Post Blind Guardian Atlanta Meet 'N' Drink


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
You are invited to head over to McDuff's Irish pub (located behind the Roxy) after the Blind Guardian show for a meet 'n' drink with my wife & I.

Look forward to raising a pint and relaxing after the show.

I will definitely try to be there, though I will have a sixteen year old cousin in tow.

EDIT: sixteen year old actually may not show. He has no ride here and lives an hour away in Paulding County.
Count me in, Glenn! Will you be wearing that crazy hawaiian shirt? Will Jimmy Buffet be playing in the background?
Depending on whether I feel like freezing my patooties off outside after the show trying to get autographs, I'll probably join ya as well, at least for a little while.

Errm, since I'm usually a non-drinker and everyone else said they were either underage or drinking water, I might break tradition and (gasp) Have A Drink...just to keep Glenn company. Don't tell anyone, please.

--As for that one (1) drink I had at ProgPower, I was tricked!!! :lol:
Pellaz try beforehand to get autographs it worked pretty good at Jaxx in VA last night!!!!! They where so gracious and personable!!!!!! It was very cold here so I tried to get them before the show and it turned out GREAT!!!! Met all the guys and they signed a couple of things and tooks pictures!!!! It was A GREAT METAL moment!!!!!!
Depending on whether I feel like freezing my patooties off outside after the show trying to get autographs, I'll probably join ya as well, at least for a little while.
I agree with panzermastery. Try to catch them BEFORE the show. Suggest around 5:00. They are in a much more gracious mood then. Saw then in NYC before; great experience. After Philly show, froze our asses off for two hours and except for Hansi signing a couple photographs, they basically bolted for the bus. They looked VERY tired and cold so it was certainly understandable, but I wouldn't waste time waiting outside the venue.
Wow... Looks like I'll need to stick around so Glenn can have somebody to actually drink with. :)

well, if you're sticking around, that means Tracie and I will be too :) so there will be a few of us to actually drink with Glenn

provided (of course) that they have cider :) if not, you know i'm in trouble!
--the Reverend