Seems like Zane has had a memory lapse and forgotten the ill will and bridges burned in 2010 with and the folks over there from ownership on down to the fans. His screed here is comparable in tone to those he's unleashed on numerous others. It is not too difficult to use the Google machine to dig up evidence of his petulance, and it is rather evident that this leopard can't change its spots.
It would seem IMHO that any business (and the persons behind it) living in the digital age of social media will have to possess thick skin to survive, and a means to deal with public criticism in a way that's not detrimental to the business itself. I would imagine this is very difficult, and the lessons learned can be brutal. However, one must also understand that the ravings of a few on a discussion board may not necessarily reflect the overall public satisfaction of the business itself if it provides the needed service an an acceptable way. The overall audience (in the end) will be the deciding factor by their purchases of the service. Again, this is just my opinion, but this may not be the way to proceed unless his presence at PPUSA is indeed a money losing venture and affects the business negatively.
That seems a bit... fucked up.

Was I really just blamed for the campaign only getting $310? That's outright ridiculous.

Haha, I was thinking the same thing, I did not know you had this much power. did you? Would you mind doing me a favor or two with the massive influence you have over the world through posting on this small forum?

Could you start a thread to:

Get all reality programs removed from TV.
Get Fox to pay Joss Whedon to bring Firefly back.
Have Kamelot start playing older material.

I would greatly appreciate you using your powers for good. :lol:
I do not understand those posting negatively on the Progpower Forum towards us. After years of service to Progpower USA (over 12 physical shows), their staff and visitors, I have viewed in disbelief, the insensitivity and cruelty some of the repeat visitors to this forum have been allowed to direct at me, or what we have created, and that repeatedly continue to be allowed to try and destroy the businesses we have created by posting here.
In an effort to rebrand and bring bigger faster databases, better store fronts (the 5th created) and better offerings of IMPORTS to larger audiences, I cannot believe the incredible LITERAL HATE that has been directed our way EXCLUSIVELY on this forum. It’s happened no other place. “You shop our stores for years, you visit us with a smile at Progpower and take advantages of our sales and then you HATE us behind our backs”,? … and this is because our new business requires funding and we felt you would be there to help support us after all these years?

For any of you whom think shutting down a former business of hundreds-of-thousands of dollars a year and having a backend database full of clientele that have bought from your company for over 14 years, should be able to just fund itself, I am sorry, that’s not reality. For those of you that think it’s “OK” to troll behind your home computer and talk negatively about a business and that it won’t destroy a new venture, well you are wrong. Our new team attempted to rebrand and bring something better to music lovers, and we based it around you. We catered to your direction so that you (again) could have a BETTER one stop shop. Now through the Progpower Forum, you are being allowed to and live behind a screen and slander us repeatedly? It’s the SOLE reason why we (logically) are unable to attend Progpower USA this year. With over 2100 visitors to the last negative Progpower Forum slander event towards our funding campaign, it was very evident that we were not wanted at the show any longer. Now do you wonder why only $310 was raised? Thank you for the help.

Both my wife, my staff and myself have worked with many of you for years and were counting on business investors to help us startup our new store: “yes John (madman, whatever…), companies need financial backing, especially when being out of service for a year or starting a net-new venture! …and this is called “crown funding” and you’ve helped destroy the funding for us!” I worked very hard over the past years to bring you GREAT products, a HUGE music booth and to team-up with Progpower, to bring you the sampler over the past 3 years, free of charge to you. I also worked hard to make sure the show was promoted well with EVERY phone call and sale we had. I simply do not understand YOUR HATE, but I feel it.

Some of the visitors on the forum, such as John Cassara (ok I need stage name“The Mad Man”), former Ned whom felt the need to chime in because he's so MUCH more experienced, Troy Marchant and others, seem to think it’s ok/or their entitled to make up something to hurt others. I don’t understand your HATE, motives or ill will towards us. Some of you list “shady business ventures” but what were they? Was it that we could not get your order to you fast enough? Was it that I personally did not answer your phone call? Was it because you knew my name and had someone’s name to direct your hate towards? Or was it because we interacted with you on a forum.

Whatever your reason, the reason we will not be attending Progpower this year is because of those that have created a large HATE towards us on this forum. If that was your ultimate goal, you have succeeded.

Good riddance. What a joke.
Apparently, the Insider sale was barely breaking even (if that) and that's why it was shut down. Too bad, because I loved it too, but I can't blame him for not spending valuable time and effort on something that gets him next to nothing.
Apparently, the Insider sale was barely breaking even (if that) and that's why it was shut down. Too bad, because I loved it too, but I can't blame him for not spending valuable time and effort on something that gets him next to nothing.
I'm fully aware about the reasons the Insider Sale was stopped, but without Zane, I'd hoped somehow it could make a comeback.

Check out this thread that was started here last December.

That thread may provide some of the answers you are looking for. Read the entire thread. I know its lengthy, but in my opinion it would be worth your time. I think what you'll find there are a lot of confused people wanting to know what happened to your business, and you'll find a lot of people who were sticking up for you too. There were some others who had placed orders with you and were concerned if they would get their CDs or a refund or nothing at all.

Basically as of last December you had a lot of support here. I would wager there are still a lot of people here who would continue to support you by ordering products from your new business, but you have to understand you are dealing with people and not just credit card numbers. A little communication and respect to your customers or potential customers can go a long way. People here want to support the metal music business and those trying to make a living in it. That would include you, but when you are asking customers to hand you their hard earned money you have to make them feel good about doing business with you. Good customer service can go a long way in that regard. In fact, people are willing to pay a little bit more to businesses that give them good customer service.

So, my advice would be to go back to that thread and read what people were saying 6 months ago when you suddenly closed shop, think about what people were saying then, and think about how it has affected what is going on today. What you have there is what a lot of companies pay a heck of a lot of money for, and if you choose to pay attention to it you can have it for free. Its basically marketing research. If you read these forums, see what people are saying, and adjust your model to address those opportunities - and problems to be solved ARE opportunities - then you could come out of all of this back on top and better than ever. Coming on here and pointing the finger at people isn't the way to build your business back up. After all, if you really want to get down to it, its not our problem if your business is struggling.

CDINZANE, what you have is a great opportunity here. Swallow some pride, admit to yourself that something isn't working, and make the necessary changes. If it were my business, I would also take the time to come here everyday and participate in some discussions. Show your customers you care and you'll do what it takes to make things right. I wish you well, CDINZANE. I don't think I'm alone here when I say I'd like to see you pick yourself and your business back up and be successful again. Just look at today as a low point, try to forget about people's anger, and do something constructive about it.

ACCEPT, Blind Rage: From the Ashes We Rise

"...We've been knocked down, we'll get up
From the ashes we rise
We've been kicked around sure enough
We will survive.
We've been shot down, we'll get up
From the ashes we rise
Life is so hard, just get tough
We will survive."

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