D.S.O! WOW!!!


Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Am I not the only one that was utterly blown away by that set???

This was the one band that I thought I was going to like the least, but still was going to give them a chance, as I kept hearing about how awesome their stage show was. I figured I'll hold by my personal rule that I'll go in and listen/watch every band on the bill to at least give them chance, even if I really had no interest in them musically. This was indeed the case here and I am so glad I did. I ended up grabbing their newest CD after that.

On top of this, I did get the chance to briefly chat with Anders and Pontus backstage right before their set. They were genuinely concerned about what kind of audience reception they were going to get, especially having never played in the US before. I was so happy for them after watching that set and seeing the response you guys put out for them. You could see on their faces while they were performing, just how excited they were getting after that.

After the set, Anders seemed to have been walking on cloud 9, given how excited he was having to get to play ProgPower and getting the awesome response they did. Really great guys, extremely talented and put on one hell of a show. Imagine that - in the course of one night, going from "not really cared" to "fan for life"!

Awesome job D.S.O.!! I am so proud of you guys and happy for you guys getting to play to an awesome audience as that we got here at ProgPowerUSA! :kickass:
They were excellent. It reminded me of the first time Freak Kitchen appeared. People were like "Huh?" and by the end they were going nuts. Bravo to the band and everyone in the crowd. I got to speak to a couple of them outside and they were really nice folks. Humble and very happy with the response they got. I hope to see them back in the US one day.
I love their shit on cd. the live set did very little for me, aside from the kazoos. Which is odd, because with all the flak they got on the forums, they were very clearly a crowd pleaser. I watched from a distance and people went fucking insane. Reminds me of Mercenary's scenerio.
I wondered if they were going to go down in flames hard or tear the roof off. Question definitavely answered.
My wife and I were blown away.

The second song they played was the only one I had heard prior. Based on that song I had a bit of an idea of what to expect, but I wasn't sold on them. After the first song I was like, these are some crazy Swedes right here. I recognized the second song, so I got a little more into it. From that point forward it just built and built and by the end I was floored.

A lot of quirky bands sound exactly the same on every song but what really grabbed us about DSO was that each song was unique. They all shared the same base elements like the operatic singing and the electric cello but each song brought something unique to the table. And of course the stage presence went a long way to selling the act.

As soon as they closed the curtain we quite literally ran to the vendor area, snagged both CDs, and a t-shirt for the wife.
Their new stuff sounds a lot better than their old stuff. I'm not a big fan of the female vocalist's ovocals. I think the band would do better with a contralto jazzier voice. I like the guy's voice though. Overall better than I expected and I enjoyed myself.
I made sure I was upfront for them. Such a great set. DSO and Sabaton really kicked my ass. It's hard to say who I enjoyed more but I hope it's not a long wait before I see either band again.
Low spot of the night for me. I really couldn't get into it at all. Found my foot tapping to a few songs, but I could have gone and eaten and been just as happy.
mëtålspëd;8542106 said:
They wowed me directly into the lobby for their set. All for the best I suppose... need to conserve my energy for the madness that will be unleashed tonight.
+1 I don't think her voice fits their music. I walked out about a minute into their set. I am happy for those who enjoyed DSO's set, though.
It was an incredible performance, however I do not get the same enjoyment from listening to their CDs. The female vocals annoy me especially on the albums. I feel the same way about Flogging Molly...an incredible live band but something is lost in their studio recordings. That being said, I would not buy an album, but I would definitely go to a show if they toured in the US.
This was one of the highlights of the weekend for me and they wowed the pants off of me (not literally). I was sitting down for the first part of their set, and found myself joining the floor so I could dance a little. It was incredible. I knew it would be since I loved their first CD and can't wait to listen to their second CD. Their live show exceeded all of my expectations. I can't wait to see them again!!! And they are very nice people, too ... I got to meet the whole band when I ran into them on the way to lunch on Saturday.
I hadn't heard of them until the announcement last year, and after listening to Balrog Boogie, I immediately bought their CD and played it non-stop. So I went in really looking forward to them -- I'm the odd one who plunked down the $120 with DSO as a main reason.

... and it was awesome! Really incredible band live, and I was absolutely happy with everyone getting into the music as well, especially after the pretty rampant skepticism about them.

Also, after listening to the album version of "Lucy Fears the Morning Star", I think I prefer the live kazoos over the trumpets. :p
This band really puts the ODD in oddball. I'm sure their set scratched that oddball itch for all of you ballers out there. There's always something for everyone at PPUSA!
Best of the show by far in my eyes. People keep talking up Sabaton, who were great don't get me wrong, but I don't think they came close to the unpredictability of DSO.