Singer for Shadow Gallery


Sep 20, 2004
Germantown, Tennessee
Guys, I know those of us who are fans of Shadow Gallery are still upset about Mikes passing and I don't want to offend anyone but I had a question that I have been thinking about and wanted your opinion: I think DC Cooper would be a great singer for Shadow Gallery. His voice is dramatic and powerful, he has already worked with some of the band and they all are in Pennsylvania. What do you guys think!:headbang:
You the same one who stirred up this question on the SG List? Like I said...bad timing. Mike has not been gone from us all that long and already you are stirring up a hornet's nest of emotions? As it was stated on the SG List so eloquently, the band did not just lose a singer, they lost their brother. It takes alot longer that 2 months before one should or could be able to THINK about something like that. I'm offended. I'm offended both personally and on behalf of the band.

My dos centavos? NO DC. it would no longer be Shadow Gallery if you bring in a name singer.....then it becomes SG and X. a large part of the band's musical sound identity is Mike Baker's voice.

but yea.....really poor timing. Just 2 months gone and it's Mike who? And now since I've seen this question a few pimpin for DC?
You the same one who stirred up this question on the SG List? Like I said...bad timing. Mike has not been gone from us all that long and already you are stirring up a hornet's nest of emotions? As it was stated on the SG List so eloquently, the band did not just lose a singer, they lost their brother. It takes alot longer that 2 months before one should or could be able to THINK about something like that. I'm offended. I'm offended both personally and on behalf of the band.

My dos centavos? NO DC. it would no longer be Shadow Gallery if you bring in a name singer.....then it becomes SG and X. a large part of the band's musical sound identity is Mike Baker's voice.

but yea.....really poor timing. Just 2 months gone and it's Mike who? And now since I've seen this question a few pimpin for DC?

With all due respect for Mike, the band and you, I do believe that you're reacting in the wrong way. Yes, it's tragic and we all feel saddened by this. I have no doubt that you are way more involved in this, and have way more feelings to be hurt, than any of us. But we can't stop people from speculating about the future.

Right before Christmas, one of the biggest bands in Denmark (a pop band) experienced a tragedy of similar proportions - the singers wife committed suicide, and letters found indicate that he being so busy with the band was part of the reason she had her personal troubles. Yesterday the band did their first concert since it happened, with the singer telling the media that life needs to go on, and as soon as he could get his mind off what happened and at least to some extent try and rebuild his life and future, the better - not just for him but also for his two daughters.

So, with that in mind, life needs to go on - even after something so tragic. Families needs to move on, and we all know how FANS are eager to look forward.

Sorry to hear that what "angrarox" said hurt you so much, but with all respect, you can't stop the speculation. It's fine that you don't want to be part of the speculation, and it's completely understandable that the band don't want to see it posted on their own forum. But what goes on around the thousands of homes where SG fans are sitting in front of their computers, just shouldn't bother you to the extent where you come on this forum and slam the guy for posting his own opinion.

Now I don't want to take sides on this discussion because everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs about this, but I think the Byrds said it best:

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to build up,a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear its not too late
As I stated, I didn't want to offend anyone and I TRULY meant that! I guess I just shouldn't have said anything and I am very sorry. I LOVE Shadow Gallery! They are the first band I "discovered" when I began listening to this genre. I want them to continue. Mike's voice is SPECTACULAR!! I was just trying to think of someone out there who could do him justice and the only one I could think of is DC. I just wanted other's opinions. I'm still hurting too. Coldie, please accept my apologies. I know you hurt more than others since you are close to the band. Very bad decision on my part:cry:
As I stated, I didn't want to offend anyone and I TRULY meant that! I guess I just shouldn't have said anything and I am very sorry. I LOVE Shadow Gallery! They are the first band I "discovered" when I began listening to this genre. I want them to continue. Mike's voice is SPECTACULAR!! I was just trying to think of someone out there who could do him justice and the only one I could think of is DC. I just wanted other's opinions. I'm still hurting too. Coldie, please accept my apologies. I know you hurt more than others since you are close to the band. Very bad decision on my part:cry:

Very Class act, you should be commended, and hey don't be a stranger in this forum:headbang::headbang::headbang:
With all due respect for Mike, the band and you, I do believe that you're reacting in the wrong way. Yes, it's tragic and we all feel saddened by this. I have no doubt that you are way more involved in this, and have way more feelings to be hurt, than any of us. But we can't stop people from speculating about the future.

