what if their kids like the same music? :p I heard Lance ran his kids off as fast as he could lol

everyone has to learn about the birds and the bee's sometime. I remember back in the early 80's in 5th parents rented Porkys for us, it just came out on VHS that week. that is how I learned everything I needed to know.
The AC/DC stuff. AC/DC has been done to death and by far better bands that the drunk guy from Freak's kitchen.

can you name some bands that are far better live performers than freak kitchen? cause im sort of interested.

sorry that you didnt enjoy freak kitchens cover of ac/dc stuff, but it seemed to me like alot of the crowd was pretty into it. i personally think freak kitchen did a fantastic job, i really dont see how you could be so critical of a jam session that was tagged on to the end of the night for free basically. no one forced ya to stay for the drunken madness by any means, which alot of people found pretty fun, also not to mention the fact that freak kitchen extended their already amazing set to help out the vanden plas thing. give them a little credit, just a tad.

but i think on the topic of the musicians, pagans mind deserves more credit than anyone. god those guys frickin own! they learned all those songs just for that performance! they are seriously some fantastic musicians and ill be sending them some priase mail!

my ONLY complaint about the concert was that the vocals seemed to be going out at times, everything else was great!

well, one more complaint, thumbs down to who ever was dropping stink bombs during a few of the sets! jesus christ! how you could make smells that bad without actually shitting on yourself blows my mind.
I thought that the allstar jam set was disorganized and not what I was expecting. This was my first show but I did not like it at all. Way too long and I didnt know half the songs they were playing. I enjoyed the bands during weekend but I could have lived without seeing the allstar jam.
It was loosely organized - to let the bands/musiciaians cut loose with eachother. None of the tunes (besides maybe 3-4 ) were rehearsed.. you were sseeing the first actual jam of each tune in most cases
Glenn just wanted everyone to have some fun.. I think it showed. Didn't need to be perfect..
I thought all the guys did great ! And I had a blast on the chaos that was the Flight of Icarus.
everyone has to learn about the birds and the bee's sometime. I remember back in the early 80's in 5th parents rented Porkys for us, it just came out on VHS that week. that is how I learned everything I needed to know.

who am I/are us to tell someone how to parent their children :p