It's Done

adaher said:
I think the best headliners for next year, that haven't been done yet are:

Sonata Arctica

and that's it.

I would agree, except they did a mini headlining tour last April, and are returning for a bigger headlining tour this January. So having them headline at progpower, while I still agree that it would be awesome, wouldn't be as exclusive as it once would have.
ashaman7122 said:
I've gotta comment on this...and I am not a Running Wild fan...or even a big Rage fan, for that matter, but.....

Was Rage really that big of a downer? I thought they came and slammed...

Truth be group left after 6 songs or so...cuz we were tired and not big fans, anyway...but I still think they rocked. Since then...I've become more of a fan...and kinda regret leaving...

Kinda feel the same way about Nightwish as well...

Oh well...rock on!

How could anyone leave during Nightwish is beyond me!
What interests me most is that Pink Cream 69 is on this years bill. I'm speculating that if they go down well (which I believe to happen indefinitely) then this might pave the way for a melodic rock group at future Prog Powers, much in the same way that Mercenary took everyone by surprise. The idea that maybe, just maybe, Pretty Maids, Bonfire, Harem Scarem or others might have a slim chance at Prog Power makes me salivate.
Barking - I praise Satan that you do run the festival. You did not put in one power metal band!! You are just a god damn prog snob!! lol

p.s. in no way is it an insult to be a prog snob, just so I dont start a war here.

Me nor my bf at the time wanted to see Nightwish... i watched maybe one song... all a matter of your own personal taste i guess... :)
i respect what they do... just not that into them.
That's what I'm hoping for, Ben. For a melodic rock act to be as regular as the oddball act. Oliver Hartmann could do a great show with some solo stuff and some At Vance stuff.
And yeah, I agree about Sonata Arctica, but it seems like the only headliner status band that is left, aside from a few that are probably really hard to get, like Iced Earth and Fates Warning. Of course, it would be foolish to doubt the man that brought us a Savatage reunion. Who knows what he'll pull out of his ass for PPVII. Kiske, Hansen, and Uli Kusch for a "reunion of former Helloween members"? Like PPV, Kiske could use part of the set for Place Vendome songs before Hansen and Kusch join him. That would be incredible.

Although I certainly won't complain if we get say, Gamma Ray and Edguy next year. Sure, they are repeats, but those are the kind of repeats that work out fine.
Barking Pumpkin said:
So......I'm completely unoriginal and stole from Creeps.


Pain Of Salvation Devin Townsend
Ulver Arcturus
Solefald Ark
Spastic Ink Atrox
Subterranean Masquerade Fantômas w/John Zorn and Terry Bozzio

Pre-Party: Mr. Bungle

Just look at it as a discount. Half of those bands can go on one plane, since they're all from Norway. :D

....this is why I don't run a festival. >_>
I wouldn't go to that one if you put a gun to my nuts!
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Barking - I praise Satan that you do run the festival. You did not put in one power metal band!! You are just a god damn prog snob!! lol

p.s. in no way is it an insult to be a prog snob, just so I dont start a war here.


I know, but Ark can rock hard and more than make up for the lack of power. I would have put Edguy or something in, but couldn't squeeze them in between the Garm and the.....Garm. :D

But seriously, I will point out that all of those bands sound completely different from one another, not even remotely similar sounding. And nothing that sounds like Dream Theater either. :D
General Zod said:
It's Pyramaze, and nine bands whose sets I'd spend drinking and CD shopping. I'd be broke and suffering from alchohol poisoning by the time this festival was over.


I couldn't agree more on that lineup (although I'm sure someone in particular is going to attack me for agreeing with you.)

Still...nice work on the imaging though. :headbang:
adaher said:
As for Circus Maximus, no, they aren't groundbreaking and they do wear their influences on their sleeve. But they do have an original sound. No one combines prog yet with accessible melodies the way they do. At least no one does it as well.
I was with ya until this last paragraph, brutha. While the CM disc is well done, great production/playing etc., there is not one thing original about them. That is my problem with their album. To really make an impact, they are going to have to bring more of themselves to the next cd, or be labled as just another DT clone. :)
That's what I was saying. If it's not about getting a draw by having a Dream Theater-sounding band, then why not get someone actually original instead? of the fifty different bands in Norway making progressive music each with their own unique sound.
adaher said:
I think the best headliners for next year, that haven't been done yet are:

Sonata Arctica

and that's it.
Helloween, Rhapsody, Hammerfall, are headliner caliber that have not been to PP. Primal Fear maybe?
mtlheart said:
Helloween, Rhapsody, Hammerfall, are headliner caliber that have not been to PP. Primal Fear maybe?

One of the only good things to come out of this thread.
13ShadesofGray said:
Okay... here's my stab, and dammit, I can dream can't I? hehe

Fates Warning
(I know.. I'm sick in the head, but it could work)
Dead Soul Tribe: with special guests Norm Leggio, Brian McAlpin and Dan Rock (meaning PsychoticWaltz reunion as the blow your mind event)
Silent Force
(or DC solo)
Lana Lane
Last Crack
Zero Hour
Persephone's Dream
(I said I could dream, didn't I?)

Best line up on this thread!