Metal pride be damned! LOL

Always been a Europe fan...have all of their stuff EXCEPT The Final Countdown. I've just never been able to bring myself to purchase it and add it to the way to burned out on that album by a friend when it came out...same reason it's so hard to spin Appetite For Destruction now and get any enjoyment out of it...

Wings Of Tomorrow is probably my fave, although Prisoners In Paradise gets a ton of spins still...and seems to be universally accepted as their weakest album...I love it, though!
Yep, I believe you are correct now that I think about it.


Yep Goran Edman and John did all the vox for Total Control, Marcel Jacobs and Norum wrote all the music on that one too!!!

TC was one of my favorite albums, I am really glad this was bought up as I am going to revisit that album!!!!

Brian ~

No way in hell you're getting flamed for bringing up a great band like Europe!! I remember seeing them on the tour for The Final Countdown - they were simply GREAT live. They came through SoCal a few years ago and I caught them at the HOB in Anaheim.....and they still look and sound fantastic. I haven't picked up the new one yet but look forward to getting it.

I know they were ripped a lot for being "too pretty" or "too poppy" or "too cheesy"....most people weren't listening close enough in my opinion!

Drew ~
I felt the need to say that another one of John Norums great albums that was non solo or Europe was Don Dokken - Out of the Ashes, he played his ass off on that album, with Billy White from Watchtower.
