can I get a reco thread all for my self

I agree that we -- as a group -- didn't do a very good job of informing one another of "holy shit you must buy this new stuff" information at those HC vendors

Although I told everyone to go buy the Velnias demo! They were so hidden as slim-jewel cases, I told the vendor to pull them out and then the RC gang bought them all up

Mr Magna is also selling all the Immortal CDs for $9 and I don't even own Pure Holocaust yet

Very appreciative of that, I would not have known about it if not for you and Jason mentioning it, and that demo something I was actively searching for!

We'll have to coordinate better next year :)
@EricT - I could care less about a band's ideologies, first and foremost is the music for me. There'd probably be 1 or 2 Skinheads ready to cause a problem at most if not all gigs, assuming they could even get into North America. Here in Toronto, I'd be surprised if someone would even book them.

Uh yeah, if Negura Bunget are getting shows cancelled for being nazi-sympathizers then this bunch have negative-zero chance lol

Superb album by the way. I've only heard it once but could this be their best release yet?
This Krallice track is pretty fucking ace

EDIT: Scratch that. It's incredibly fucking ace. I need to buy this. I quite like Collin's other bands.
krallice is a crappy band name but this is really very intriguing music

nice work on not sucking for once america
I need to catch up on Mikko's recordings. I only have Marras, which is a nice listen, but I take it The Womb Of Primordial Nature is more ambitious, and the couple of tracks I've heard sounded great.