Did the manufacured smoke bother anyone?

X man

New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2003
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That manufactured smoke being blown in absolutely killed me. It bothered me so much I had to leave during the Stratovarius set. Did it get to anyone else?
rockyracoon said:
that could be the funniest thread ive EVER seen. and no, it did not bother me.
When I read your little cryfest about the A/C and how uncomfortable you were on another thread , I found your response to my complaint quite amusing.

The smoke bothered my camera, too. Aside from that, what with all the cigarette smoke in the air, I never noticed it. Hell, I've noticed a slight cigarette-smoke smell from the t-shirts I bought in the vendors' area. Bleah.
You should try going to Wacken, especially when the weather sucks, like this past year. Temps in the 40's, mud up to your nuts, a half mile walk from the stage to your tent, (if you can find your tent in a sea of thousands all jammed together and very similar in appearance), language barriers, American haters antagonizing you, no seats to relax in for 3 long days and nights, urine splatter from dudes pissing on the ground next to you in the beer lines, and 24-30 hours of flight times round trip.

Makes ProgPower feel like a Carnival cruise.
X man said:
That manufactured smoke being blown in absolutely killed me. It bothered me so much I had to leave during the Stratovarius set. Did it get to anyone else?

It bothered my eyes a little bit. There will always be things that cause irritation at any concert, whether it's smoke hurting your eyes, or standing up all day which makes your feet hurt, too many good bands with not enough time in between to eat... Oh the list goes on and on. The point is, yeah these things suck, but it's up to you to take some action to rememdy your ailments. When the smoke bothers your eyes, move to an area that's not so concentrated with the fog. When the lights bother your eyes, move over until you're comfortable. If your feet hurt, go sit down in the seats for a song or two and kick off your shoes. If your hungry, sacrifice a band's set to go get food, or carry a small snack with you (or in your girlfriend's purse)... I'm not getting on your case for complaining (I did my share of that) but realize that you didn't *have* to be uncomfortable. okay, I'm done.
metal71 said:
urine splatter from dudes pissing on the ground next to you in the beer lines

Beer lines, hell - I will NEVER sit on the grass ANYWHERE in Europe, after watching a number of people whip it out and just take a leak.

Stage smoke has really only bothered me if I'm front and center - if they really lay it on thick, it irritates my eyes and the back of my throat. I can't imagine asthmatics would like much, either.
Hell, the smoke didnt bother me one bit. Also I was not aware that I couldnt smoke inside the venue, until some one told me so I apologize to anyone that I offended sitting at the top on right side if you are facing the stage.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Hell, the smoke didnt bother me one bit. Also I was not aware that I couldnt smoke inside the venue, until some one told me so I apologize to anyone that I offended sitting at the top on right side if you are facing the stage.

No worries, pal. It happens. My friends and I started smoking in the lobby before we realized that is wasn't allowed this year. We even had huge signs everywhere that we didn't see until it was too late. I guess with all the excitement it's easy to miss the signs. Come to think of it, I can't remember if there were No Smoking signs on the auditorium doors to let everyone know.
no, the 'manufactured' smoke didnt bother me. i do think shag carpeting on the floor would be nice...or maybe a small ladder so we guys that are 6'5" can get a little higher in from of the stage.....