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english pizza muffins:

take a thomas's english muffin and cut in half
spread ragu over each half
put mozarella cheese on top
place in broiler until crisped to your liking
neal said:
well im glad the hunt for spicy thai could become such a rollercoaster ride of emotions, ranging from the lowest lows to the highest highs. next time im at the store another bag WILL BE MINE.

maybe you should have warned me that the next day I'd be shitting fire :hotjump: :yell:
I made a cake at school tonight

fyi it's filled with chocolate pudding


first time I've had to decorate a cake tbh..

it was my final project in Baking class
Chromatose said:

That looks like a droolin' fine, final product!

I'll post a recipe of Soto soup (Indonesian recipe), real soon.
I just need to find out what the english translation is for the ingredients because sometimes i can't even figuring out what the dutch translation is for some ingredients, so i need to dig some more...
No Italy without pasta, grappa and perfume!
I ate this on a thursday afternoon and couldn't resist to take a pic before i ate it. Bellissima!


- 4 tbs. olive oil
- 8 oz. porcini mushrooms
- 1/2 onion
- 1/2 cup beef broth
- 4 tbs. butter
- 1 tbs. parsley, chopped
- 1 lb. tagliatelle
- 2 tbs. grated Parmigiano

Prepare a 'soffritto' with olive oil and very finely chopped onion.
When onion are just tender, add the sliced mushrooms, sauté for 2 min., add the broth, reduce by one third, add salt and pepper to taste.
Remove from fire.
Cook the tagliatelle in plenty of boiling salted water.
When al dente toss in a large skillet with the mushroom sauce and the butter. Add a few tbs. of cooking water if too dry.
Dish into a serving bowl, parsley on top and serve with Parmigiano on the side.


i dont't cook, i just throw food together.

salmon + steamed brocolli
grilled/fried chicken pieces + peas + green salad
chicken salad mixed with horseradish sauce & mozarella cheese
these nifty flatbrerad things i got with onions/tomatos and feta (i think) cheese baked in covered in chicken salad

i can't cook, i just mix together whatever i can find. i'm a food DJ.
For 4-6 persons


4-5 Garlic, minced
4 tsp fresh galangal root, minced
4 tsp fresh ginger root, minced
3 vegetable bouillon cubes
3 kaffir lime leaf
3 salam leaf
3 Chili peppers, sliced
1 Lemongrass white part of stalk only, thin slices
4 tsp Coriander seed, ground
2 tsp Turmeric (dried)
Coconut milk or creamed coconut, as much as you like
4 Potatoes
1 Carrot, sliced
Yard long beans
3 Onions, thinly sliced
2 Bok Choy or 1 Chinese cabbage, sliced
Krupuk Emping (candle nut) and/or Krupuk Kentang (potato)

Boil and prepare the rice or ricerolls. Let the rice rest and steam out.
Save the ricewater and add:
- the lime leafs
- the salam leafs
- the bouillon cubes
Let it simmer slowly, it'll flavour while you're preparing the rest of the food.

Now prepare the bumbu:
You can use the mixer,or for a more traditional flavour: use a mortar.
Only one rule: grind per ingredient, hardest things first.
Start with the coriander seeds. When all the seeds are grinded:
Add the galangal (minced makes it easier to grind). When grinded:
Add the ginger. When grinded:
Add the garlic.
Add the turmeric.
Add bits of oil when the grinding seems impossible.
You can also put all of the ingedients together and smash it in the blender.
(you should add more coriander seeds or use dried galangal and ginger, too prevent the bumbu for becoming too wet).
The bumbu is ready when it's thick and consistent.

Clean and prepare all veggies.
Slice the onions, chillies, carrot, long beans, bok choy and lemongrass.
Chop the potatoes and tofu in dices.

Put up a wok with oil.
Make sure the oil is hot, when you start to fry!
Start with frying the onions and the chillies.
Add the bumbu when the onions start to glaze.
Keep frying.. when the bumbu and onions are fried;
Add the potato dices. Keep frying untill the potatoes aren't raw anymore.
Add the lemongrass and the long beans.
Fry and stirr untill the beans aren't raw anymore.
Then, add the carrotslices. Fry and stirr untill the carrots aren't raw anymore.
When that is done, add some of the boiling ricewater. It's flavoured by now.
Make sure the veggies don't drown, a royal bottom of the wok is enough.
Make sure the water boils and add the bok choy.
Boil some more, but shortly;
make sure the veggies stay crisp!
Take the wok off the heatsource.
Add the tofu and the beansprouts.
Pour in the coconutmilk
Keep stirring slowly and taste for time to time.
Add as much coconutmilk and salt as you like.
Your Sayur Lodeh is ready!

I serve it with rice, krupuk emping and krupuk kentang:

(Enjoy your Meal)
Step 1: Kill baby.

Step 2: Roast baby over flaming soon-to-be-corpse of its mother (use restraint with napalm, the fumes can hurt the flavor) for no longer than is necessary to get the maniacal cackling out of your system.

Step 3: Eat baby.

I made a cake at school tonight

fyi it's filled with chocolate pudding


first time I've had to decorate a cake tbh..

it was my final project in Baking class

I forgot to bring up the sad sad story behind this marvelous cake.

It was too large for my fridge, ok? So I do what I normally do with cakes.. LET THEM SIT OUT ON THE COUNTER OVERNIGHT...

But oh hey, what's this?! You can't do that with a cake made entirely from fresh ingredients?!


So there I am eating cake the next morning for breakfast, thinking to myself "WOW, I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO EATING THIS ENTIRE CAKE BY MYSELF IN THE COMING DAYS" when I bite into a mouthful of spoiled pudding.
