Last music you bought

Thou - Summit
Thou - Heathen
Thou - Tyrant
Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much to Answer For

(I saw them live, and did a literal "Just take my money already!")

At the store:

TrenchRot - Necronomic Warfar
Triptykon - Melana Chasmata
Entrhoned - Sovereigns
MysticX9: Any comments on the new KXM? I really like George Lynch and have been thinking of picking that one up.

Actually I still haven't received it yet, got it from Amazon and apparently one of the items in the package was backordered or something; what I've heard of it online is interesting, I remember George was a huge King's X fan back in the late '80s and always wanted to record with Dug so it will be cool to hear what they have come up with. I'll post some thoughts once I've heard it...
Vanishing Point - Distant is the Sun
Vanden Plas - Chronicles of........

Yeah, I like VP bands.

I'll say it again, that Vanden Plas is excellent, currently my #1 of the year!!

The other VP is ok but doesn't hit me as hard as I would've loved.

Ordered last night:

Firesoul, Brainstorm
Argia, Diabulus in Musica
Human Contradiction, Delain
Flame Within, Stream of Passion
Shadows, Sinbreed
Pariah's Child, Sonata Arctica

Most recent:

Smith and Myers -- Acoustic Sessions Vol 1 and 2 (BOTH EP's). I'm sure Glenn already knows about these. Dude can sing the phone book and I'd buy it.
Overkill -- Electric Age (Concert warm up!)
Burning Rain --Epic Obsession
Sonata Arctica -- Stones grow (was on sale! :) And what does everyone think of Pariah? So far I find it kind of grating. Not sure why.
Serenity -- War of Ages
Timmo's Avalon -- Land of new Hope

Oh, and the Frozen soundtrack....cuz who DOESN'T want to build a snowman????? :)