R.I.P. Mark Shelton

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Pretty interesting that rms digs Manilla Road about the same amount as I probably do, yet we both like them for seemingly completely different reasons.
Wait, I confused Slaughterhouse with Midnight Meat Train. It's funny that they share a very similar main riff though. Manilla Road and sloppy speed/thrash don't go well together.
Pretty interesting that rms digs Manilla Road about the same amount as I probably do, yet we both like them for seemingly completely different reasons.

:lol: i don't think so but i feel like one of the cool kids on spiral castle, most people had it with out of the abyss or courts of chaos for awhile
RIP... I was shocked when I read this!
I'm not sure why people have such a hard time accepting that Manilla Road made a nu-metal-influenced song. Mark obviously heard a lot of newer music in the 1990s and after that he wanted to experiment with in his own music.

I know that he isn't the only person who contributed songwriting to The Circus Maximus but that album has all kinds of weirdness happening on it and he also said that Opeth is one of his main influences in post-reformation Manilla Road and that's really not surprising if you've actually heard all of those albums.

I don't care for "Throne of Lies" but at least he was willing to always try different things when he made new albums.
Metal : "Defender"
Crystal Logic : "Crystal Logic"
Open the Gates
: "Astronomica"
The Deluge : "Friction in Mass"
Mystification : "Mystification"
Out of the Abyss : "Helicon"
The Courts of Chaos : "Into the Courts of Chaos"
Atlantis Rising : "March of the Gods"
Spiral Castle : "Spiral Castle"
Gates of Fire : I'm just gonna go with the entire Out of the Ashes trilogy - It's hard to highlight one song as the best, especially since the most spine-chilling part is played in both "Imperious Rise" and "Rome".
Voyager : "Voyager"
Mysterium : "Mysterium"
To Kill a King : "The Arena"
how is it nu metal is the question


For what it's worth, I wouldn't strictly call it a nu-metal song even though the influence is obvious. You're hopefully clowning here and not actually this oblivious.

I'm going to assume that Mark had second thoughts about the song since it never made it to the original album even though Spiral Castle is the shortest post-reunion album by the band, with Playground of the Damned being the only other one that isn't over 50 minutes long.
yes I am oblivious to all the time you and other basement dwellers spend on arguing about the metallicness of songs on obscure albums by obscure bands
Everyone who has hard the song knows that it has nu-metal influences, unless they're totally ignorant of what nu-metal even sounds like. It doesn't sound like a Manilla Road song in any significant way beyond having Mark Shelton's vocals on it, which are quite recognizable.

I applaud Mark for always trying to do new things, but that song doesn't really fit on Spiral Castle and Mark seems to have agreed since he left it off the album. Tim McGrogan also made a mistake putting such a track in the middle of the running order on the Shadow Kingdom Records reissue. It sounds totally out of place and should have been at the end if it had to be on there at all.

Then again, maybe Mark also agreed that Tim mishandled those reissues since he jumped ship to ZYX to do the significantly better reissues that have been coming out recently even though most of his discography had just been put out by SKR and was still available.
it's not really productive when I ask how it's nu metal and you say "everyone says it sounds like nu metal"

is it because of that choppy effect that begins the song? or the "telling me lies, telling me lies" ?
the nu-metal isn't in the choppiness or the chugging, which was done years before nu-metals existence and is still done today by a lot of other artists. Some of the greatest shredders have even incorporated that stuff on some of their solo work. Only real nu-metal i find there is the lulzy vocals. Also i didn't listen to the whole things so yeah.
it's not really productive when I ask how it's nu metal and you say "everyone says it sounds like nu metal"

is it because of that choppy effect that begins the song? or the "telling me lies, telling me lies" ?

You aren't trying to have a productive discussion, so why do you expect productive responses? You obviously know why people think the song sounds like nu-metal already. It's been discussed on this site multiple times before.
mother fucker I asked and you painted me as a guy living under a fucking rock for not knowing the well developed and well known spiral castle nu metal argument.
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