Right before Christmas, one of the biggest bands in Denmark (a pop band) experienced a tragedy of similar proportions - the singers wife committed suicide, and letters found indicate that he being so busy with the band was part of the reason she had her personal troubles. Yesterday the band did their first concert since it happened, with the singer telling the media that life needs to go on, and as soon as he could get his mind off what happened and at least to some extent try and rebuild his life and future, the better - not just for him but also for his two daughters.

So, with that in mind, life needs to go on - even after something so tragic. Families needs to move on, and we all know how FANS are eager to look forward.

Sorry to hear that what "angrarox" said hurt you so much, but with all respect, you can't stop the speculation. It's fine that you don't want to be part of the speculation, and it's completely understandable that the band don't want to see it posted on their own forum. But what goes on around the thousands of homes where SG fans are sitting in front of their computers, just shouldn't bother you to the extent where you come on this forum and slam the guy for posting his own opinion.


QFT. Well said.
I think the beatles say it best, life goes on. I know when I die I want people to go on with their lives, right away. With any death that has happened in my family, I am sad for a few days and then move on, because time for mourning should not be months, years, and so forth, because all mourning does is bring you down and the departed only want everybody to be happy.

To each their own, but that is just how I see and feel things.
Not to disrespect the dead in anyway, but just stating an observation, the singer for Leverage sounds alot like him.
As I "heard"..Shadow Gallery already had a new cd in the works and all that was needed was about bad timing... I don't think SG should use DC Cooper on the one reason that you can also consider it an Amaran's Plight disc. I personally would wait and find a fresh voice instead of rotating the same singers used in several projects. Maybe Jorn Lande should do it, LOL. Seriously, I would look for some new blood to give SG their own identity that they once had with Mike B.
As I stated, I didn't want to offend anyone and I TRULY meant that! I guess I just shouldn't have said anything and I am very sorry. I LOVE Shadow Gallery! They are the first band I "discovered" when I began listening to this genre. I want them to continue. Mike's voice is SPECTACULAR!! I was just trying to think of someone out there who could do him justice and the only one I could think of is DC. I just wanted other's opinions. I'm still hurting too. Coldie, please accept my apologies. I know you hurt more than others since you are close to the band. Very bad decision on my part:cry:

Disagreed. Not a bad decision at all... what better respect for the dead than saying someone's talent could only be matched by a voice like DC Cooper? I think that's a huge compliment, and of course it's understood that no one will ever truly replace Mike.

A quick aside, i don't feel like death is something to be grieved for an indefinite period of time. Celebrate Mike's life by having his legacy live on and his music continue to be heard. Remember him and pay tribute, but there's never a "too soon". Especially for paying respects by talking about someone who could help him and his art live on.

Coldfire... understood where you're coming from, but also realize (as Claus summed up) that life will go on, as the world does not stop for anyone. That being the case, can you really think of a better way to pay tribute to those who have passed by discussing who is worthy of representing their life's work best? To let it rest would be (in my opinion) the ultimate insult.
Amen Doomsday...To let it rest would be (in my opinion) the ultimate insult.

Maybe they will finally play at least 1 live show in tribute to Mike, and really celebrate his life and contributions to the world of music.
Maybe they will finally play at least 1 live show in tribute to Mike, and really celebrate his life and contributions to the world of music.

See, I think that's what would be a slap in the Mike. He used to tell me all the time how much he was jonesing to play live again, he missed doing live shows very much. So for the band to never do so while he could participate, but wait until he was gone to do that live show he was so longing for would be a huge insult to his memory, IMO.

That's just me speaking as Mike's friend, though; your mileage may (and likely will) vary.
Now that you have said that, I don't think it would be a slap in the face, but for them to do what Mike always wanted to do, so why not do a live show in tribute to him. I am looking at things through my perspective, and if I was in Mike's position, I would want them to go out and play a show in tribute to me, especially if that is what I wanted to do more than anything was to play live. Mike's spirit would definately be there if that is what he wanted to do.