Any idea on Freak Kitchen's set?


Mar 24, 2002
North Carolina
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Does anyone know, what songs Freak Kitchen, normally play live? Because this is a band that has some really good songs, and many horrible songs.If I hear Porno Daddy live, I might have to, slit my wrists, as that is the worst freaking song ever. Now some of my faves are Heroin Breakfast, See you in Pittsburgh and A Bitter Season. What are everyone else's favorites?
Does anyone know, what songs Freak Kitchen, normally play live? Because this is a band that has some really good songs, and many horrible songs.If I hear Porno Daddy live, I might have to, slit my wrists, as that is the worst freaking song ever. Now some of my faves are Heroin Breakfast, See you in Pittsburgh and A Bitter Season. What are everyone else's favorites?
:lol: :cry: :lol: :cry:
Does anyone know, what songs Freak Kitchen, normally play live? Because this is a band that has some really good songs, and many horrible songs.If I hear Porno Daddy live, I might have to, slit my wrists, as that is the worst freaking song ever. Now some of my faves are Heroin Breakfast, See you in Pittsburgh and A Bitter Season. What are everyone else's favorites?

I like just about everything they've done, but I will say "Organic" took a while to "stick". I think it is their weakest cd, lyrically. I think they'll need to double check you at the door, as Porno Daddy will probably get played. I think they've been doing more older material as of late, but I have no set lists to back it up, just what I've heard/read on some other forums from friends who saw their shows. Personal favorites:

See You In Pittsburgh
Ugly Side of Me
Lie Freedom
Hateful Little People
Are You For Real?
Mr. Kaschei & the 13 Prostitutes

J-Dubya - Is just happy they WILL play, and not concerned much about WHAT they play. It will rock, all will be assimilated! :heh:
I don't care what they play either, just as long as they play. Whatever they play will leave people saying "what the f**k just happened".
Their standard setlist on a full set usually looks like this without much variation (they'll throw in a couple of covers)

Speak When Spoken To
Rights To You
Porno Daddy
Look Bored
Propaganda Pie
Infidelity Ghost
Walls of Stupidity
My New Haircut
Vaselin Bizniz
Hateful Little People
See You In Pittsburgh
Nobody’s Laughing
Razor Flowers
I will be happy to see them play!!!I like Porno Daddy!!!!

Razor Flowers, Haw Haw Haw would be cool. The Ugly Side of Me, must be played too!!!Its going to kick ass... Dont forget the Dildo jam LOL

Wayniac said:
I am NOT tuning or changing batteries in a dildo, unless some young lady from the audience needs assistance with her "travel companion" ! lol

Of all my stage crew, I figured you would have the most experience with battery operated devices.
Wayniac said:
I am NOT tuning or changing batteries in a dildo, unless some young lady from the audience needs assistance with her "travel companion" ! lol

I think Chris just got something called a 'shit-eating piglet'...not sure what it does exactly but he told me it took size D batteries. I know he LOVES Freak Kitchen. So we could probably just sit back and watch ;)
Wayniac said:
I am NOT tuning or changing batteries in a dildo, unless some young lady from the audience needs assistance with her "travel companion" ! lol

How the F do you TUNE a dildo? That speaks volumes Wayne!!!! HEY LOOK WAYNIAC IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's the songs I'm enjoying from them right now;

Infedelity Ghost
Chest Pain Waltz
Speak When Spoken To (this should be a radio hit)
See You In Pittsburgh
Look Bored
I'm Not Going
Sob Story
Independant Way of Life
Inner Revolution
Lie Freedom
Mr Kaschei & the 13 Prostitutes
Mussolini Mind
Now You Know (reminds me so much of Mucky Pup :headbang:)
Propaganda Pie
Ugly Side Of Me

and Doesn't "Some Kind of Love Song" remind you of Mr Big?
Agreed, I also like Porno Daddy, very catchy tune. I just PRAY that they play Snap, first song I really liked from them and to this day is still probably my favorite.
I'm not familiar with them. If I had to get one album, which one should I start with?

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. I think most FK fans would say get Dead Soul Men, but you cant go worng with Move, DSM or Spanking Hour....

Bear said:
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. I think most FK fans would say get Dead Soul Men, but you cant go worng with Move, DSM or Spanking Hour....


I'd be one of the ones to tell you to get Dead Soul Men, but I agree 100% with Bear's recommendations. All are solid discs.....
