Itunes 9

iNazi fucking sucks.

WINamp ftw.

Also about the buy/download thing: Download the album, if you like it, buy it PHYSICALLY as a CD. If you don't like it delete it.

That's good thinkin.
I'm hoping within a couple days apple notices the amount of shit people are having with itunes and FIX THEM and release patches or something....fuck
Okay, so i upgraded to itunes 9. I'm having a problem and i wanna know if it's happening to anyone else. I download an album......put the songs on itunes, then in the process of putting all the info on them (album art/lyrics) some of the songs become locked and i can't change anything on them...then i can't delete the songs become like.....invincible....I've noticed if i exit itunes then go back in the songs will at least delete but are still else?

Had the same problem. But I closed iTunes and opened again, then I could edit the songs details. Sucks when this happens.

Otherwise I like iTunes and because I have Ipod, its more simpe just use it...
yeah imma work at it abit more later..see if that will work for me....idk it just gets frustrating opening and closing constantly

...Get Winamp, please.

Just fucking get it. Cannot recommend it enough, sir.
I dont like winamp either. I used it for years when I had the zen. To be honest, they're are alot of cons and very few pros with all media players.

Kudos to winamp though: When I had an external hard drive failure, winamp was the program which enabled me to retrieve my music off my ipod, which was very lucky for me.
What's the problem with WMP? I use it and it has given me no problems whatsoever. Easy to use, easy to edit the albums and properties and everything and pretty nice features imho. That's if you don't belong to iRape though. Fancy bastards which will trick me one day, but shit to work with.

I had to upgrade my iTunes cause my failpod wasn't syncing :mad:
But I haven't had any problems :D

Why did you get failpod anyway? Creative works great too :D
What's the problem with WMP? I use it and it has given me no problems whatsoever. Easy to use, easy to edit the albums and properties and everything and pretty nice features imho. That's if you don't belong to iRape though. Fancy bastards which will trick me one day, but shit to work with.

Why did you get failpod anyway? Creative works great too :D

not if you're a macfag

vaguely on-topic: got an ipod touch yesterday
one more apple product and i'm scared my balls will turn into a vagina :erk:
Why did you get failpod anyway? Creative works great too :D

Had two Creatives die on me, both within their warranty (one year). Ok I got a free replacement, but all the fucking around with sending it back to their HQ, and waiting 2 weeks for the replacement just wound me up. I bought an ipod a year and a half ago and guess still works, PROBLEMLESS.
i switched to winamp yesterday...very smooth transition to my suprise...and winamp owns, its alot faster and easier to organize.
not if you're a macfag

vaguely on-topic: got an ipod touch yesterday
one more apple product and i'm scared my balls will turn into a vagina :erk:

Macfags can't get Creative? :ill:

Had two Creatives die on me, both within their warranty (one year). Ok I got a free replacement, but all the fucking around with sending it back to their HQ, and waiting 2 weeks for the replacement just wound me up. I bought an ipod a year and a half ago and guess still works, PROBLEMLESS.

Well, I've had two too (Zen series, 1GB and 8GB versions), one for around 4 years and the other for around 2, and both work great still. And as you can load them like if they were a pendrive there's no need for stupid crap software, I can work with Windows Media and be done.
Macfags can't get Creative? :ill:

Well, I've had two too (Zen series, 1GB and 8GB versions), one for around 4 years and the other for around 2, and both work great still. And as you can load them like if they were a pendrive there's no need for stupid crap software, I can work with Windows Media and be done.

Don't think so.
Never cared for it anyways.