
Jul 21, 2004
Fianlly the show is just about here. Been cranking many PP Bands on My computer, IPOD, CD player and finally the week is here.

Bands I am looking forward to the most:
Circus Maximus
Circle II Circle
Savage Circus
Vision Divine

Got the new Mercenary Cd in the Mail-Kicks ass!!!!
ARE WE THERE YET?????? WHAT TIME IS IT?????? WHEN DO WE GET THERE???? Damn less than 72 hours away!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO

See all of you guys and gals there.
24 freakin hours left......I'll be leaving the house this time tomarrow!

@"poppa" SharkBlack--- Are we there yet? are we there yet? :lol: :Smokin:
Ya'll have safe flights and see you soon!
kellsco said:
Does the "I leave in 24 hours" dance. :headbang:

Make room for the rhythymless white boy - at this time tomorrow I'll be headed to Denver - chronically early for getting to airports. I'd rather get their early and sit around in an airport bar reading than take a chance on missig this. Cmno Frontier - no screw ups :) At 3something Eastern time I'll be breathin in some humidity :)

Nice moves by the way Kellsco :)
I'm pretty darn ready... pretty bummed I'm going to miss another function this weekend but ya know what; I'm going to be partying just the same in Atlanta ~ woo hoo!!!

And two days after I get home from PP, kamelot & Epica are going to be at Jaxx. woo hoo!!! :headbang:
JenniferLynn said:
I'm pretty darn ready... pretty bummed I'm going to miss another function this weekend but ya know what; I'm going to be partying just the same in Atlanta ~ woo hoo!!!

And two days after I get home from PP, kamelot & Epica are going to be at Jaxx. woo hoo!!! :headbang:

I'll be at that show too. Hope to see you at ProgPower and at Jaxx. :headbang:
JenniferLynn said:

And two days after I get home from PP, kamelot & Epica are going to be at Jaxx. woo hoo!!! :headbang:

BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
I'll be at that show too. Hope to see you at ProgPower and at Jaxx. :headbang:

Well dammit! I was really looking forward to attending this show with Scott. Big fans of Division and Scott loves Epica...then 2 weeks ago I found out my classes start that very night. I can't skip first class for this. DARNIT! I wish I was going to see ya'll there. But Scott will be going. Jenn? you make sure you find Scott at Jaxx and say hey!


p.s. ARE WE THERE YET????????????? ;)