ProgPower USA XIII - Magazine and CD Sampler - Comments/Thoughts?

I usually wait a couple weeks before reading the book, once the feeling of really missing the festival sinks in. I'm sure it's great as always.
You guys did a great job again as usual. I love the interviews by Milton and I was proud to see Delain on the sampler. The greatest thing that I loved was seeing my friends of Siren's Cry on the sampler and also their ad in the magazine. I would really like to see them play the fest one year. Those guys are so sweet and AWESOME!!!!!
Thanks all! I really enjoyed pinch-hitting this year!
I am slowly getting through some of the interviews too. Thanks Milton & Zod for those - I LOVE reading them.

Start getting your songs and ads ready for next year ... we will be knocking on your door soon!
As I mentioned in an unrelated thread, I particularly enjoyed the interviews this year. Read all of them back-to-back on the flight home while listening to tunes from the band in question. Not sure exactly why but they kept my attention more than in past years, although I always read them.

Only have one spin through the CDs so far and found some things I like and some that were so-so. Will definitely be listening more, just haven't had a chance. The live track from Mob Rules from last year's show was a nice touch.
I had a six hour drive home on Sunday, so I had plenty of time to listen to the sampler. To me this is the best collection of new material yet. I have already bought some of the new releases as a result of the sampler. Also, I got on a plane to China on Monday which allowed me

to pour into the mag. Always a great read. Thanks to everyone who pull the magazine and sampler together!
During my long drive back to PA, I listened to all 3 of the CDs. There's some great stuff on there and definitely some bands that I will pursue and buy their stuff. I've only yet read a handful of the interviews but so far they are fascinating and much better than most others I've seen. Great job to everyone involved! This was my first PPUSA and I loved it.
Both the program and the sampler are really well put together. I've enjoyed reading the interviews, even with the bands I don't follow, and am surprised at how good most of the bands on the sampler are. I mean, there are a couple of major duds, but overall there are some good songs there.
i said mostly, because it is mostly a bunch of filler crap death metal bands, that no one really cares about,or has ever heard of. There are some good bands there, but I think i would rather see 12 or 13 good bands , than a bunch of filler bands to see 5 good bands out of 30 or so bands.

THIS! Thank you goodnight.

By the way.... LISTEN to all the indie bands on the sampler, two are new Nightmare signings that I haven't announced yet, can you guess which ones?
"The start of the week means its time to find out about new metal bands with our "Unearthing the Metal Underground" column. This week we take a look at three bands discovered through the ProgPower USA festival - Draekon, Seven Kingdoms, and Siren's Cry. Take a look and let us know what you think of these bands!"

All 3 bands appear on the 3 disc sampler

I always look forward to the interviews and sampler disks. I thought the magazine was excellent, as always. Milton and Greg do a spectacular job with the interviews. The sampler disks were good, but I had some familiarity with quite a few of the bands this year. As a result, I had fewer "Eureka!" moments.