Merry Christmas To All.....

King Lek

King of Lekworld
May 14, 2004
....and to all, a goodnight.

....For it will be just that as we are about to settle in for the evening with fire in place and a wealth of food and drink. Before doing so, we here, the Queen, Prince and myself, would like to wish you all the very best for this Christmas and the new year. May your eve and day be everything you have wished for. :)
Merry Christmas to ya'll too!

It was snowing here earlier..... I can't believe it. It hasn't snowed here in about 9 million or so years. I was very excited!! :)
X-post from another board I am on occasionally:
I had a wonderful thing happen to someone very close to me - just wanted to share the X-mas spirit ..
I have a co-worker who ran into some personal difficulties due to her ex and a situation with custody.. She is a real nice person, is always positive, and always goes out of her way to help people.
She has had some low points this year.. anyway - word got out to our Human Resource Dept, and they put out an appeal for donations (food, cash, unwrapped gifts, whatever).... She received a substantial amount of each... you should have seen the tears of joy when she received them... and she was speechless (RARE for her)..
Anyway - it even made a stressed out, jaded guy like me feel the X-mas spirit...
I just wanted to share that story, as it warmed me alot, and made me thankful for who and what I have in my life.
I hope everyone has a healthy, happy holiday (whatever you celebrate) - and have a great start to the New year! Party Safe, and see you at PP6 !
That charming Christmas poem needs and update, IMHO

...When out on the roof there arose such a clatter. I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter....
(Is it truly necessary to throw the 64 recyclable beer bottles from your holiday party into the bin at the same time?)
Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutter and threw up the sash.
(Ok, more like I stumbled through the room, fell over countless empty GameStop bags and threw up in the..... oh never mind. )
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow gave the lustre of midday to object below.....
(Clearly, bright light at 2:00 a.m. is a bad thing unless it's July in Finland. I like my metal dark and dirty!)

...when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a minature sleigh and eight tiny reigndeer! ( Or maybe it was the Bud-girls and a couple of bad-ass elves. Who can be sure?)

With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick!

(And that B.S. about him delivering to only those that are good is totally a fallacy because I scored this year! Hope you all did the same! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!:hotjump: