Metal pride be damned! LOL


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
...I love the band, Europe, and The Final Countdown album! There is simply some great melodic rock tunes here that I can't help but love. How can anyone argue that John Norum isn't a great guitarist, even on this album? Go ahead, flame away, I don't care! :devil:

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Hell yeah. Europe is a great band and all their material is worth owning. My favorite songs on TFC are the ones that never got radio play like "Danger On The Track" and "Heart of Stone."
The whole album is great though.
Yesterday over lunch with <ike (Exploding Ned) we were talking about Norum. Mike said he was one of the best guitarist in the world.
Well I certain say he is up there as far as hard rock guitarist go.
There's some great stuff on their earlier albums, even has some power edge to it. Love "Wings of Tomorrow" and "Open Your Heart" to name a few. Not too thrilled with the newer music, but the oldies are great...
Yesterday over lunch with <ike (Exploding Ned) we were talking about Norum. Mike said he was one of the best guitarist in the world.
Well I certain say he is up there as far as hard rock guitarist go.

If you've never watched the DVD, Live From The Dark, then do so. Not so much for watching Europe, but simply for John Norum. He kicks so much ass on the DVD! :kickass:

Kudos to Brian for bringing them up!!!!!

:lol:...I'm just waiting for Zod or Palabra De Dios to come and bust on me for this....oh yeah, let's not forget Jasonic! :)

There's some great stuff on their earlier albums, even has some power edge to it. Love "Wings of Tomorrow" and "Open Your Heart" to name a few. Not too thrilled with the newer music, but the oldies are great...

Yeah, I'm not really into the newer stuff either Scott. I do have most of it, but I reach for their 80's music when I want my fix.

Yeah, mine too. Prisoners In Paradise is another great album! I have the Spitfire re-release, with two bonus tracks, that seems to be out of print these days.


What are the bonus tracks on that one??? That albums rips from start to finish. The title track is fantastic!!!
i love him in Europe, but his solo albums Total Control and Face The Truth are awesome too.


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What are the bonus tracks on that one??? That albums rips from start to finish. The title track is fantastic!!!

Two songs called, Government Man and A Long Time Comin'.

i love him in Europe, but his solo albums Total Control and Face The Truth are awesome too.

I agree. Glenn Hughes sung a little on Total Control, which makes it all the better! :headbang:

Maybe I'll have to listen to some other Europe albums. While yes, it is a hair classic, Final Countdown was so cheesy to me. The lyrics were awful...."Ninja survive!"
Great band.
I was one of the fortunate few that got to see the beginning of the Europe era. That one late night on December 13 in 83 or 84 when they won the Lucia Rock was a moment to remember. Lucia rock was an event put together by Swedish TV / Government to keep teenagers off the streets on Dec. 13. For a few years they put on a rock music contest and the winner got a recording deal. Europe won that year and they were fantastic (leg warmers and all).... The rest is history. I like all their stuff, and do feel they are a band that should get a lot more recognition. Great musicians and extremely passionate about their work.
Got all the Europes, love them all. Especially their latest 3, Start from the Dark, Secret Society, & Last Look at Eden. All have a modern sound but are still Europe. Saw them t the Chicago HOB for their Start from the Dark Tour, and they were awesome. I hope they keep it up.
...I love the band, Europe, and The Final Countdown album! There is simply some great melodic rock tunes here that I can't help but love. How can anyone argue that John Norum isn't a great guitarist, even on this album? Go ahead, flame away, I don't care!

Nope. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I love Europe. And Winger. And speaking of "metal pride be damned", I went to see a touring production of "Mary Poppins" last weekend. Freaking awesome! :lol:
<-- fan since the mid 80s. I saw them live a couple times in 2005, met them all as well, and that might be the closest I've ever come in my life to squeeing like a little fangirl. I'm very much a Wings of Tomorrow/John Norum fan, and I was so excited that he had rejoined them. I never thought when I was a teenager that I'd ever get to see them live, let alone with John Norum. My heart broke for him when Michelle died about two years ago.