Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer's new solo project - Sons of Liberty

That's why I categorized this as "Iced Earth Lite."
Understood. Though it seems you perceive more emotion in this release than I do. Doesn't make either of us wrong... just a different perspective.

These lyrics are his personal beliefs and feelings. In some instances, the project may be better if he's not forcing someone to sing about his beliefs, which could be somewhat awkward. I agree that Jon's not a high caliber vocalist, but I think he sounds really good on this.
Not quite sure if your defending the lyrics, the vocals or both. To me, as with any project, you bring on board a vocalist who believes in the project. I dig Jon's music... I just don't think he's suited to sing lead.

...I guess I was hinting at what makes it have the negative connotation of being one, specifically. People automatically hear those two words together and either they kind of nod to acknowledge that they are in line with your beliefs without making it too obvious (unless they aren't embarrassed by this), they laugh it off as being absurd, or they want to hang you for it, heh.
I guess it's just everything and everyone conspiracy theories have become associated with.

You said that you enjoyed Ripper a lot more live than Barlow. That was the main reason it seems that Jon had for why he got rid of Ripper that he didn't feel he was with the program live.
To clarify a bit, my favorite Iced Earth performances came during the Horror Show tour... when Matt was in perfect form. However, Tim's performances on the Glorious Burden tour were some of the finest live performances I've ever witnessed by a vocalist and they were vastly superior to Matt's performances on the most recent tour.

I have no real insights into Tim's departure, beyond what Jon said and what I perceived, the two times I interviewed him. I suspect he pulled the plug on Matt when the opportunity presented itself, thinking Tim's Judas Priest background would shine a brighter spotlight on Iced Earth. When that didn't happen, and when Tim's presence conversely began to erode the Iced Earth fan base (because of their fondness for Matt) he quickly discarded Tim.

Like I said, this is pure speculation on my part. I simply think Jon used the "live vibe" thing as an excuse to fire Tim. Had there truly been an issue with Tim's live performances, he would have dismissed Tim at the conclusion of the tour, not as Tim was packing to leave to record the next disc.

Understood. Though it seems you perceive more emotion in this release than I do. Doesn't make either of us wrong... just a different perspective.

Yeah, I'm basing the entire venture as arising from Jon's emotions. It's not that I necessarily hear emotions in the songs (although emotion is undoubtedly there), it's that I suspect Jon wouldn't have undertaken such a bold project - which he certainly knew would generate controversy and potentially polarize his fans even more (not to mention draw fire from what some classify as a liberal media) - if this wasn't something he was extraordinarily passionate about.

So, for that reason, I attribute emotion to Sons of Liberty, although - now that I think about it - maybe "passion" would be a better word for it?

that the US government actually rigged the World Trade Center to collapse

I'm still waiting for a valid explanation on what brought WTC building # 7 down perfectly symmetrical like the other 2 yet wasnt hit by any airplane.

I'm not saying the US Gov't had anything to do with 9-11 but I am surely not convinced the planes alone brought those fucking things down.

What happened to the plane that hit the Pentagon? It just disintegrated?

Next someones gonna tell me kidney stones are a great experience.
Wow. Three songs in, and I was bored stiff. Ignoring the lyric content, that's just, well, boring.

I just finished listening to the whole album, and nothing grabbed me. It wasn't in any way bad, but coming from the person who penned songs like "Travel in Stygian", "Dante's Inferno" and the Something Wicked trilogy, I expect a little bit more. I understand that the songs are largely a delivery mechanism for the lyrical content, but a little bit more creativity and variety on the musical side wouldn't have hurt.

Overall, I suppose that Iced Earth Lite is a pretty apt description, but if I wanted to hear Iced Earth Lite, I wouldn't skip past "Ghost of Freedom" and "When the Eagle Cries" whenever I listen to their respective albums.
Please keep this thread to a discussion on Jon/Sons of Liberty/etc.

