Swords & Chains Records presents Storm Warning

Im proud to announce our 2nd release is Germany's Storm Warning. It will be a release of their 2012 demo with 2 exclusive bonus live tracks on tape, limited to 100 copies. Due out April 20, pre-orders will begin at the end of March. If you're in Europe they will be available from the band and our European distributor Heavy Merch (who will be making exclusive Storm Warning patches to sell with their editions).

I know most of you don't care for tapes but i'm still going to announce it here anyways.

Stream the entire demo here: http://swordsandchains.bandcamp.com/

Great stuff here! Nothing wrong with tapes. Only Analog is Real.

tapes suck. Growing up with the format blew. I just finally got rid of my car that still had a tape deck. I dont care what anyone says...it is a format that made a small comeback for people who missed it first time around and thinks it is cool. quality sucks. Dont try to tell me other wise...I work in the video / audio field and know all about compression, tape, analog and stuff.
Bob - For someone who spends all his free time trying to discover bands you missed out on the first time, you sure have a hatred for anything "Retro" LOL
Bob - For someone who spends all his free time trying to discover bands you missed out on the first time, you sure have a hatred for anything "Retro" LOL

I have no problem with "retro" just dead formats. Like I said...I work in an industry that uses tape formats on a daily basis and just going backwards is pointless. Just putting out a dead format to be "kvlt" is pointless to me. Would rather see money put towards a real release and see this label do some cool stuff.
I am just bustin' your balls.......
Though peoples new found interest in vinyl and tapes is no different than your new found interest in cult 80s bands.....

I don't think anyone would ever claim that the sound of an audio tape is superior than digital, but I will take vinyl over a non-remastered (originally analog recorded) CD anyday (Which is probably a ton of the stuff you listen to)
I am just bustin' your balls.......
Though peoples new found interest in vinyl and tapes is no different than your new found interest in cult 80s bands.....

I don't think anyone would ever claim that the sound of an audio tape is superior than digital, but I will take vinyl over a non-remastered (originally analog recorded) CD anyday (Which is probably a ton of the stuff you listen to)

come back after you get a real sound system and record player and then tell me about how great the sound is...if you are using your $100 record player from a current retail store...you really are not getting the fullest in quality. Kind of like watching blu-ray on a tube SD set my good man. so until then....pipe it.
I like how we go through the same argument everytime "tape release" comes up.

Cd release this summer, hopefully. All comes down to money. Tape releases do bring in money so there is a reason to my so called "kvlt" madness. If i was relying purely on distro orders to fund a cd release, it would never happen or id be saving up for years before it happens. I cannot afford to pay for an entire release straight out of pocket, too much risk for someone like me who doesnt have a job and needs to watch personal funds now that im getting ready to move on to the next step in my life.

If you dont like it, dont buy it. At least i am helping bands get their name out and get record deals on bigger labels. Getting a band's music out, making metal fans happy, and helping bands out makes me happy enough where i could release cassettes for as long as this label last and always be satisfied with what I have done.
I like how we go through the same argument everytime "tape release" comes up.

Cd release this summer, hopefully. All comes down to money. Tape releases do bring in money so there is a reason to my so called "kvlt" madness. If i was relying purely on distro orders to fund a cd release, it would never happen or id be saving up for years before it happens. I cannot afford to pay for an entire release straight out of pocket, too much risk for someone like me who doesnt have a job and needs to watch personal funds now that im getting ready to move on to the next step in my life.

If you dont like it, dont buy it. At least i am helping bands get their name out and get record deals on bigger labels. Getting a band's music out, making metal fans happy, and helping bands out makes me happy enough where i could release cassettes for as long as this label last and always be satisfied with what I have done.

coming from the guy who post everyday new CDs/ records / and stuff that he just bought? use that money towards a release.
come back after you get a real sound system and record player and then tell me about how great the sound is...if you are using your $100 record player from a current retail store...you really are not getting the fullest in quality. Kind of like watching blu-ray on a tube SD set my good man. so until then....pipe it.

You are helping me PROVE my point even more.
Even on my crappy retro turntable, my albums sound great.
I am not enough of a vinyl guy to want or need a deluxe soundsystem with sub woofers and an EQ system.

Are you saying it would then even sound WORSE on a better system?

I think the worst quality are non remastered CDs of albums which were originally recorded in analog.
coming from the guy who post everyday new CDs/ records / and stuff that he just bought? use that money towards a release.

Once again thats all personal money, i need to enjoy my life. So pretty much i should stop supporting bands and other labels and put all that into one release for one band that may never sell, successfully eliminating the label? Yea i dont think so.

As long as im at it, i might as well not go to Ragnarokkr and ask for money back too
You are helping me PROVE my point even more.
Even on my crappy retro turntable, my albums sound great.
I am not enough of a vinyl guy to want or need a deluxe soundsystem with sub woofers and an EQ system.

Are you saying it would then even sound WORSE on a better system?

I think the worst quality are non remastered CDs of albums which were originally recorded in analog.

no you are not getting it....you say how much better it sounds but I would rather deal with compression on a CD that pops and skips on a record.

Nothing is worse than some of the CD's I have like Culprit and Cloven Hoof where literally they just recorded the vinyl along with pops and stuff on it. it is god awful.
Once again thats all personal money, i need to enjoy my life. So pretty much i should stop supporting bands and other labels and put all that into one release for one band that may never sell, successfully eliminating the label? Yea i dont think so.

As long as im at it, i might as well not go to Ragnarokkr and ask for money back too

your life should be about metal. dont you know!