Anyone got any insight on this mess?


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
In a nutshell, my band has grown to where its a 3/2 split between 5 members...Three of us (one of them being myself) have been all about our music, trying to further ourselves in every aspect of being a musician and trying to take the most conducive and professional route we can towards pushing our band out there, all while having families and real jobs and real lives.

The other two members have been using the band as a vehicle for attention to impress thier friends, have not really cared whether it be that we write music or play shitty covers like everyone else in our town: they just like the attention and the partying. They are musically lazy, either waiting for someone else to write and/or record thier part and basically take credit for it afterwards. They work minimally and thier living spaces are provided for them by thier parents...usually only maintaining a job so they can buy a couple groceries and blow the rest on beer/drugs.

The 3 of us have decided we need to move on. In the past, we tried having band meetings to where we would lay on the table what was bothering us. Sure, they just became bicker fests, but it would usually come to where there needed to be a compromise on the situation...unless the issue involved these two. They would be in complete denial, or just try to change the subject or shift the blame. When blame wasn't transferrable, at least one of the two would then become agressive, trying to impose dominance by cocking a fist or something of the sort. Usually, this made the subject get dropped in hopes of calming the mood down, but in the end, it would just get swept under the rug. Over time, it has gotten to where we can't bring up issues with these two. We tried the middle-man approach, where if I had a problem with my bassist, I'd ask my other guitarist to mention to him that I was bothered by what he did, in order to make it be conveyed with a little less attitude. The response became "whatever" and no remorse was shown. By the way...these two are the oldest members of the group, one being in his early 30's and the other in his early 40's, yet both are fry heads because they have not matured past a partying high schooler's mental capacity. has, over several months, grown to where the 3 of us have decided to part ways with these guys. Since we can't bring up simple matters with them, we have been trying to decide how to conducively do this without it becoming a fist fight. We put the band on hiatus, mostly to try to have some time to formulate a plan, but it's come to when those two are asking "So when does our hiatus end?". All three of us just had kids this year, we all have constricting schedules. Having some time off has been helpful at home, but it will be inevitable when we have to pull the plug on our drummer and bassist.

So far, our plan goes as follows: Since we cannot 'point a finger' at either of these guys without it going south, we decided we'd place the weight on ourselves. The plan is that the three of us quit in succession, leaving those two by themselves. Then, a few months down the road, when we feel the time is right for us, we come back with n00bz in thier place, album recorded and ready to go, all the works. I came up with the band name/logo/merch/myspace/bookings/etc and our other guitarist wrote 75% of the music with me writing the the rights go to us anyways.

The idea isn't that we are afraid of them, or at least I'm not...I just don't want to fight. If it came down to fisticuffs, then I guess thats where it goes...but I'm more or less trying to avoid that to be mature.


Does anyone think this is just plain silly or would you do it the same given you experienced the same situation? Any input is appreciated.
Seems like these two dudes will eventually find out you guys quite one by one to get them out of the band anyway. It will be obvious when you regroup at some later point.

I would just tell them up front. The idea that it would turn into a fight is retarded, but totally possible.

By the way I dig you guys music. I don't much care for the vocals, but the music rocks and is recorded really good. If you lived in Kentucky I'd come try out for your new bass position.

Best of luck
My opinion would be not for your guys to quit but to fire the other 2 and make sure you keep the name and music, If ye guys quit the other guys will likely keep the tunes and try keep the name. If neccessary copywrite/register your songs and relevant names and stuff before ye split so you have a legal backing if they refuse to leave it go.
It's a shitty situation but its clear there's a difference in goals and work ethic. I'd say to do it sooner rather than later to prevent more wasted time and once its over its over- they can say all they want but if its what you 3 guys want they can't stop ye and if ye split all at the same time there's less chance of someone getting stick in a worse situation
I'm sure my singer would piss on my grave if he saw this....haha
His role is much similar to Randy Blythe's: The rest of the band are the ones that matter, Randy just stands out front screaming.
He (my singer) more or less feels this way already, but any promoting of such idea makes him look bad, which he is afraid of. Haha.
He has also tried to suggest going more of the Slipknot/DemonHunter "groovy" route (his words), but it's obvious that the guitarists write the music in our band and we don't want to play/write anything like those styles. Our music has actually been watered down to accomodate a singer who doesn't exactly fit and a rhythm section who don't want to practice or learn anything in odd time meters or involving much difficulty. Thats something we hope to amend once the two are gone.

Thanks for the positive note though...bassists are actually REALLY hard to find around here, so you'd probably land the job anyways. LOL
I think it's a pretty "silly" plan, since you all are well old enough (IE over 20) to not have to sneak around like that. Come on, just fire the guys. If they want to fight about it, thats just ridiculous. If they try to fight just say "Dude what are you doing? How old are you exactly?" or just call the fucking police.

