Songwriting 101...Mountain King style! (event announcement)

While I'm not the Savatage or Jon Oliva fan others on this forum may be, I think this would be one of the most interesting insights to musical creation offered. Consider me interested just for knowledge sake. How cool!
So is this "event" to be a combination of studio video footage and live dialogue?

I'm not sure what gave you that impression, but that is incorrect. Jon will be performing all instruments in person, recording them, and then mixing the demo of the new song in the same room with you.
I'm not sure what gave you that impression, but that is incorrect. Jon will be performing all instruments in person, recording them, and then mixing the demo of the new song in the same room with you.

OK, that's different and potentially interesting. Depending on the ticket price, it could be appealing.

With descriptions of "final mix" and "a song which will appear on a future JOP record" led me to believe a studio setting with mixing boards, not to mention multiple instruments, studio soundproofing and fancy mics. But then you also state live. So I was confused. Of course, in this day-and-time, the mixing can be done on a laptop ... I don't know how good, but it can be done. Of course, your reply, now indicates this will be a final "demo". And that makes more sense than a final studio quality song.

I certainly like the bonus songs Jon added to the Savatage reissues in 2011. They are stripped down versions of classics done in a demo style which provide new depth to the songs. Jon's voice, while not as smooth as Zak, is very emotive and draws you in. What he lacks in range and grace is more than made up in style.

So if this PP event will be more of the same, but with a new song, I can see the appeal. I hope it works. I have doubts about distractions from the crowd. Some of the PP fans are very noisy, especially the drunks ones who may have trouble sitting still for two hours. Jon's acoustic show from a few years ago is a prime example.
I'm having a hard time visioning what this will be like, but I have to say it's an interesting idea. And it's Oliva, so you know it's going to be cool. I just hope he's his same charismatic self just like with the acoustic/piano set a few years back!

But I'll go ahead and say that I hope the main shows are not Savatage related. If they are, I'll still go and I'll still sing along, no question, but we've already had WoMD, Oliva acoustic, and JOP. What more do you people really want? If it's taking this long to confirm, you know it's something it likely won't be something we've seen before.
I would imagine anyone who's being a douche will be removed and thrown out onto his or her ass.

Correct. Biffle had best re-live his memories only in his mind if he plans on attending.

There is also a difference between only 150 seats compared to 300 standing room only. This is being advertised up front as a serious atmosphere compared to the normal party mode as in the past.
I have now come to appreciate it Jon WAY MORE then I used to and I would hate myself if I got as wasted as did the first time. Jon is now my favorite song writer so I will behave.
Very Cool idea, Glenn always seems to bring something unique.

Now to the big question, any news on when the Wednesday night and Thursday night shows will be announced?