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Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hello all,

Claus and I have an exceptional evening planned for you!

Midweek Mayhem
The Loft
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tickets: $22 adv / $25 dos

Doors @ 7:00pm

Seven Kingdoms -7:45pm (40 minute set)
Vangough -8:45pm (50 minute set)
Ross The Boss - 10:00pm (90 minute set)

ROSS THE BOSS, legendary founding guitarist of MANOWAR will be joined halfway through his set by SCOTT COLUMBUS - former MANOWAR drummer and one of the most noted metal drummers of all time. Other than the Earthshaker festival, these two have not played Manowar material on-stage together in over 20 years.

This will be an incredible evening of music! Don't miss out!

Buy your tickets here:

Midweek Mayhem 2010
A SwordClaus Production
Very much looking forward to the classic Manowar material.

:headbang: :kickass: :headbang:

Ditto. I'm sure they'll be playing some classics. As I've never seen Manowar, this might be the closest I come to seeing them, unless they do a substantial American tour (that doesn't just hit the ''big'' cities) again before calling it quits.

Also, it'll be good to see Seven Kingdoms live, to see if Camden can pull off his great guitar stuff on stage. :loco:
Where does this rumor come from? I've heard it too (although no one told me which band it was - perhaps you can enlighten me?) ... all I can do is shake my head and laugh at it. It's a RUMOR and nothing else!


From the Seventh Calling Facebook page:
"Seventh Calling officially teams up with Ross The Boss for several dates in Sept. starting with The Midweek Mayhem Prog Pre-party show in Atlanta and ending at The Bowery Electric in Manhattan on Sept. 12th! Remaining September Tour dates for the North East ( U.S. TOUR) to be announced very soon!"
From the Seventh Calling Facebook page:
"Seventh Calling officially teams up with Ross The Boss for several dates in Sept. starting with The Midweek Mayhem Prog Pre-party show in Atlanta and ending at The Bowery Electric in Manhattan on Sept. 12th! Remaining September Tour dates for the North East ( U.S. TOUR) to be announced very soon!"

If there ever was a reason to start dissing a band, this would be it. What the F are they thinking?

I never heard the band - and right now I couldn't care less if they came knocking on my door begging me to give them a chance - but what I can say is that they are LYING like crazy.
Nathan and I have never been in touch with the band, and none of us have invited them to play at the midweek mayhem.
Not only are they not playing, but they have also secured themselves a place on my list of bands NEVER to check out.

Feel free to tell the band that they need to lay off the crack pipe.


PS: I'm soooo furious about this ... WTF???? I just saw they posted it on their myspace too.
Is it possible that the band is going on tour with Ross the Boss, and simply thought the Midweek Mayhem was part of the tour deal when it actually wasn't?
Is it possible that the band is going on tour with Ross the Boss, and simply thought the Midweek Mayhem was part of the tour deal when it actually wasn't?

Right, I'm sure that was it!
But that leads me to the next question ... I just checked out who the heck this band is, and found out that they are signed to H&H records who actually asked me a while ago if the touring package would be part of the show (and I said "no"). Of course now I know why Jeremy asked, since SC is one of his bands. But after I told him no, I can't understand why the band would still be left with the impression that they were to be performing. Argghhh.
This is utterly ridiculous.
It may not be the band's fault, but where they are getting their information from ( management, label, etc ). As such, you may not want to put them on your shit-list yet as they are actually a decent band.
To be honest, I have no clue about what is going on right now. A few months ago, SC mentioned to me that they would be on the tour and would be doing this fest. After Claus mentioned that there would be no more additions to this bill, it was decided that since we are the label we were backing away from this situation and leaving it up SC and whomever is promoting the Ross the Boss tour to deal with. Three weeks ago, we were told that SC were not even doing the tour altogether. Last night, I had an email that they were doing the tour and the fest was back on. I have been attempting to get in touch with the band all day without success. All I can say is that the label is not involved in this situation and that we are in the dark as much as everyone else is... I do not know if they believe that the bill is part of the package or if it is a lack of communication between the management... from what I can understand, the band has been left in the dark on a lot of issues as well. But if we do find out the scoop, we will let you know Claus! Sorry!
It may not be the band's fault, but where they are getting their information from ( management, label, etc ). As such, you may not want to put them on your shit-list yet as they are actually a decent band.

I "may not want to put them on my shit-list"? Why on earth not? They are damaging our show by spreading false rumors. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be pissed off ...
To be honest, I have no clue about what is going on right now. A few months ago, SC mentioned to me that they would be on the tour and would be doing this fest. After Claus mentioned that there would be no more additions to this bill, it was decided that since we are the label we were backing away from this situation and leaving it up SC and whomever is promoting the Ross the Boss tour to deal with. Three weeks ago, we were told that SC were not even doing the tour altogether. Last night, I had an email that they were doing the tour and the fest was back on. I have been attempting to get in touch with the band all day without success. All I can say is that the label is not involved in this situation and that we are in the dark as much as everyone else is... I do not know if they believe that the bill is part of the package or if it is a lack of communication between the management... from what I can understand, the band has been left in the dark on a lot of issues as well. But if we do find out the scoop, we will let you know Claus! Sorry!

Exactly! You asked me a few weeks ago if the touring package was part of the show - I told you no (without knowing you were referring to SC), and that should be the end of the story. I'm not in any way blaming you Jeremy. You didn't do anything wrong. But the band (any band) needs to get their facts straight before going out public with stuff like that.

last time i checked "record label" DOES NOT mean, nor imply "booking agent" just for the record. it happens to me all the time, as i am just the label and i don't book the bands on my record label which i believe to be the case for H&H. helping out from time to time, again does not make him their agent. i am sure it will all get sorted out and i highly doubt they are saying they are on this show in bad faith it seems like honest case of misinformation and someone not being forthcoming with the correct information the band needs to promote.
last time i checked "record label" DOES NOT mean, nor imply "booking agent" just for the record. it happens to me all the time, as i am just the label and i don't book the bands on my record label which i believe to be the case for H&H. helping out from time to time, again does not make him their agent. i am sure it will all get sorted out and i highly doubt they are saying they are on this show in bad faith it seems like honest case of misinformation and someone not being forthcoming with the correct information the band needs to promote.

It is so true.:lol:
It amazes me how many people are really confused about how things work. Hell I don't have time to book and play tour agent. But still I get contacted a lot and have to say contact the band. People contact me all the time about TTD and they were never even on the label.
As for the situation at hand is is just like you have suggested.
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