This just sounds like the kind of problem 17 years olds have. Not to sound harsch or anything, but buckle up!
Wow, those two sound like the biggest fucking bottom-feeding lowlife white-trash scum on the planet; I mean, living off your parents working a dead-end job to pay for NEAR 40!?!?!?! At least they're not leeching off of welfare, but ugghhh, drop them dude - I know this isn't the easiest or fairest solution, and I don't know how attached you are to your songs, but maybe a "compromise" (though a shitty one) would be to take the other two that are cool, and start a whole new band, with all new music, so you don't have to worry about "kicking out" the other two cuz it's an entirely new project.
Well..yeah. It is a 17-year-old level of maturity that if I/We say "you're fired" that punches will be thrown in our direction. Yeah, it is on the same level of maturity to be clandestine about plans on how to get rid of them. It is easy to say "you're fired"...often easier said than done, as in this case. I can only ask people to have empathy for this if they have never been in a situation like this. I've axed people from groups before...I've also had to quit groups because there was no way to convince the others that things could be done better. I'm not saying what we've planned is the absolute best answer, but next to cutting them off and waiting for the shitstorm (where I possibly go to jail for defending myself from uncontrollable immature individuals) it seems the only other alternative is come up with something schemy and makes us feel dirty, but might save from punches being thrown. I'm not shitting on you for telling us to man up: I asked for opinions...I'm just getting some insight from fellow musicians who might know or understand where we are at.
There is always the phone. Its not as personal but we had to get rid of a very talented pain pill head this spring and these types seem to write shit off fairly fast due to things going south daily. Bring their shit to mammys house and tell them you wish it could of worked out. It might be the wake up call they needed to actually do something productive but that's just the optimist in me. Hell I've been kicked out of a band for missing a single practice due to work. The drummer brought my shit to work, so I guess my commitment to Metallica Covers wasn't strong enough. Bands are a family of sorts and its best when the temperaments are balanced and the goals all line up. If they are holding you back get rid of them by any means necessary. Letting idiots like that in the band to begin with is a mistake of sorts not to criticize. I've been on both sides of the line-up change and its not fun but it had to be done.
It comes down to simple mathematics. There's 2 of them, 3 of you. Between you 3, you write all the music/handle the image of the band and would consequently also outnumber them if it came down to a (really ridiculous) situation where punches were to get thrown. It just seems ludicrous that you'd even be in a situation where you feel bandmates might attempt to physically assault you. Be a professional and fire them straight up. Tell them how things aren't going as you planned and you feel that there is a communication breakdown. Consequently, you want them to leave the band so you can find others to fill their shoes who have attitudes more conducive towards your vision of the band.
the idea to do it over the phone is a good one if you're afraid they'll get violent, I've fired guys over the phone before and its akward but once its over its over
Dude, this story is all too familiar. Every band I've been in (more than a handful) has been in this situation in one degree or another. Even the one i'm in now has these sorts of dilemma. Just fire them, one at a time if you have to. I've given up projects i've worked way to hard on because of these types of situations. And now me and the singer i've been working with in the last 5 bands have decided NO MORE. If drama starts the person at the other end has to go. Immediatly.

Don't do it. You'll regret giving up all your hardwork forever. A broken nose or whatever will heal in a couple weeks (if it even comes to that).

On the other side, not to be negative, but i'm like you and put my heart and soul into each project I do. You'll next to never get 5 guys in room that all work equally hard and can get along. It just won't happen. But, when it becomes intolerable just fire them. Obviously you're already worked up and are probably losing sleep thinking about how/when/etc to do it. Just do it! You'll be much happier in the end.

Not to mention it sets a "good" example for future members...."Cause bullshit, or don't put effort're FIRED" ! If you want to have a successful band, it's how it has to be.

on that note, I don't know of any signed/touring band that all work equally hard and get along. It really comes down to if you feel like you're reaping the benefits of your hardwork, then so be it as long as it's tolerable.

This is why all bands need some type of designated "manager". Someone to be the bad guy.
I think it's really not cool all quit and start a new band behind their backs. Even if they're dicks, you should be upfront with them. I know it's easy to justify to yourselves, but if it ends in a fight at least you were honest. People get over fights, but not over betrayals (in my experience). Those guys will probably talk shit about you for the rest of your life if you aren't honest. They might anyway, but at least you have the higher ground, if you know what I mean.

Obviously, do whatever you have to do. Just my opinion.
Just be honest, it'll pay off in the long run.

I just parted with my band DeadHead (i'm the singer) before finishing the new album. I was the only one that put energy and time into the band and the new recording.
Warned the others a half year ago I would leave if they didn't put more effort in.

Went on a holiday and mailed them what needed to be done to get the cd done before our deadline. Three weeks later NOTHING is done, nothing. And no one even bothered to mail me back.
So I parted.

You seem lucky enough to have 2 other members that are willing to go all the way, so teel them the thruth and find new members. Good luck!!:kickass:
I don't know if the phone-option would be any help. I mean if the wanna hit you they'll just come over to your place or track you down somewhere else.

The three of you quitting the band might be a wise option imo. Maybe not the most honest one as some others have already stated but I'm all for avoiding fights as well.

Maybe you can have another talk with the guys to tell them what they have to change and that they get fired if they don't do so. A few days/weeks/months later you can throw 'em out if nothing changed for the better and they will have to accept that - even they only have a high school-level of maturity.
In the unlikely event that they' have changed: Well, fine as well, ain't it? :)
Always better to tell them the truth and get it all out in the open.

Get a few lessons off bas just in case:heh:

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In the past, situations like these could have worried me but not anymore since some members quit the band even without talking to others... I don´t feel any regret in saying what I think or firing lazy guys that are more interested in image and reputation (hey! I play in a roock band!) rather than practicing and playing properly. Many years and many bands to get worry on these kind of *cough* "musicians". :mad: