Grammy Awards

Did anyone catch the 3D MJ tribute? Was it worth it? I missed it and it was really the only thing I was looking forward to.

Great vocals. However, an lesser known song made it far less enjoyable. It also sucked if you didnt have the 3D glasses unless you took a hit of acid prior.
Lol, I had figured it i didn't bother getting the glasses and I didn't bother watching the grammy's. Figured I'd catch most of it on youtube. Are you a Michael Jackson fan? Earth Song was one of his favorites, and certainly the most epic song off of HIStory. He was planning on going full out for this song on his "This Is It" tour, making it the center piece of the show. They made a big deal out of the tribute being this song for that reason.
Best performers of the night in no particular order:

1. Lady Gaga & Elton John- Their duet was fantastic.

2. Beyonce - Beyond sassy.

4. Mary J. Blige & Andre Bocelli- Mary was good. However, Andre reminded everyone that he is a man amongst boys & girls. The only chill bump moment of the night.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Performance-wise, those were great.
I caught bits and pieces last night. Leaving aside the stupidity of the actual awards, these were my thoughts on what I saw:

- I still haven't figured out Lady Gaga. I find her kind of disturbing. But it can't be said that she doesn't know how to put on a show, and having Elton show up scores a lot of points. I certainly wasn't bored.

- Pink's performance was incredible. Her voice is incredible, and the Cirque du Soleil-like acrobatics while she was singing were mesmerizing. I'd be totally turned on by her if I wasn't afraid that she'd just kick my a** at any moment.

- Taylor Swift's performance sounded like crap. Even if she had been in-tune, it would have been a bland, uninspired duet with Stevie. It just didn't work. Only good thing was seeing Butch Walker playing the crap out of that mandolin/banjo thing. If there was any justice, and if this was a real awards show, Butch would be the one walking away with those little statues. Dude's a genius.
Sorry, but the Grammys have more buy-ons than an OZZFEST gig.
How can anyone take this crap seriously?

I find it extremely offensive when Judas Priest wins (Finally) for a live rendition of a song that appeared originally on SIN AFTER SIN. I find it offensive that Motorhead won the grammy a couple years back for a Metallica cover. I find it offensive that Slayer won a couple years back for a throw away b-side that was included as a bonus track in a re-release.

Also, Slayer was nominated THIS year for Hate Worldwide, off of their latest which was released on November 3rd, which is BEYOND the scope of time for qualification.

So yeah, basically some suits get a list without even doing any research and says, "Oh, Slayer, yeah, they won before right, let's nominate them again!"

The only funny part I liked was that rap in the end.
I love how that rapper DRAKE is trying to be all legit!
He used to act on Degrassi - The Next Generation!
Yep, that's street right there.

To be back on topic, since my guess is my post will get deleted anyhow, as far as "sheep" pop music goes, my favorites were BLACK EYED PEAS and TAYLOR SWIFT. BEP put on a good visual show whenever they perform, and if I had to listen to generic pop music, their's has some good energy. I have a ton of respect for Swift, as she actually had a hand in writing every song on her album, plus I like how she did a grass roots stripped down version of her hit.

Bon Jovi???? Seriously? This is your first Grammy performance and that's the BEST you can do? I know they have been incorporating the whole country thing to sell records in the past few years, but I would think for their first appearance they wouldn't pull the "Bring out the country star to perform with us" card.

Ditto. I'm about the biggest Priest fan there is, but they should not have won for a live performance of a song that they wrote in the 70s. It's just like how Black Sabbath won for a live version of "Iron Man" years ago. They've proven they know nothing about metal. The only nomination in that category I was impressed with the last couple of years was when King Diamond actually got nominated but of course didn't win.

Just so you know Jasonic, the single for Hate Worldwide was released before the cutoff date. That's why it was allowed to get in.

As for the show in general, I didn't watch it. I can't watch it anymore as it's gotten about as bad as the VMA's are now in my opinion. I just can't take it anymore. I'm not discounting some of the performances there might have been, but I feel the Grammys are sheer proof of how shitty the music industry is.
Blah blah blah, the grammy's are stupid. Blah blah they have no real talent, no real music. Blah blah blah, there's only one kind of music, and that is metal. If the grammy's know nothing about metal, than the grammy's are shit.

As much as I praise the metal fans for the endless support for the bands and the style, in my opinion they can also be the worst thing possible for music in general.
It is funny because now it has turned into more of "what are they wearing and who are they with?"

It's pretty sad when a network can exist (E!) almost solely so that they can broadcast 24 hours of red carpet ceremony. Just like the awards themselves, and really American society, it has become style over substance.

That being said, what do we need to do to get a ProgPower red carpet ceremony? Maybe little interviews out front, asking Zak Stevens or any of the dignitaries "Who designed your tee shirt?" "Are those Wal-Mart jeans you're wearing?" "Who will you dedicate tonight's performance to?" "Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?"

