EVH 5150 III 50Wrecorded at 0.4 (yes, less than 1) on Master Volume.


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Here are some clips of the EVH 5150 50W recorded at around 0.4 on the Volume. See Pics for details. Clips are RAW.

Both are recorded with the same settings as in pics on the Blue Crunch Channel (not the hi-gain Channel 3). Jaymz's song probably needs some more Gain. On a side note, I was recently in Jaymz's hometown York UK and caught up with him. Cheers again mate for the meet-up and tour.

First clip is one set of my test DI's. Stereo for the first half and then just the Left Track in mono (RAW, no EQ at all):

D/L Link:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24344836/5150III50W Blue Volume 0.4 (RAW).mp3

Jaymz Song

D/L Link:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24344836/James Volume 0.4.mp3

Please remember that these are RAW and second one probably needs more gain. I am NOT saying that this is the best guitar tone in the world, but quite decent as a "bedroom-level" recording, IMHO.



King of the Bedroom amp?

Cheers for any feedback!
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Was just listening thinking "fuck yeah this sounds great!" having totally forgot the point of the thread was the fact that it's recorded on less than 1!

Do you have a tubescreamer in front of this?
Did a similar thing a while ago. It works very well.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3702469/81FR - 85FR - 81FF - 85FF-001 - Copy.mp3

Must apololgise for the terrible bass and raw drums. VHT pittbull CL100, ubercab, a V30 and 57, there are no numbers on the VHT, but it was as low as could be heard and sound even vaguely like a guitar in the room. You could talk over it effortlessly. The 81-85 and pro40-FF800 comparison is incidental; just while I was at it, thought I might as well.

I think that when cranking most amps, fletcher munson is playing a bigger part in perceived improvement than anything thats actually going on in the amp.

What its arguably missing most is speaker distortion. How important that is is open for debate to my mind.
I think that when cranking most amps, fletcher munson is playing a bigger part in perceived improvement than anything thats actually going on in the amp.

What its arguably missing most is speaker distortion. How important that is is open for debate to my mind.

^agreed 100%, i experiemented with very low volume recording recently and found it works great. used a jca100 and mesa 4x12 in the same room and my monitors were louder than the amp...worked good.
No worries man, was good meeting you!

This sounds killer! Just goes to show the EVH series really does do well even at such a low volume as we discussed.

Was this using the HB 2x12 too?
How do you guys deal with keeping the noise level down when making these louder in post process? Or you just crank the piss out of the gain on the way in? (But that would also raise the noise floor, correct?)
How do you guys deal with keeping the noise level down when making these louder in post process? Or you just crank the piss out of the gain on the way in? (But that would also raise the noise floor, correct?)

I drive the mic pre harder...you might be right about the noise floor but I can't notice anything audible. I don't have a choice regarding the volume either booo
Using a Maxon OD808 in front:
Tone 11 o'clock
Balance 1 o'clock

@Simon Dorn
Cheers dude, again nice job on the 3 amp comparison in your thread.
Cab is HB212 V30 with a 57.

I will check out your sample in a bit. I have done a similar comparison in the past comparing a low volume recording to one with the Volume on 3 and I preferred the lower volume clip. It had more clarity.

Cool. I would like to try this with a Mesa.

Cheers mate. Yep, HB cab. For the money this cab is fantastic. It's no Mesa 4x12 and as you know I have had 3 of those to compare this too, but I love this cab.

The mic preamp gain is pretty high and as you can hear when the guitars are fading out, it really makes the idle amp noise quite loud. I usually reamp at a higher level than this to try and reduce the idle amp noise in the fade-outs.

It is a great amp, just make sure you understand about the shared Channel 1 and 2 Tone Controls and make sure it is not a deal breaker for you. Yep, E-Tuned Maiden (my take on Wickerman anyway). Gotta love the clarity of E-tuning.

Full tone at a low volume. Win.

Cheers dude.

"Your time will come"

Thanks for the replies. :kickass:
Sounds really nice!
No way this is going to happen with my 6505+ on that volume :lol:

and yeah, those HB 2x12 are really good for the price, and also record very well!
Only the v30 versions though, the other ones sound like shit. no idea what speakers are in those
would be nice to hear that maiden riff without the maxon, sounds a bit overly tight/compressed for that style I thibk but its probably just the maxon
The shadow of the wickerman is rising up again!

Your time will come!!!:headbang: I can't believe this was recorded on .5 on the MV...usually it's all preamp distortion at that volume but this sounds really great!!!
It has a V30 in it, that's close enough isn't it? :p

My old 6505 didn't record well at low volume............I don't miss it. :D

I tried without the 808 today and the low-end sound flubby and loose at whatever Volume, so I blame my playing :cry:. See below for some lower Gain clips with the 808 ON again. More Maiden-esque hopefully.

Cheers dude!. From my understanding, most modern amps mainly rely on preamp distortion and not a lot of Poweramp distortion unlike some older amps so maybe that is why this works OK.


Comparison of Volume on 0.4 and Volume on 2 (out of 10)

Gain on 3.5 (out of 10 still on Blue Crunch Channel) for both clips (suits the Maiden sound better hopefully). Original clips had Gain on 5.

Volume 0.4

D/L Link:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24344836/5150III50W Blue GAIN 3.5 Volume 0.4 (RAW).mp3

Volume 2 (considerably louder and not bedroom-level friendly)

D/L Link:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24344836/5150III50W Blue GAIN 3.5 Volume 2 (RAW).mp3

Not a MASSIVE difference?
Less "sizzle" on the Louder clip. Could EQ them pretty close fairly easily I imagine.

EDIT: Added Soundcloud Links. Also had the Dropbox links the wrong way around. :dopey:
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