"Merry Christmas"? bullshit

Well I agree you can't take meds and expect to depend on those to work. You have to get yourself into a program that works for you as well as taking the proper medication. It may take months to figure out what works for you. But I have to tell you, you're damn brave for taking the first step into a program, I'm really happy for you. Depression is a condition usually has a lot to do with chemistry in the brain, so they will probably start you off with an SSRI. I was taking those for 4 years - no change, I was still crazy. Come to find out I was diagnosed wrong ...I don't have depression, I am an Ultra-Rapid Cycling Bipolar. Meaning I have a severe Bipolar disorder where my symptoms happen every single day, and I've been dealing with it for years now and just figured that's how I was. Right after thanksgiving it got pretty bad (I saw my doctor for the flu and he saw some things that werent right and I just told him what was going on and how I couldn't handle it anymore and he took me to the crisis stablization center at the nuthouse behind the hospital his office is in) and I checked myself into a mental hospital here where I got treatment during the days, and they let me go home at night. I'm still in it, but I'm down to three days a week now. I have 5 more weeks to go.

Anyway where I was going with this is - I'm on a mood stablizer, an anti-depressant, and a sleeping pill. I'm not all happy and avoiding my problems and thinking everything is okay, I'm getting stable to where I can learn how to cope with my real issues so I can be more emotionally healthy. I'm still Samantha, I'm still creative I'm still weird I'm still crazy (dont tell the men in white coats that please) but dammit I'm going to be a healthy crazy person. So anyone that just writes off medication for the treatment of mood disorders doesn't know what they are talking about. I agree it's wrong to just take them and not get therapy. To truly get better, you need to take your medications right, see a psychiatrist regularly for medication management, and see a therapist regularly. Eventually you won't need to see the therapist often, or at all, and eventually you will probably get off the medications. In my case, I need help ASAP and I got it, and I'm doing much better. I can't say I'm fine but I'm crawling out of the cave and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there, again I'm happy for you.

Wow I talked a lot. :yell:
omg dude, you'll get through it, im hear 4 ya, u know my # n everything... netime u need me, you can get ahold of me... ull pass by this... you conquer everything u start... this should be nothing for the things youve conquered before... never forget those who are there for you...

and maybe its just me, or maybe its cuz hes Canadian, but is what Troy is saying making any sense to anyone other than RJS???
Us northerners are well versed in Fubarish. Anytime ya need to B.s Will I'll listen, After all I got to put my hands on your ass the first time we met, sorry if I was a little rough.:dopey: HAHAHA! I shoulda aimed a little more to the left though, woulda been kinda funny to see you knock Loomis on his ass.:tickled:
hey Will,
i had no idea that you are going through all this, so i'm quit in shock to read this thread....
i admire you for being so strong, and still smiling with your amazing spirit.
im so happy to see you are feeling better, and just never forget you have the support of all of us, and especially me.

good luck with everything !
