Itunes 9


Jan 29, 2008
Okay, so i upgraded to itunes 9. I'm having a problem and i wanna know if it's happening to anyone else. I download an album......put the songs on itunes, then in the process of putting all the info on them (album art/lyrics) some of the songs become locked and i can't change anything on them...then i can't delete the songs become like.....invincible....I've noticed if i exit itunes then go back in the songs will at least delete but are still else?
i love itunes....and i've never had this problem before...but it's getting to be a real bitch. i searched google...and theres nothing on it.
Yeah, I had this problem the other day with Dream Theater's Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence so I erased it so I decided I'm going to borrow it from a friend.
.....thats a good solution if thats available. But i need to FIX it, i kinda regret upgrading. and it licks balls that they make it like impossible to downgrade.
mmm... yeah that sucks balls but its not with all songs, yesterday I downloaded Marduk's Wormwood nd it came perfect I could place the lyrics, artwork and set the volume highe, so it must be something that is already predetermined in some songs, but rly idk
well so far, i've experience the problem with two albums....firewinds premonition and machine heads burn my eyes....i download one album successfully info and all in between them..which was in the embrace of evil by grotesque. I dont think it would pre determined....i would think i would have came accross it before.....and i cant find any trouble shooting for it...or anyone having the same problem (other than tomas)
Having problem with the old itunes, anyhow, it says error -69 when i sync so there is only the artists from like A-I now and nothin more.. :S

Anyone can help?
Snowy's right : if you did, you're an idiot. You cannot edit the songs you paid for, and above all, you paid for some mp3 files. Congrats.

yeah I'm quite into good sound and buying cds.... but I even stopped downloading mp3s:lol:
you are just as retarted when you download all the music you listen to.
^^^^im with this guy...i buy the music of my FAVORITE bands to support them...but download other.....who gives a shit imma still buy tickets to there shows, they get my money anyway.