I do not want any tangents into conspiracy theories, goverment views, etc. Please post that to the Lounge. Further off-topic posts will be deleted without warning.
I like what I've heard so far; two songs in. I haven't read the lyrics, nor am I paying attention to it. (That would probably really piss Jon off.) Musically, it's not bad, but not great. Vocally, it's pretty good, though he'll not be found on my top 10 metal vocalists list. ;) I've heard a TON of bands with worse vocals though.

It is pretty typical of Jon's writing though. It's not so weak that I'd call it Hard Rock, but it is on the light side of Metal. Not bad though.

I'm not big on the crap at the end of the songs though.
Yea, hahah. I am kind of shocked though that he just came into this all like 9 months ago, I always kind of thought that the Set Abominae saga was loosely based on that, somehow. I guess now it was merely a coincidence.

I haven't really spent much time with the Sons of Liberty lyrics, but Set Abominae is total science fiction - Setians are the original species on earth. Man invades Earth in search of their knowledge, Setians wipe out man's mind, leaving them to think that they are the original species on Earth. Setians go into hiding and Set Abominae is born to lay waste to mankind. :)
I haven't really spent much time with the Sons of Liberty lyrics, but Set Abominae is total science fiction - Setians are the original species on earth. Man invades Earth in search of their knowledge, Setians wipe out man's mind, leaving them to think that they are the original species on Earth. Setians go into hiding and Set Abominae is born to lay waste to mankind. :)

Oh, I know, I've been a huge Iced Earth fan for years, there are just some subtle similarities between the trilogy and both albums along with what's going on today. Obviously not the alien race, etc..., but the same underhanded oppression, the small contingent of people fighting for freedom, etc...
Oh, I know, I've been a huge Iced Earth fan for years, there are just some subtle similarities between the trilogy and both albums along with what's going on today. Obviously not the alien race, etc..., but the same underhanded oppression, the small contingent of people fighting for freedom, etc...

Ever seen "The Guns of Navarone" or "Casablanca", or basically any movie about Nazi occupation during WWII? It's not like that's some sort of new storyline. ;)
Listened to the whole thing this afternoon. Surprisingly, I think I like it better than the last Iced Earth album, actually.

Jon is one of the most down to earth and respectable musicians I've ever met. His political views may be far different from mine at times, but at least the guy is really honest and passionate about what he believes in. I am glad to be proven wrong, I thought this album was going to be blatant right-winged propaganda, which is not exactly the case. Solid disc imo. Lite Iced Earth without Barlow, but still good music.

Jon deserves respect whether you like his music/views or not. He was very nice both times I met him/interviewed him. He's got my respect, and he should have yours too.
Listened to the whole thing this afternoon. Surprisingly, I think I like it better than the last Iced Earth album, actually.

Jon is one of the most down to earth and respectable musicians I've ever met. His political views may be far different from mine at times, but at least the guy is really honest and passionate about what he believes in. I am glad to be proven wrong, I thought this album was going to be blatant right-winged propaganda, which is not exactly the case. Solid disc imo. Lite Iced Earth without Barlow, but still good music.

Jon deserves respect whether you like his music/views or not. He was very nice both times I met him/interviewed him. He's got my respect, and he should have yours too.

I completely agree here.
Listened to the whole thing this afternoon. Surprisingly, I think I like it better than the last Iced Earth album, actually.

Jon is one of the most down to earth and respectable musicians I've ever met. His political views may be far different from mine at times, but at least the guy is really honest and passionate about what he believes in. I am glad to be proven wrong, I thought this album was going to be blatant right-winged propaganda, which is not exactly the case. Solid disc imo. Lite Iced Earth without Barlow, but still good music.

Jon deserves respect whether you like his music/views or not. He was very nice both times I met him/interviewed him. He's got my respect, and he should have yours too.

Ditto to all points.
I visited the website to listen his music and ended watching videos about conspiracy and money system :err:
Very interesting documentaries.

But going back to the music... I liked so far and Jon is an incredible songwriter and gtr player.
IE, D&W and this new project are all very honest music I think... Jon plays what he is, what he feels.