It's pretty sad when a network can exist (E!) almost solely so that they can broadcast 24 hours of red carpet ceremony. Just like the awards themselves, and really American society, it has become style over substance.

That being said, what do we need to do to get a ProgPower red carpet ceremony? Maybe little interviews out front, asking Zak Stevens or any of the dignitaries "Who designed your tee shirt?" "Are those Wal-Mart jeans you're wearing?" "Who will you dedicate tonight's performance to?" "Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?"


LOL now THAT I would watch.
Time to get off your high horse...we all know that just because someone wins an award or if a movie becomes a boxoffice ultimately doesn't mean its "good"...which is subjective anyway. All it means is that they are popular. Marketing and financial backing are the key.

There is really only one way to find out if "talent" is relative between the mainstream and the underground...let's do a job swap and see if someone like Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift can front After Forever ala Floor Jansen and have the King's of Leon back them up...and vice versa. Now that is reality show worth watching. :Smug:

And before someone labels me to be a narrow-minded horn throwing knuckledragger...I have seen the likes of Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Steely Dan, Fishbone, Ice Cube, and Sade in concert and consider John Coltrane a genius. :worship:
I thought the highlight was Stephen Colbert showing off his new iPad. :)

I stopped caring about the Grammys after I stopped caring about pop music. Even when I did, I always thought it was a joke.

Even tho you can say the same thing about the Oscars, I still have a great love of movies.
Blah blah blah, the grammy's are stupid. Blah blah they have no real talent, no real music. Blah blah blah, there's only one kind of music, and that is metal. If the grammy's know nothing about metal, than the grammy's are shit.

As much as I praise the metal fans for the endless support for the bands and the style, in my opinion they can also be the worst thing possible for music in general.
This has become an interesting stereotype; if you like Metal, your criticism of all other forms of music is invalid, because you're clearly a knuckle-dragging, mindless, death-to-false-Metal Manowar fan. It's even more interesting that this stereotype was born and exists within the Metal community. Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

If someone enjoys Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas, etc., more power to them. Hell, I love my old Duran Duran CDs. However, don't act shocked and indignant when your posts on a Metal board, about Pink's glorious performance, are met with a raised eye brow.

Lastly, if an intelligent discussion about the Grammys is what's desired, that's fine.
  • We can discuss the demographics of it, and delve into the fact that the only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  • We can debate the financial aspects of it, given the consolidation within the music industry, and debate whether it's any longer even a genre of music or simply a large marketing campaign, whose ultimate goal is sell HDTVs and Coca Cola.
  • We can talk about its societal impacts, and how its glorifying of auto-tuned, would be strippers, creates unhealthy body-issues for little girls, and furthers the stereotype that beauty and talent are inseparable.
  • We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.
This has become an interesting stereotype; if you like Metal, your criticism of all other forms of music is invalid, because you're clearly a knuckle-dragging, mindless, death-to-false-Metal Manowar fan. It's even more interesting that this stereotype was born and exists within the Metal community. Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

If someone enjoys Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas, etc., more power to them. Hell, I love my old Duran Duran CDs. However, don't act shocked and indignant when your posts on a Metal board, about Pink's glorious performance, are met with a raised eye brow.

Lastly, if an intelligent discussion about the Grammys is what's desired, that's fine.
  • We can discuss the demographics of it, and delve into the fact that the only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  • We can debate the financial aspects of it, given the consolidation within the music industry, and debate whether it's any longer even a genre of music or simply a large marketing campaign, whose ultimate goal is sell HDTVs and Coca Cola.
  • We can talk about its societal impacts, and how its glorifying of auto-tuned, would be strippers, creates unhealthy body-issues for little girls, and furthering the stereotype that beauty and talent are inseparable.
  • We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.

you rock
Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

Thanks Zod -

I just find the whole thing offensive as a music fan.
I suppose mainstream music to me is more of simple "entertainment" than anything else.

Now that of course does not mean that if you are a mainstream artist, you have zero talent. Nor am I saying, "Heavy metal or die!!!!"

I also question the quantity of TRUE live performances last evening.
PINK was spinning around pretty darn quick with not even taking a breath vocally. :lol:
Jasonic, most likely the reason these people are sitting up front are because they are the "biggest" right now, and they are going to be winning awards. If you think back, like to the example you gave of 10 years ago - it makes sense because Britney and Justin were all over the radio and TV then. Most, if not all of the big winners last night were right up front (Taylor Swift being another).

Oh, so you mean the winners know before hand?!?!?!?!?!?
Say it isn't so!!!
I truly thought it was real and the artists were truly surprised...........

All joking aside, I know what you are saying.

At least Vince McMahon admits wrestling is staged....... :lol:

"Sheep" didn't mock anyone? I replied in kind and that was the end of it. I even agreed with his post otherwise.

The "intelligent discussion" is cleary aimed at me. That's fine. I meant no direct insult at you when I stated it in the first post and I thought your reply meant you understood that. I was simply hoping to avoide the cliche pop sucks mentality that you so describe.

Props on the awesomely sarcastic asshole reply though.