How Many Of You......


Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
How many of you do I know from either the Metal Edge boards or the old Savatage boards? Role call, please? Hail! 7th is in da hay-ouse! Wazzup? See y'all at the Fest! This will be my 3rd straight PPUSA experience! I'm lovin' it!

Yup - I was on the old Sava borads from day 1. I went under Chris from Houston (pretty original, huh??), MrLonely and TurboRocker. I was at PP last year to see my two favs - Sava and Edguy. Myself and the other MrLonely from Houston will be there this year. I will always have something Sava on. I miss my Savatage.

Chris :headbang:
Hi 7th! I was on the old Sava boards, but I'm not sure if I remember you -- don't take it personally. It's just the natural memory loss associated with old age, LOL! :loco:

Angrafan here! :)

With me, you and wish (batmura) here, we are only missing gustavo garcia and Brother of Metal to complete the "soccer discussion group"..

Great soccer discussions we had :)
I remember almost all you guys! Glad to see y'all are all alive and well enough to post. I hope to see ALL of y'all at PPVI in September! It's a small world after all. Wish and Lucas, maybe we can start another long-ass soccer thread on hear again? Lek, maybe we can do the hockey thread thing again, too. Hail!
Hey 7th, maybe they're gonna re-launch the Sava boards in 2012 or something and then Lucas, you and myself can continue our soccer conversation LOL... So long as Jon lets Caff run things at and Caff has his own forum, I don't think the boards will ever be back up and running...

By the way, sorry for the OT post but, Savatage owns everyone's favourite band! OK? OK. that the sport played on ice that they play every other season or Be nice to see it again.
...this made me giggle...i told lek that 7th posted to him here and he said he didn't notice and thought that boob was the last to post, and then he said 'o, there are two boobs'... :tickled: ...sigh.......i guess you just had to be here... :loco:
Yeah, that sounds just like our Lek, alright. Hey, your Isles and Canes will be back this Fall. The agreement should be reached anyday now. GO NHL!
Close....but not quite. Will all be interesting to see how it plays out over the next two years. Either way....looking forward to the fall.
Bad Girl Tess said:
I think I was just "Tess" on the Sava boards...........but, I'm not sure. Haha. Yay for ProgPower -67 days.

:cool: I remember most of you, but I don't remember this person. Have we met??????????? :loco: I did know a GINA, however!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

That is a cool thing about music (especially Savatage!!) - I met Tess' entire family through those boards and consider all of us good friends. Luv ya, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
