BTW Snow

New England about tonight 12-14 inches Depending on where you are in NJ....Screw New England.
its more of a hassle to clean off the truck, than the amount we got;
maybe 3"!
and everyone's off today
there is no one on the roads:wave:
did you get anything, Sal?
I got 6-8 inches in Manville/Somerville/Hillsbough N.J.:loco:

Delay J&J opening at 10:00 (Not me In here at 6:00-3:00 every Day) sometimes on weekends when the wimpy little 18-22 yr old babys cant get to work.....(Bunch of candy ass momma Boys still breast feeding Im sure):D:D:tickled::eek:
Delay J&J opening at 10:00 (Not me In here at 6:00-3:00 every Day) sometimes on weekends when the wimpy little 18-22 yr old babys cant get to work...

What's that on your nose?! I can see it from here! :lol: :D
New England about tonight 12-14 inches Depending on where you are in NJ....Screw New England.

What's your problem with New England Bob the same snow that falls on you falls on us (almost sounds like a Robin Trower song) :lol: only heavier!!!